SUBROUTINE REFxion(Ear,Ne,Param,Ifl,Photar,photer) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER Ne , Ifl REAL Ear(0:Ne) , Param(*) , Photar(Ne), photer(Ne) c Driver for angle-dependent reflection from a neutral medium. c See Magdziarz & Zdziarski, 1995, MNRAS. c c The output spectrum is the sum of the input (the original contents c of Photar) and the reflection component. c The reflection component alone can be obtained c for scale (see below) = rel_refl < 0. Then the actual c reflection normalization is |scale|. Note that you need to c change then the limits of rel_refl. The range of rel_refl in that case c should exclude zero (as then the direct component appears). c c Version with variable iron abundance and new opacities of Balucinska c & McCammon (1992, and 1994, private communication). As expected in AGNs, c H and He are assumed to be fully ionized. c c This version allows for changes of the vector 'ear' between subsequent c calls. c c c number of model parameters: 6 c 1: scale, scaling factor for reflection; if <0, no direct component c (scale=1 for isotropic source above disk) c 2: redshift, z c 3: afe c 4: cosine of inclination angle c algorithm: c a[E*(1+z)]=E^{-Gamma}*exp(-E/E_c)+scale*reflection c Normalization is the photon flux at 1 keV (photons keV^-1 cm^-2 s^-1) c of the cutoff power law only (without reflection) c and in the earth frame. c c ballantyne parameters c 5: log10(Xi) c 6: gamma INCLUDE './' INTEGER isptot, ispref, ispinc, ix, iphotaux INTEGER i , j , ierr, nesave LOGICAL firstcall CHARACTER contxt*127 SAVE isptot, ispref, ispinc, ix SAVE firstcall SAVE nesave DATA isptot, ispref, ispinc, ix, nesave/5*-1/ DATA firstcall/.TRUE./ ierr = 0 IF ( firstcall ) THEN CALL xwrite('Compton reflection from neutral medium.',5) CALL xwrite('If you use results of this model in a paper,',5) CALL xwrite & ('please refer to chris' & ,5) firstcall = .FALSE. ENDIF c check on array if (photar(ne/2).ne.0.0) then IF ( Ne .NE. nesave ) THEN CALL udmget(Ne, 6, isptot, ierr) contxt = 'Failed to get memory for sptot' IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) GOTO 999 CALL udmget(Ne, 6, ispref, ierr) contxt = 'Failed to get memory for spref' IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) GOTO 999 CALL udmget(Ne, 6, ispinc, ierr) contxt = 'Failed to get memory for sppow' IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) GOTO 999 CALL udmget(Ne, 6, ix, ierr) contxt = 'Failed to get memory for x' IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) GOTO 999 nesave = Ne ENDIF c x is in the source frame and in units of m_e c^2. DO 100 i = 1 , Ne MEMR(ix+i-1) = ((Ear(i)+Ear(i-1))/2./511.)*(1.+Param(2)) 100 CONTINUE C Generate the spinc array from the input photar array. DO i = 1, Ne IF ( ear(i) .NE. ear(i-1) ) THEN MEMR(ispinc+i-1) = photar(i) * ((ear(i)+ear(i-1))/2.)**2 & / (ear(i)-ear(i-1)) ENDIF ENDDO c x is the energy array (units m_e c^2) c spinc is the input spectrum array (E F_E) c spref is the reflected spectrum array (E F_E) c sptot is the total spectrum array (E F_E), = spinc if no reflection c all dimensions = Ne CALL b2DOREFAx(Param,MEMR(ix),Ne,MEMR(isptot),MEMR(ispinc), & MEMR(ispref)) DO i = 1 , Ne Photar(i) = MEMR(isptot+i-1) * (ear(i)-ear(i-1)) & / ((ear(i)+ear(i-1))/2.)