As two of the 10 institutions in the world involved in the PanSTARRS
project, Durham and Edinburgh have proprietary access to the PanSTARRS
datasets. The aim of this informal workshop - the re-ignition of the
Durham-Edinburgh workshop series - is to bring together the two
institutes to discuss and collaborate on potential PanSTARRS science.
The workshop will be hosted at Durham University on 20th-21st
December. The science program will start at 11am (coffee at 10:30am),
allowing Edinburgh participants to travel to Durham on the same day,
and will finish at lunchtime on 21st December, providing time for
topic-specific break-out sessions on the afternoon of 21st December.
Anticipated topics include the study of nearby and distant galaxies,
AGN, galaxy clusters and large-scale structure, photometric redshift
techniques, Baryonic Accoustic Oscillation (BAO) constraints,
gravitational lensing, Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect, the
identification of transient events, and cross correlations with
multi-wavelength data (e.g., LoFAR, UKIDSS, VISTA, Spitzer, Herschel,
SCUBA2). However, as betrayed by the title, we welcome scientific
contributions on the full range of science possible with PanSTARRS!
The workshop is not restricted to those already signed-up to work with
the PanSTARRS data. Indeed, a principal aim of the workshop is to
involve graduate students, post-docs, and faculty that have an interest
in potential PanSTARRS science but are not yet actively involved. We
actively encourage students and post-docs to speak at the workshop.
A workshop dinner will be hosted in the city of Durham on the evening
of 20th December, probably at Hatfield College. Please indicate
whether you want to attend the workshop dinner and
whether you require accomodation. Default accomodation will be at
nearby Greys College and costs ~40 pounds/night. For those who want to
organise their own accomodation see the link below for some possible places:
PanSTARRS is a revolutionary new 5-band optical survey that will
provide unprecendented photometric constraints over the whole sky
visible from Hawaii (~30,000 square degrees). The 1.8 metre telescope
hosts a 1.4 Giga-pixel camera (the largest ever constructed) with a
field of view of 7 square degrees. In a typical night, the telescope
will observe an area of ~6,000 square degrees (the total size of the
SDSS) down to ~23rd magnitude. Over the ~3.5 year expected lifetime of
the survey, PanSTARRS PS1 will yield variability data over 30,000
square degrees of the sky for time scales of minutes to years, and
will achieve a co-added depth of ~25 mags; targetted regions of the
sky will reach fainter magnitudes.
The central driver of the PanSTARRS project is to identify asteroids
that could be hazardous to Earth; PanSTARRS should find almost all
1-km diameter objects that pass close to the Earth and many of the
300-meter ones. However, the faint, multi-epoch, multi-band optical
data that PanSTARRS will provide will allow for seminal discoveries
over the entire range of astronomical topics, from the solar system to
probes of large-scale structure and the identification of the most
distant objects.
For more details on PanSTARRS, see this page.
Workshop - I
The First Galaxies and AGN 6-7/12/01, Durham
Workshop - II
Clusters and Clustering 17-18/6/02, Edinburgh
Workshop - III
Astronomy with Next Generation Instruments 17-18/3/03, Durham
For more information contact David Alexander (Durham) or Peder Norberg (IfA).
Durham/Edinburgh Extragalactic Workshops - IV
Science with PanSTARRS: Near and Far
20-21/12/07, Durham
11/10 First Announcement
16/11 Deadline for titles, accomodation, workshop dinner
20-21/12 Workshop
Durham Edinburgh David Alexander Peder Norberg Carlton Baugh Philip Best Bret Lehmer Benjamin Panter