The IRAS PSCZ Mock Galaxy Redshift Catalogues

The construction of and information contained in IRAS PSCZ catalogues provided here differ in several ways to those of the SDSS and 2dF catalogues Full details of these catalogues will appear here before too long! But for now please note the following.
  • IRAS galaxies are less clustered than optical galaxies. Thus the biasing parameters in each model were chosen to match a correlation function close to that of IRAS galaxies and not that of APM galaxies.
  • The x,y,z coordinate system is alligned with galactic rather than equatorial coordinates as this is a more natural projection to use for the PSCZ catalogue.
  • The observer was not chosen at random but chosen to satisfy criteria similar to those of the local group. The observer is therefore at a different location in each mock catalogue.
  • A non-evolving IRAS luminosity function was assumed in order to generate the selection function. The corresponding IRAS flux replaces the apparent magnitude listed in the SDSS and 2dF catalogues.
  • The non-relativistic relation between redshift and distance r=z/3000 Mpc/h was used in all cases rather than the appropriate relativistic expression for each cosmology.
  • Some of the catalogues may have in their headers the value of Omega_0 listed as -1 ! In this case sorry. The actual value of Omega_0 you will have to deduce from the file name.