The dark matter visualisation in this video is used with the permission of Volker Springel
Galaxy data is from the Millennium Run with thanks to Carlos Frenk, Carlton Baugh,Richard Bower and Cedric Lacey
Movies made by Joel Snape and Andrew Moore

Millennium Flythrough


A flythrough of the millenium simulation. Starting with galaxies, the movie fades to show the dark matter and then back to the galaxies while flying round a central cluster of galaxies. Two sets are available, one with fake galaxies generated by Daniel Farrow, the other with images from the SDSS matched to predicted galaxy positions.


A 3-dimensional visualization of the Millennium Simulation. The movie shows a journey through the simulated universe. On the way, we visit a rich cluster of galaxies and fly around it. During the two minutes of the movie, we travel a distance for which light would need more than 2.4 billion years. The left pane of the video shows the galaxies, the right hand side the underlying dark matter.


A flythrough of the millenium simulation. Starting with galaxies, the movie fades to show the dark matter and then back to the galaxies while flying round a central cluster of galaxies. Two sets are available, one with fake galaxies generated by Daniel Farrow, the other with images from the SDSS matched to predicted galaxy positions.

Exploring Dark Matter

A 3-dimensional visualization of the Millennium Simulation. The movie shows a journey through the simulated universe. On the way, the galaxies fade to show the dark matter underpinning their formation.


This movie shows a journey down an extract (a 30x30x500Mpc cuboid) of the millenium simulation, showing galaxies from Sloan mapped onto the simlated galaxy positions.

Circuit Fade

This movie is a flythrough of a 50Mpc cube taken from the millenium simulation. Midway through the movie fades to show the dark matter: clusters and filaments can be seen.

Circuit Standalone

These two movies have the same flight path and volume as the "Circuit Fade" above, but stay showing either galaxies or dark matter particles.