Millennium Flythrough
A flythrough of the millenium simulation. Starting with galaxies, the movie fades to show the dark matter and then back to the galaxies while flying round a central cluster of galaxies. Two sets are available, one with fake galaxies generated by
Daniel Farrow, the other with images from the
SDSS matched to predicted galaxy positions.
A 3-dimensional visualization of the Millennium Simulation. The movie shows a journey through the simulated universe. On the way, we visit a rich cluster of galaxies and fly around it. During the two minutes of the movie, we travel a distance for which light would need more than 2.4 billion years. The left pane of the video shows the galaxies, the right hand side the underlying dark matter.
A flythrough of the millenium simulation. Starting with galaxies, the movie fades to show the dark matter and then back to the galaxies while flying round a central cluster of galaxies. Two sets are available, one with fake galaxies generated by Daniel Farrow, the other with images from the
SDSS matched to predicted galaxy positions.