Nigel Metcalfe's Publication List
Produced automatically from SAO/NASA ADS
- Eltvedt A, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Ansarinejad B, Barrientos L, Murphy D, Alexander D, 2024 The VST ATLAS Quasar Survey - II. Halo mass profiles of galaxies, LRGs and galaxy clusters via quasar and CMB lensing Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 2092 (on-line)
- Eltvedt A, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Ansarinejad B, Barrientos L, Murphy D, Alexander D, 2024 The VST ATLAS Quasar Survey - III. Halo mass function via quasar clustering and quasar-CMB lensing cross-clustering Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, 2105 (on-line)
- MacLeod C, Green P, Anderson S, Bruce A, Eracleous M, Graham M, Homan D, Lawrence A, LeBleu A, Ross N, Ruan J, Runnoe J, Stern D, Burgett W, Chambers K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, 2023 Erratum: "Changing-Look Quasar Candidates: First Results from Follow-up Spectroscopy of Highly Optically Variable Quasars" (2019, ApJ, 874, 8) The Astrophysical Journal, 957, 114 (on-line)
- Eltvedt A, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Ansarinejad B, Barrientos L, Sharp R, Malik U, Murphy D, Irwin M, Wilson M, Alexander D, Kovacs A, Garcia-Bellido J, Ahlen S, Brooks D, de la Macorra A, Font-Ribera A, Gontcho a Gontcho S, Honscheid K, Meisner A, Miquel R, Nie J, Tarle G, Vargas-Magana M, Zhou Z, 2023 The VST ATLAS quasar survey I: Catalogue of photometrically selected quasar candidates Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 3384 (on-line)
- Ansarinejad B, Murphy D, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, 2023 VST ATLAS galaxy cluster catalogue I: cluster detection and mass calibration Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520, 1371 (on-line)
- Wong J, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Whitbourn J, 2022 The local hole: a galaxy underdensity covering 90 per cent of sky to ≈200 Mpc Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511, 5742 (on-line)
- Ansarinejad B, Shanks T, Bielby R, Metcalfe N, Infante L, Murphy D, Rosario D, Stach S, 2022 The nature of sub-millimetre galaxies II: an ALMA comparison of SMG dust heating mechanisms Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510, 4976 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Ansarinejad B, Bielby R, Heywood I, Metcalfe N, Wang L, 2021 The nature of sub-millimetre galaxies I: a comparison of AGN and star-forming galaxy SED fits Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, 1509 (on-line)
- Hosseinzadeh G, Dauphin F, Villar V, Berger E, Jones D, Challis P, Chornock R, Drout M, Foley R, Kirshner R, Lunnan R, Margutti R, Milisavljevic D, Pan Y, Rest A, Scolnic D, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2020 Photometric Classification of 2315 Pan-STARRS1 Supernovae with Superphot The Astrophysical Journal, 905, 93 (on-line)
- Villar V, Hosseinzadeh G, Berger E, Ntampaka M, Jones D, Challis P, Chornock R, Drout M, Foley R, Kirshner R, Lunnan R, Margutti R, Milisavljevic D, Sanders N, Pan Y, Rest A, Scolnic D, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2020 SuperRAENN: A Semisupervised Supernova Photometric Classification Pipeline Trained on Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey Supernovae The Astrophysical Journal, 905, 94 (on-line)
- Flewelling H, Magnier E, Chambers K, Heasley J, Holmberg C, Huber M, Sweeney W, Waters C, Calamida A, Casertano S, Chen X, Farrow D, Hasinger G, Henderson R, Long K, Metcalfe N, Narayan G, Nieto-Santisteban M, Norberg P, Rest A, Saglia R, Szalay A, Thakar A, Tonry J, Valenti J, Werner S, White R, Denneau L, Draper P, Hodapp K, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Price P, Wainscoat R, Chastel S, McLean B, Postman M, Shiao B, 2020 The Pan-STARRS1 Database and Data Products The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 251, 7 (on-line)
- Magnier E, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Hoblitt J, Huber M, Price P, Sweeney W, Waters C, Denneau L, Draper P, Hodapp K, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, Wainscoat R, 2020 The Pan-STARRS Data-processing System The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 251, 3 (on-line)