**2 ENDDO 999 CONTINUE IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL xwrite(contxt, 10) ENDIF end if c end fo array check RETURN END **==powrefa.spg processed by SPAG 4.50J at 11:22 on 27 Feb 1996 SUBROUTINE b2DOREFAx(Param,X,Jmax,Sptot,Spinc,Spref) c IMPLICIT NONE REAL gamma , ec , scale REAL Param(*) , Sptot(*) , Spref(*) , Spinc(*) , X(*) INTEGER Jmax , j c-------- C INPUT: c the scaling factor for the reflected spectrum; c 1 corresponds to seeing equal c contributions from the reflected and direct spectra scale = Param(1) c redshift c z_red = Param(2) c Iron abundance c ab0 = LOG10(Param(3)) c Cosine of inclination angle c xm = Param(4) c-------- IF ( scale.NE.0. ) THEN CALL b2DOGREENx(param,x,Jmax,Spinc,Spref) DO 120 j = 1 , Jmax Spref(j) = Spref(j)*ABS(scale) 120 CONTINUE ELSE DO 140 j = 1 , Jmax Spref(j) = 0 140 CONTINUE ENDIF IF ( scale.GE.0 ) THEN DO 160 j = 1 , Jmax Sptot(j) = Spinc(j) + Spref(j) 160 CONTINUE ELSE DO 180 j = 1 , Jmax Sptot(j) = Spref(j) 180 CONTINUE ENDIF RETURN END c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c SUBROUTINE b2DOGREENx(param,X,Jmax,Spinc,Spref) c calculates the reflected spectrum IMPLICIT NONE REAL ddy , dy , dym , Gamma, GRXYH, & GRXYL , sr , srp , xjd , xjl , xkabs , Xm , & xmin , xmo REAL xnor , xrefmax , xtransh , xtransl , y , y0 , ymin INTEGER i , j , Jmax , jmin , jrefmax , jtransh , jtransl , nc , & ncp REAL param(*), X(*) , Spref(*), Spinc(*) REAL pm1(19) , pmx(26) , ap(3) REAL SPINTERP EXTERNAL SPINTERP real xphotar(10000),xear(0:10000),xpar(4),xphoter(10000) real sprefp(10000), xphotar1(10000),xerr(10000) real scale,z_red,xi,afe real norm,ec,e,e1,sum,dloge,de integer j2,j10,ifl,count character*255 filenm real xnors,xkabs_pex,gamma_ref,gamma_pex real factor,delta save xkabs data xkabs/1.0/ c parameters scale=param(1) z_red=param(2) afe=param(3) xm=param(4) xi=10**param(5) gamma=param(6) c precision factor for Green's function integration ncp = 100 c ranges for different methods xmin = 2.E-4 ! xtransl = 0.01957 ! xtransh = 0.02348 xtransl=12.0/511.0 xtransh=14.0/511.0 ymin = .03333 c angle dependent parameters xmo = MAX(.05,MIN(.95,Xm)) CALL PM1Y(xmo,pm1) CALL PMXY(xmo,pmx) ap(2) = 0.802 - 1.019*xmo + 2.528*xmo**2 - 3.198*xmo**3 + & 1.457*xmo**4 + (.030/xmo)**4 ap(3) = 0.381 xrefmax = 1/(ymin+pmx(26)) jmin = 0 DO 100 j = 1 , Jmax IF ( X(j).GT.xmin ) GOTO 200 jmin = j 100 CONTINUE 200 jtransl = 0 DO 300 j = MAX(1,jmin) , Jmax IF ( X(j).GT.xtransl ) GOTO 400 jtransl = j 300 CONTINUE 400 jtransh = 0 DO 500 j = MAX(1,jtransl) , Jmax IF ( X(j).GT.xtransh ) GOTO 600 jtransh = j 500 CONTINUE 600 jrefmax = 0 DO 700 j = MAX(1,jtransh) , Jmax IF ( X(j).GT.xrefmax ) GOTO 800 jrefmax = j 700 CONTINUE 800 DO 900 j = 1 , jmin Spref(j) = 0 900 CONTINUE c afe xpar(1)=afe c take average 2-10 keV index c do j=1,jmax,1 c if ((x(j).gt.3.9e-3).and.(x(j-1).le.3.9e-3)) j2=j c if ((x(j).ge.1.9e-2).and.