Redshift space slices from the flat COBE normalized models

If you click on any of the following images you should obtain the corresponding full resolution postscript version of the figure.

2df slices 3 degrees deep in declination.

In the main slice galaxies are plotted at their redshift-space positions. The two inset panels show in real-space the mass and galaxy distributions in slices 20 Mpc/h thick and 100 Mpc/h on a side. In these panels both the mass and galaxy distributions are sampled to a number density of n = 0.051 (h/Mpc)^3 .

Omega=0.1 Lambda=0.9 Omega=0.2 Lambda=0.8
Omega=0.3 Lambda=0.7 Omega=0.4 Lambda=0.6
Omega=0.5 Lambda=0.5 Omega=1 Lambda=0

SDSS slices 6 degrees deep.

Omega=0.1 Lambda=0.9 Omega=0.2 Lambda=0.8
Omega=0.3 Lambda=0.7 Omega=0.4 Lambda=0.6
Omega=0.5 Lambda=0.5 Omega=1 Lambda=0