Oral Programme
Poster Programme
Talk PDFs
Poster PDFs
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Conference Poster
Key Dates:
18-22 July 2011
Supported in part by the
European   Commission through CosmoComp   (PITN-GA-2009-238356)
Durham Astronomy Links:
Extragalactic Group
Institute for Computational     Cosmology

Durham Cathedral
Talk and poster PDFs online
Slides and posters in PDF form for virtually all of the oral programme and the majority of the poster programme are now available.
Thanks for a great conference!

Thanks to everyone for a wonderfully enjoyable and productive week. Click on photo above for a high-resolution
version. For a very high resolution version (suitable for printing) click here.
Updated programme and abstracts now available
Updated and fully searchable versions of the oral programme, poster programme, full oral and poster abstracts, and participant list are now available.
Conference overview
A comprehensive multiwavelength view of the universe of galaxies, AGN
and larger scale structures over a large fraction of cosmic history is
beginning to emerge. A complete census of star formation is within
reach and this will reveal which galaxies are growing most rapidly at
different epochs and how galaxies of different masses were assembled.
With the overwhelming circumstantial evidence in favour of
hierarchical structure formation, theoretical models of galaxy
formation are reaching maturity and are now able to confront these new
data in an increasingly rigorous way. This meeting will bring together
theorists and observers to review progress towards understanding the
physics of galaxy formation. The key questions that will be addressed
        How are galaxy properties linked to those of their dark halos?
        What drives the formation of discs, of bulges?
        How do galaxies get their gas and process it into stars?
        What are the links between central black hole formation, galaxy formation
          and AGN?
        How do internal and external factors drive galaxy evolution?
        How do galaxies and central black holes affect their environment?
        What do the Milky Way and its neighbours tell us about galaxy formation?
        How did galaxy formation begin?
Invited speakers
Tom Abel, David Alexander, Rychard Bouwens, Francoise Combes, Charlie Conroy, Carlos Frenk, Reinhard Genzel, Tim Heckman, Amina Helmi, Ryan Hickox, Philip Hopkins, Guinevere Kauffmann, Rob Kennicutt, Simon Lilly, Crystal Martin, Lucio Mayer, Ian McCarthy, Brian McNamara, Xavier Prochaska, Hans-Walter Rix, Joop Schaye, Chuck Steidel, Linda Tacconi, David Weinberg, and Simon White.