
HTML Files

All the *.html files are in this directory /gal/perm/cole/mocks which also can be found by the link /home/cole/public_html/mocks.

Embedded Tables

Some of the tables embedded on the WWW pages were produced using TeX/LaTex these files *.ps and *.tex are in ./tables .

Embedded Figures

The postscript and gif figures on the web-pages are all in the ./figures directory or its sub-directories. The files in the sub-directories have links to them from the main directory. This is so that figures downloaded over the web are automatically given unique file names.

Note there command files in ./figures (,, that can be used in reconstructing the gif files and links.

Journal Paper

All the tex postscript etc files of the journal paper are in ./paper and its sub-directories.

Mock Catalogues

Links to all the mock catalogue files from the orginal Cole, Hatton, Weinberg and Frenk paper are in ./cats though these are in fact all links generated by ./cats/ . Again the reason is that files downloaded are automatically given unique file names.

The actual data files for the above catalogues are in ./data -> /gal/dsk1/cole/sim/universes/ (ie ./data is a link to /gal/dsk1/cole/sim/universes/ )