- Waters C, Magnier E, Price P, Chambers K, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Huber M, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Lupton R, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Wood-Vasey W, 2020 Pan-STARRS Pixel Processing: Detrending, Warping, Stacking The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 251, 4 (on-line)
- Magnier E, Sweeney W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Huber M, Price P, Waters C, Denneau L, Draper P, Farrow D, Jedicke R, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, Wainscoat R, 2020 Pan-STARRS Pixel Analysis: Source Detection and Characterization The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 251, 5 (on-line)
- Magnier E, Schlafly E, Finkbeiner D, Tonry J, Goldman B, Roser S, Schilbach E, Casertano S, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Huber M, Price P, Sweeney W, Waters C, Denneau L, Draper P, Hodapp K, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, Wainscoat R, 2020 Pan-STARRS Photometric and Astrometric Calibration The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 251, 6 (on-line)
- Ansarinejad B, Mackenzie R, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, 2020 Cross-correlating Planck with VST ATLAS LRGs: a new test for the ISW effect in the Southern hemisphere Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493, 4830 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Hogarth L, Metcalfe N, Whitbourn J, 2019 Local Hole revisited: evidence for bulk motions and self-consistent outflow Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, 4715 (on-line)
- Liu T, Gezari S, Ayers M, Burgett W, Chambers K, Hodapp K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2019 Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 884, 36 (on-line)
- Dey A, Schlegel D, Lang D, Blum R, Burleigh K, Fan X, Findlay J, Finkbeiner D, Herrera D, Juneau S, Landriau M, Levi M, McGreer I, Meisner A, Myers A, Moustakas J, Nugent P, Patej A, Schlafly E, Walker A, Valdes F, Weaver B, Yeche C, Zou H, Zhou X, Abareshi B, Abbott T, Abolfathi B, Aguilera C, Alam S, Allen L, Alvarez A, Annis J, Ansarinejad B, Aubert M, Beechert J, Bell E, BenZvi S, Beutler F, Bielby R, Bolton A, Briceno C, Buckley-Geer E, Butler K, Calamida A, Carlberg R, Carter P, Casas R, Castander F, Choi Y, Comparat J, Cukanovaite E, Delubac T, DeVries K, Dey S, Dhungana G, Dickinson M, Ding Z, Donaldson J, Duan Y, Duckworth C, Eftekharzadeh S, Eisenstein D, Etourneau T, Fagrelius P, Farihi J, Fitzpatrick M, Font-Ribera A, Fulmer L, Gansicke B, Gaztanaga E, George K, Gerdes D, Gontcho S, Gorgoni C, Green G, Guy J, Harmer D, Hernandez M, Honscheid K, Huang L, James D, Jannuzi B, Jiang L, Joyce R, Karcher A, Karkar S, Kehoe R, Kneib J, Kueter-Young A, Lan T, Lauer T, Le Guillou L, Le Van Suu A, Lee J, Lesser M, Perreault Levasseur L, Li T, Mann J, Marshall R, Martinez-Vazquez C, Martini P, du Mas des Bourboux H, McManus S, Meier T, Menard B, Metcalfe N, Munoz-Gutierrez A, Najita J, Napier K, Narayan G, Newman J, Nie J, Nord B, Norman D, Olsen K, Paat A, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Peng X, Poppett C, Poremba M, Prakash A, Rabinowitz D, Raichoor A, Rezaie M, Robertson A, Roe N, Ross A, Ross N, Rudnick G, Safonova S, Saha A, Sanchez F, Savary E, Schweiker H, Scott A, Seo H, Shan H, Silva D, Slepian Z, Soto C, Sprayberry D, Staten R, Stillman C, Stupak R, Summers D, Sien Tie S, Tirado H, Vargas-Magana M, Vivas A, Wechsler R, Williams D, Yang J, Yang Q, Yapici T, Zaritsky D, Zenteno A, Zhang K, Zhang T, Zhou R, Zhou Z, 2019 Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys The Astronomical Journal, 157, 168 (on-line)
- MacLeod C, Green P, Anderson S, Bruce A, Eracleous M, Graham M, Homan D, Lawrence A, LeBleu A, Ross N, Ruan J, Runnoe J, Stern D, Burgett W, Chambers K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, 2019 Changing-look Quasar Candidates: First Results from Follow-up Spectroscopy of Highly Optically Variable Quasars The Astrophysical Journal, 874, 8 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Hogarth L, Metcalfe N, 2019 Gaia Cepheid parallaxes and 'Local Hole' relieve H0 tension Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, L64 (on-line)