(x(j-1).lt.1.9e-2)) j10=j c end do c xpar(2)=log10(spinc(j10)/(x(j10)**2))-log10(spinc(j2)/(x(j2)**2)) c xpar(2)=xpar(2)/(log10(x(j10))-log10(x(j2))) c xpar(2)=-xpar(2) c gamma=xpar(2) xpar(2)=gamma c reflected fraction - set to zero for continuum, 1 for reflection xpar(3)=xi c redshift xpar(4)=0.0 c set up energy grid again in keV if ( then write(*,*) 'need bigger arrays' stop end if do j=0,jmax,1 xear(j)=x(j)*511.0 end do ifl=1 c reflion filenm='./reflionx.mod' call xsatbl(xear, jmax, xpar, filenm, ifl, xphotar1, xerr) c continuum sum=0.0 ec=300.0 dloge=log10(1e3/1e-3)/1000.0 e1=1.0e-3 do i=1,1000,1 e=10**(-3.0+dloge*(float(i)-0.5)) de=10**(-3.0+dloge*float(i))-e1 e1=e1+de sum=sum+(e**(-gamma+1.0))*exp(-e/ec)*de end do norm=xi*1e15*sum*1e-4/(4.0*3.1415) c convert it to factors do j=1,jmax,1 e=10**(0.5*(log10(xear(j))+log10(xear(j-1)))) xphotar(j)=norm*(e**(-gamma))*exp(-e/ec) xphotar(j)=xphotar(j)*(xear(j)-xear(j-1)) if (xear(j).lt.30.0) then xphotar(j)=xphotar1(j)/xphotar(j) else xphotar(j)=0.0 end if if (xphotar(j).lt.0.0) xphotar(j)=0.0 end do c----------------------- c then can do reflection - do up to 14 keV DO 1000 j = jmin + 1 , jtransh Spref(j) = Spinc(j)*xphotar(j) 1000 CONTINUE c----------------------- c take average 10-12 keV photon index of reflection gamma_ref=log10(spref(jtransh)/(x(jtransh)**2))- & log10(spref(jtransl+1)/(x(jtransl+1)**2)) gamma_ref=gamma_ref/(log10(x(jtransh))-log10(x(jtransl+1))) gamma_ref=-gamma_ref c albedo-need to iterate. start at high cx so little reflection at xtrans c do in log space gamma_pex=2.0*gamma_ref count=0 c find the pexriv model with the same slope do while ( ((abs(gamma_ref-gamma_pex))/(abs(gamma_ref)).gt.1.e-3) & .and.( ) c keep track count=count+1 c need to find crosssection at the 10 keV point c log crosssection set to 1.0 first time around, otherwise c remembers the old value xkabs=10**xkabs xnor=xkabs*((10.0/511.0)**3) xkabs=log10(xkabs) ap(1) = xnor/1.21 xjl = ALOG(xtransl) xjd = ALOG(xtransh) - xjl DO 1100 j = jtransl + 1 , jtransh c fjc = .5*SIN(3.14159*((ALOG(X(j))-xjl)/xjd-.5)) c Spref(j) = Spinc(j)*xphotar(j) y = 1/X(j) dym = y - ymin dy = MIN(2.,dym) ddy = (dy-pmx(26))/(ncp+1) y0 = y - dy sr = SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYL(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) dy = pmx(26) y0 = y - dy sr = .5*(sr+SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYL(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap)) DO 1050 i = 1 , ncp dy = dy + ddy y0 = y - dy sr = sr + SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYL(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) 1050 CONTINUE sr = sr*ddy IF ( dym.GT.2. ) THEN ddy = dym - 2 nc = INT(ncp*ddy/(dym-pmx(26))) ddy = ddy/(nc+1) dy = dym y0 = y - dy srp = SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYH(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) dy = 2 y0 = y - dy srp = .5*(srp+SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc) & *GRXYH(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap)) DO 1060 i = 1 , nc dy = dy + ddy y0 = y - dy srp = srp + SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc) & *GRXYH(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) 1060 CONTINUE sr = sr + srp*ddy ENDIF c