This site contains a selection of the videos produced during Summer 2024 by Oli Stewart during a Collingwood Undergraduate Research Internship. The project aims to "bring to life" one of the deepest images of the distant universe that JWST has taken by creating a fly-through simulation. We also create sounds for each galaxy from their unique spectra. This audio, generated using the STRAUSS project code, is embedded into the fly-through(s).
Flight through the JWST COSMOS PRIMER field. The video includes sonification, which has been generated using all of the galaxy spectra in the volume using strauss. The trace of the weighted sum of the spectra is embedded for comparison with the sound.
Download Video [with trace, mp4, 104Mb]
Flight through the JWST COSMOS PRIMER field. The video includes sonification, which has been generated using all of the galaxy spectra in the volume using strauss. The trace of the weighted sum of the spectra is embedded for comparison with the sound.
Flight through the JWST COSMOS PRIMER field,
including a camera spin.