- Hernitschek N, Cohen J, Rix H, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Kudritzki R, Burgett W, 2019 Precision Distances to Dwarf Galaxies and Globular Clusters from Pan-STARRS1 3π RR Lyrae The Astrophysical Journal, 871, 49 (on-line)
- Kodric M, Riffeser A, Hopp U, Goessl C, Seitz S, Bender R, Koppenhoefer J, Obermeier C, Snigula J, Lee C, Burgett W, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2018 Cepheids in M31: The PAndromeda Cepheid Sample The Astronomical Journal, 156, 130 (on-line)
- Chehade B, Carnall A, Shanks T, Diener C, Fumagalli M, Findlay J, Metcalfe N, Hennawi J, Leibler C, Murphy D, Prochaska J, Irwin M, Gonzalez-Solares E, 2018 Two more, bright, z > 6 quasars from VST ATLAS and WISE Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, 1649 (on-line)
- Green G, Schlafly E, Finkbeiner D, Rix H, Martin N, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2018 Galactic reddening in 3D from stellar photometry - an improved map Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478, 651 (on-line)
- Magnier E, Tonry J, Finkbeiner D, Schlafly E, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2018 Charge Diffusion Variations in Pan-STARRS1 CCDs Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 130, 065002 (on-line)
- Scolnic D, Jones D, Rest A, Pan Y, Chornock R, Foley R, Huber M, Kessler R, Narayan G, Riess A, Rodney S, Berger E, Brout D, Challis P, Drout M, Finkbeiner D, Lunnan R, Kirshner R, Sanders N, Schlafly E, Smartt S, Stubbs C, Tonry J, Wood-Vasey W, Foley M, Hand J, Johnson E, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Bresolin F, Gall E, Kotak R, McCrum M, Smith K, 2018 The Complete Light-curve Sample of Spectroscopically Confirmed SNe Ia from Pan-STARRS1 and Cosmological Constraints from the Combined Pantheon Sample The Astrophysical Journal, 859, 101 (on-line)
- Zhang Z, Liu M, Best W, Magnier E, Aller K, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2018 The Pan-STARRS1 Proper-motion Survey for Young Brown Dwarfs in Nearby Star-forming Regions. I. Taurus Discoveries and a Reddening-free Classification Method for Ultracool Dwarfs The Astrophysical Journal, 858, 41 (on-line)
- Jones D, Scolnic D, Riess A, Rest A, Kirshner R, Berger E, Kessler R, Pan Y, Foley R, Chornock R, Ortega C, Challis P, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Gall E, Kotak R, McCrum M, Smartt S, Smith K, 2018 Measuring Dark Energy Properties with Photometrically Classified Pan-STARRS Supernovae. II. Cosmological Parameters The Astrophysical Journal, 857, 51 (on-line)
- Chen I, Hwang C, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Waters C, 2018 Color Variabilities of Spectrally Defined Red QSOs at z = 0.3-1.2 The Astrophysical Journal, 855, 66 (on-line)
- Gall E, Kotak R, Leibundgut B, Taubenberger S, Hillebrandt W, Kromer M, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Smith K, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2018 An updated Type II supernova Hubble diagram Astronomy and Astrophysics, 611, A25 (on-line)
- Lee A, Green G, Schlafly E, Finkbeiner D, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2018 A Color-locus Method for Mapping R V Using Ensembles of Stars The Astrophysical Journal, 854, 79 (on-line)
- Best W, Magnier E, Liu M, Aller K, Zhang Z, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2018 Photometry and Proper Motions of M, L, and T Dwarfs from the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 234, 1 (on-line)
- Lunnan R, Chornock R, Berger E, Jones D, Rest A, Czekala I, Dittmann J, Drout M, Foley R, Fong W, Kirshner R, Laskar T, Leibler C, Margutti R, Milisavljevic D, Narayan G, Pan Y, Riess A, Roth K, Sanders N, Scolnic D, Smartt S, Smith K, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Willman M, 2018 Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernovae from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 852, 81 (on-line)
- Jones D, Scolnic D, Riess A, Rest A, Kirshner R, Berger E, Kessler R, Pan Y, Foley R, Chornock R, Ortega C, Challis P, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Gall E, Kotak R, McCrum M, Smartt S, Smith K, 2018 Measuring Cosmological Parameters with Photometrically Classified Pan-STARRS Supernovae American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231, 231, 308.06 (on-line)