Spref(j) = (.5-fjc)*Spref(j) + (.5+fjc)*sr*X(j) Sprefp(j) = sr*X(j) 1100 CONTINUE c take average 12-14 keV index gamma_pex=log10(sprefp(jtransh)/(x(jtransh)**2))- & log10(sprefp(jtransl+1)/(x(jtransl+1)**2)) gamma_pex=gamma_pex/(log10(x(jtransh))-log10(x(jtransl+1))) gamma_pex=-gamma_pex c if gamma_pex is smaller then need more ionisation so need less c crossection. and converse. xkabs=xkabs-0.3*(gamma_ref-gamma_pex) end do c renormalise below 14 keV by the difference at 14 keV. factor=sprefp(jtransh)/spref(jtransh) c catch it when it falls over if ( then write(*,*) 'NAN detected',sprefp(jtransh),spref(jtransh),factor write(*,*) gamma,gamma_ref,gamma_pex,x(1)*511,x(jmax)*511,xkabs stop end if if (spref(jtransh).eq.0.0) then write(*,*) 'INF detected',sprefp(jtransh),spref(jtransh),factor write(*,*) gamma,gamma_ref,gamma_pex,x(1)*511,x(jmax)*511,xkabs stop end if do j=jmin+1,jtransh,1 spref(j)=factor*spref(j) end do c----------------------- DO 1200 j = jtransh + 1 , jrefmax y = 1/X(j) dym = y - ymin dy = MIN(2.,dym) ddy = (dy-pmx(26))/(ncp+1) y0 = y - dy sr = SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYL(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) dy = pmx(26) y0 = y - dy sr = .5*(sr+SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYL(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap)) DO 1150 i = 1 , ncp dy = dy + ddy y0 = y - dy sr = sr + SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYL(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) 1150 CONTINUE sr = sr*ddy IF ( dym.GT.2. ) THEN ddy = dym - 2 nc = INT(ncp*ddy/(dym-pmx(26))) ddy = ddy/(nc+1) dy = dym y0 = y - dy srp = SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc)*GRXYH(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) dy = 2 y0 = y - dy srp = .5*(srp+SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc) & *GRXYH(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap)) DO 1160 i = 1 , nc dy = dy + ddy y0 = y - dy srp = srp + SPINTERP(y0,jmax,X,Spinc) & *GRXYH(pm1,pmx,dy,y0,ap) 1160 CONTINUE sr = sr + srp*ddy ENDIF Spref(j) = sr*X(j) 1200 CONTINUE c---------------------- DO 1300 j = jrefmax + 1 , Jmax Spref(j) = 0 1300 CONTINUE c first one looks dire spref(1)=spref(2) RETURN END function spinterp(invx, jmax, x, spinc) INTEGER jmax REAL spinterp, invx, x(*), spinc(*) c Performs binary search on spinc given array x and input invx (=1/x). c presumes monotonic increasing array x c efficiency improvements BD 9/2003 INTEGER ix, ixlo, ixhi REAL xtarg DATA ixlo/1/ixhi/1/ xtarg = 1./invx IF ( xtarg .LT. x(1) ) THEN spinterp = 0. RETURN ENDIF IF ( xtarg .GT. x(jmax) ) THEN spinterp = 0. RETURN ENDIF if ( then continue else if ( then c we already dealt with ixhi == jmax ixlo = ixhi ixhi = ixhi + 1 else if ( - 1)) then c ... and the case where ixlo == 1 ixhi = ixlo ixlo = ixhi - 1 else ixlo = 0 ixhi = jmax + 1 DO WHILE ( (ixhi-ixlo) .GT. 1 ) ix = (ixhi + ixlo) / 2 IF ( xtarg .GT. x(ix) ) THEN ixlo = ix ELSE ixhi = ix ENDIF ENDDO end if IF ( ixlo .NE. ixhi ) THEN spinterp = ( spinc(ixlo)*(x(ixhi)-xtarg) + & spinc(ixhi)*(xtarg-x(ixlo)) ) / (x(ixhi)-x(ixlo)) ELSE spinterp = spinc(ixlo) ENDIF RETURN END