I have developed spectral energy distributions appropriate for a wide range of interstellar environments and thus heating intensity levels U (from 0.3 to 100,000 times the local ISRF). In an attempt to mimic what happens in a "real" galaxy, I have constructed galaxy SEDs by combining the individual SEDs according to a power-law distribution in U: dM(U) ~ U^{-alpha} dU, where M(U) represents the dust mass heated by U. Each SED corresponds to a slightly different exponent (alpha). As it turns out, only a portion of these spectra are applicable to our normal galaxy sample: alpha~2.6 at the quiescent end, and alpha~1 at the active end. Models with alpha<1 may apply to more active galaxies. **Note that the sequence of alpha values shown Fig 8 of Dale et al. (2001) is backwards!** alpha=1.06 should be on top; alpha=2.50 should be next to the bottom curve. spectra.dat (z=0) ------------------ This file contains the model SEDs for a range of alpha, 0.0625 to 4. The spectra span a wavelength range of 0.36 um to 1100 um. Beware that I've only constrained the models from 3 to 850 microns. Technically, the units are W/H atom, but I've never used this absolute scaling - I've always just fit these models to the observed flux(es). col. 1: lambda in um col. 2: log of nu*f_nu for alpha=0.0625 col. 3: log of nu*f_nu for alpha=0.1250 . . . col. 65: log of nu*f_nu for alpha=4.0000 alpha.dat --------- col. 1: the 64 alpha values that correspond to cols. 2-65 in spectra.dat col. 2: log of IRAS f_nu(60 um)/f_nu(100 um) ratio. model.0.dat z=0.0 file ----------- col. 1: alpha col. 2: log(fnu) for ISO 6.75 micron filter col. 3: log(fnu) for IRAS 12 micron filter col. 4: log(fnu) for ISO 15 micron filter col. 5: log(fnu) for IRAS 25 micron filter col. 6: log(fnu) for IRAS 60 micron filter col. 7: log(fnu) for IRAS 100 micron filter col. 8: log(fnu) for SIRTF 3.6 micron filter col. 9: log(fnu) for SIRTF 4.5 micron filter col.10: log(fnu) for SIRTF 5.8 micron filter col.11: log(fnu) for SIRTF 8.0 micron filter col.12: log(fnu) for SIRTF 24 micron filter col.13: log(fnu) for SIRTF 70 micron filter col.14: log(fnu) for SIRTF 160 micron filter 15 SCUBA 850 micron 16 radio 20 cm 17 SCUBA 450 micron