- MacLeod C, Green P, Anderson S, Eracleous M, Ruan J, Runnoe J, Brandt W, Badenes C, Greene J, Morganson E, Schmidt S, Schwope A, Shen Y, Amaro R, Lebleu A, Filiz Ak N, Grier C, Hoover D, McGraw S, Dawson K, Hall P, Hawley S, Mariappan V, Myers A, Paris I, Schneider D, Stassun K, Bershady M, Blanton M, Seo H, Tinker J, Fernandez-Trincado J, Chambers K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Waters C, 2018 The Time-domain Spectroscopic Survey: Target Selection for Repeat Spectroscopy The Astronomical Journal, 155, 6 (on-line)
- Hernitschek N, Sesar B, Rix H, Belokurov V, Martinez-Delgado D, Martin N, Kaiser N, Hodapp K, Chambers K, Wainscoat R, Magnier E, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Draper P, 2017 The Geometry of the Sagittarius Stream from Pan-STARRS1 3π RR Lyrae The Astrophysical Journal, 850, 96 (on-line)
- Mazzucchelli C, Banados E, Venemans B, Decarli R, Farina E, Walter F, Eilers A, Rix H, Simcoe R, Stern D, Fan X, Schlafly E, De Rosa G, Hennawi J, Chambers K, Greiner J, Burgett W, Draper P, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Waters C, Wainscoat R, 2017 Physical Properties of 15 Quasars at z ≳ 6.5 The Astrophysical Journal, 849, 91 (on-line)
- Jian H, Lin L, Lin K, Foucaud S, Chen C, Chiueh T, Bower R, Cole S, Chen W, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling H, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-deep Survey: Star Formation Quenching in Group and Cluster Environments The Astrophysical Journal, 845, 74 (on-line)
- Gentile Fusillo N, Raddi R, Gansicke B, Hermes J, Pala A, Fuchs J, Chehade B, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2017 A catalogue of white dwarf candidates in VST ATLAS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469, 621 (on-line)
- Deacon N, Magnier E, Best W, Liu M, Dupuy T, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 Identification of partially resolved binaries in Pan-STARRS 1 data Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468, 3499 (on-line)
- Jones D, Scolnic D, Riess A, Kessler R, Rest A, Kirshner R, Berger E, Ortega C, Foley R, Chornock R, Challis P, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 Measuring the Properties of Dark Energy with Photometrically Classified Pan-STARRS Supernovae. I. Systematic Uncertainty from Core-collapse Supernova Contamination The Astrophysical Journal, 843, 6 (on-line)
- Owers M, Allen J, Baldry I, Bryant J, Cecil G, Cortese L, Croom S, Driver S, Fogarty L, Green A, Helmich E, de Jong J, Kuijken K, Mahajan S, McFarland J, Pracy M, Robotham A, Sikkema G, Sweet S, Taylor E, Verdoes Kleijn G, Bauer A, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Colless M, Couch W, Davies R, Drinkwater M, Goodwin M, Hopkins A, Konstantopoulos I, Foster C, Lawrence J, Lorente N, Medling A, Metcalfe N, Richards S, van de Sande J, Scott N, Shanks T, Sharp R, Thomas A, Tonini C, 2017 The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the cluster redshift survey, target selection and cluster properties Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468, 1824 (on-line)
- Deacon N, Magnier E, Liu M, Schlieder J, Aller K, Best W, Bowler B, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 2MASS 0213+3648 C: A wide T3 benchmark companion to an active, old M dwarf binary Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467, 1126 (on-line)
- Sesar B, Hernitschek N, Mitrovic S, Ivezic Z, Rix H, Cohen J, Bernard E, Grebel E, Martin N, Schlafly E, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling H, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Waters C, 2017 Machine-learned Identification of RR Lyrae Stars from Sparse, Multi-band Data: The PS1 Sample The Astronomical Journal, 153, 204 (on-line)
- Schechter P, Morgan N, Chehade B, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, McDonald M, 2017 First Lensed Quasar Systems from the VST-ATLAS Survey: One Quad, Two Doubles, and Two Pairs of Lensless Twins The Astronomical Journal, 153, 219 (on-line)
- Lin Y, Yu P, Huang J, Hwang C, Chen W, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Waters C, 2017 Investigating merging galaxies by using Pan-STARRS images Astronomy and Astrophysics, 600, A28 (on-line)
