Errata and Enhancements

  1. 19-Jan-00 We were alerted to a typo. in equation (3.3) of the Journal paper MNRAS 300,945
    The Power Law bias model (model 5) that we used assumes
    Probability proportional to (density)^alpha
    and NOT as erroneously stated
    Probability proportional to (nu)^alpha
    nu = rho/sigma - 1 .
  2. On 3-June-98 minor revisions were made to the text of the paper in response to a helpful referee's report.
  3. On 29-May-98 we included the unbiased mass distributions sampled according to the various survey boundaries and selection functions for the subset of cosmological models to which we applied each of the 6 biasing algorithms. These new mock catalogues of just the mass distribution are not of direct use for people analysing the observational catalogues, but may be of use to people studying the effect of bias in the various cosmological models. Note that as they are unbiased the mass correlation functions will generally be very different to the observed galaxy correlation function.
  4. The following catalogues were replaced on 31-Jan-98 as the previous versions had their "zhmax" values set incorrectly.