- Best W, Liu M, Magnier E, Bowler B, Aller K, Zhang Z, Kotson M, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 A Search for L/T Transition Dwarfs with Pan-STARRS1 and WISE. III. Young L Dwarf Discoveries and Proper Motion Catalogs in Taurus and Scorpius-Centaurus The Astrophysical Journal, 837, 95 (on-line)
- Green T, Edge A, Ebeling H, Burgett W, Draper P, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 Hiding in plain sight - recovering clusters of galaxies with the strongest AGN in their cores Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465, 4872 (on-line)
- Jiang Y, Green P, Greene J, Morganson E, Shen Y, Pancoast A, MacLeod C, Anderson S, Brandt W, Grier C, Rix H, Ruan J, Protopapas P, Scott C, Burgett W, Hodapp K, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2017 Detection of Time Lags between Quasar Continuum Emission Bands Based On Pan-STARRS Light Curves The Astrophysical Journal, 836, 186 (on-line)
- Bernard E, Ferguson A, Schlafly E, Martin N, Rix H, Bell E, Finkbeiner D, Goldman B, Martinez-Delgado D, Sesar B, Wyse R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 A Synoptic Map of Halo Substructures from the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463, 1759 (on-line)
- Liu T, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 A Systematic Search for Periodically Varying Quasars in Pan-STARRS1: An Extended Baseline Test in Medium Deep Survey Field MD09 The Astrophysical Journal, 833, 6 (on-line)
- Lawrence A, Bruce A, MacLeod C, Gezari S, Elvis M, Ward M, Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Fraser M, Marshall P, Kaiser N, Burgett W, Magnier E, Tonry J, Chambers K, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Price P, Metcalfe N, Valenti S, Kotak R, Mead A, Inserra C, Chen T, Soderberg A, 2016 Slow-blue nuclear hypervariables in PanSTARRS-1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463, 296 (on-line)
- Lunnan R, Chornock R, Berger E, Milisavljevic D, Jones D, Rest A, Fong W, Fransson C, Margutti R, Drout M, Blanchard P, Challis P, Cowperthwaite P, Foley R, Kirshner R, Morrell N, Riess A, Roth K, Scolnic D, Smartt S, Smith K, Villar V, Chambers K, Draper P, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Waters C, 2016 PS1-14bj: A Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova With a Long Rise and Slow Decay The Astrophysical Journal, 831, 144 (on-line)
- Nicholl M, Smartt S, Jerkstrand A, Inserra C, McCrum M, Kotak R, Fraser M, Wright D, Chen T, Smith K, Sim S, Valenti S, Howell D, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Tonry J, Huber M, Rest A, Pastorello A, Tomasella L, Cappellaro E, Benetti S, Mattila S, Kankare E, Kangas T, Leloudas G, Sollerman J, Taddia F, Berger E, Chornock R, Narayan G, Stubbs C, Foley R, Lunnan R, Soderberg A, Sanders N, Milisavljevic D, Margutti R, Kirshner R, Elias-Rosa N, Morales-Garoffolo A, Taubenberger S, Botticella M, Gezari S, Urata Y, Rodney S, Riess A, Scolnic D, Wood-Vasey W, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Magnier E, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Sweeney W, Waters C, 2016 Corrigendum: Slowly fading super-luminous supernovae that are not pair-instability explosions Nature, 539, 598 (on-line)
- Banados E, Venemans B, Decarli R, Farina E, Mazzucchelli C, Walter F, Fan X, Stern D, Schlafly E, Chambers K, Rix H, Jiang L, McGreer I, Simcoe R, Wang F, Yang J, Morganson E, De Rosa G, Greiner J, Balokovic M, Burgett W, Cooper T, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Jun H, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Miller D, Schindler J, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Yang Q, 2016 The Pan-STARRS1 Distant z > 5.6 Quasar Survey: More than 100 Quasars within the First Gyr of the Universe The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 227, 11 (on-line)
- Green T, Edge A, Stott J, Ebeling H, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Kaiser N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 A multiwavelength photometric census of AGN and star formation activity in the brightest cluster galaxies of X-ray selected clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, 560 (on-line)
- Morganson E, Conn B, Rix H, Bell E, Burgett W, Chambers K, Dolphin A, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Martin N, Martinez-Delgado D, Metcalfe N, Schlafly E, Slater C, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 Mapping the Monoceros Ring in 3D with Pan-STARRS1 The Astrophysical Journal, 825, 140 (on-line)
- Chehade B, Shanks T, Findlay J, Metcalfe N, Sawangwit U, Irwin M, Gonzalez-Solares E, Fine S, Drinkwater M, Croom S, Jurek R, Parkinson D, Bielby R, 2016 The 2QDES Pilot: the luminosity and redshift dependence of quasar clustering Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 459, 1179 (on-line)
- Finkbeiner D, Schlafly E, Schlegel D, Padmanabhan N, Juric M, Burgett W, Chambers K, Denneau L, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Stubbs C, Tonry J, 2016 Hypercalibration: A Pan-STARRS1-based Recalibration of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Photometry The Astrophysical Journal, 822, 66 (on-line)
- Heinis S, Kumar S, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Waters C, 2016 Of Genes and Machines: Application of a Combination of Machine Learning Tools to Astronomy Data Sets The Astrophysical Journal, 821, 86 (on-line)
- Schlafly E, Meisner A, Stutz A, Kainulainen J, Peek J, Tchernyshyov K, Rix H, Finkbeiner D, Covey K, Green G, Bell E, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Martin N, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 The Optical-infrared Extinction Curve and Its Variation in the Milky Way The Astrophysical Journal, 821, 78 (on-line)
- Obermeier C, Koppenhoefer J, Saglia R, Henning T, Bender R, Kodric M, Deacon N, Riffeser A, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 Pan-Planets: Searching for hot Jupiters around cool dwarfs Astronomy and Astrophysics, 587, A49 (on-line)
- Hernitschek N, Schlafly E, Sesar B, Rix H, Hogg D, Ivezic Z, Grebel E, Bell E, Martin N, Burgett W, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2016 Finding, Characterizing, and Classifying Variable Sources in Multi-epoch Sky Surveys: QSOs and RR Lyrae in PS1 3π data The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 73 (on-line)
- Best W, Liu M, Magnier E, Deacon N, Aller K, Redstone J, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 A Search for L/T Transition Dwarfs with Pan-STARRS1 and WISE. II. L/T Transition Atmospheres and Young Discoveries The Astrophysical Journal, 814, 118 (on-line)
- Simm T, Saglia R, Salvato M, Bender R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Pan-STARRS1 variability of XMM-COSMOS AGN. I. Impact on photometric redshifts Astronomy and Astrophysics, 584, A106 (on-line)
- Scolnic D, Casertano S, Riess A, Rest A, Schlafly E, Foley R, Finkbeiner D, Tang C, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, 2015 Supercal: Cross-calibration of Multiple Photometric Systems to Improve Cosmological Measurements with Type Ia Supernovae The Astrophysical Journal, 815, 117 (on-line)
- Farrow D, Cole S, Norberg P, Metcalfe N, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brown M, Hopkins A, Lacey C, Liske J, Loveday J, Palamara D, Robotham A, Sridhar S, 2015 Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): projected galaxy clustering Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454, 2120 (on-line)
- Laevens B, Martin N, Bernard E, Schlafly E, Sesar B, Rix H, Bell E, Ferguson A, Slater C, Sweeney W, Wyse R, Huxor A, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Sagittarius II, Draco II and Laevens 3: Three New Milky Way Satellites Discovered in the Pan-STARRS 1 3π Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 813, 44 (on-line)
- Bate N, McMonigal B, Lewis G, Irwin M, Gonzalez-Solares E, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, 2015 The shell game: a panoramic view of Fornax Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453, 690 (on-line)
- Green G, Schlafly E, Finkbeiner D, Rix H, Martin N, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2015 A Three-dimensional Map of Milky Way Dust The Astrophysical Journal, 810, 25 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Chehade B, Findlay J, Irwin M, Gonzalez-Solares E, Lewis J, Yoldas A, Mann R, Read M, Sutorius E, Voutsinas S, 2015 The VLT Survey Telescope ATLAS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451, 4238 (on-line)
- Carnall A, Shanks T, Chehade B, Fumagalli M, Rauch M, Irwin M, Gonzalez-Solares E, Findlay J, Metcalfe N, 2015 Two bright z > 6 quasars from VST ATLAS and a new method of optical plus mid-infrared colour selection. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451, L16 (on-line)
- Szapudi I, Kovacs A, Granett B, Frei Z, Silk J, Burgett W, Cole S, Draper P, Farrow D, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2015 Detection of a supervoid aligned with the cold spot of the cosmic microwave background Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450, 288 (on-line)
- Liu J, Hennig C, Desai S, Hoyle B, Koppenhoefer J, Mohr J, Paech K, Burgett W, Chambers K, Cole S, Draper P, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Stubbs C, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Optical confirmation and redshift estimation of the Planck cluster candidates overlapping the Pan-STARRS Survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, 3370 (on-line)
- Morganson E, Green P, Anderson S, Ruan J, Myers A, Eracleous M, Kelly B, Badenes C, Banados E, Blanton M, Bershady M, Borissova J, Brandt W, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Davenport J, Flewelling H, Garnavich P, Hawley S, Hodapp K, Isler J, Kaiser N, Kinemuchi K, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Paris I, Parvizi M, Poleski R, Price P, Salvato M, Shanks T, Schlafly E, Schneider D, Shen Y, Stassun K, Tonry J, Walter F, Waters C, 2015 The Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Variable Selection and Anticipated Results The Astrophysical Journal, 806, 244 (on-line)
- Banados E, Venemans B, Morganson E, Hodge J, Decarli R, Walter F, Stern D, Schlafly E, Farina E, Greiner J, Chambers K, Fan X, Rix H, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling J, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2015 Constraining the Radio-loud Fraction of Quasars at z > 5.5 The Astrophysical Journal, 804, 118 (on-line)
- Wright D, Smartt S, Smith K, Miller P, Kotak R, Rest A, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Huber M, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Machine learning for transient discovery in Pan-STARRS1 difference imaging Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, 451 (on-line)
- McCrum M, Smartt S, Rest A, Smith K, Kotak R, Rodney S, Young D, Chornock R, Berger E, Foley R, Fraser M, Wright D, Scolnic D, Tonry J, Urata Y, Huang K, Pastorello A, Botticella M, Valenti S, Mattila S, Kankare E, Farrow D, Huber M, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Bresolin F, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Selecting superluminous supernovae in faint galaxies from the first year of the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448, 1206 (on-line)
- Laevens B, Martin N, Ibata R, Rix H, Bernard E, Bell E, Sesar B, Ferguson A, Schlafly E, Slater C, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Lupton R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 A New Faint Milky Way Satellite Discovered in the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 802, L18 (on-line)
- Bryant J, Owers M, Robotham A, Croom S, Driver S, Drinkwater M, Lorente N, Cortese L, Scott N, Colless M, Schaefer A, Taylor E, Konstantopoulos I, Allen J, Baldry I, Barnes L, Bauer A, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bloom J, Brooks A, Brough S, Cecil G, Couch W, Croton D, Davies R, Ellis S, Fogarty L, Foster C, Glazebrook K, Goodwin M, Green A, Gunawardhana M, Hampton E, Ho I, Hopkins A, Kewley L, Lawrence J, Leon-Saval S, Leslie S, McElroy R, Lewis G, Liske J, Lopez-Sanchez A, Mahajan S, Medling A, Metcalfe N, Meyer M, Mould J, Obreschkow D, O'Toole S, Pracy M, Richards S, Shanks T, Sharp R, Sweet S, Thomas A, Tonini C, Walcher C, 2015 The SAMI Galaxy Survey: instrument specification and target selection Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447, 2857 (on-line)
- Kumar S, Gezari S, Heinis S, Chornock R, Berger E, Rest A, Huber M, Foley R, Narayan G, Marion G, Scolnic D, Soderberg A, Lawrence A, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Riess A, Smartt S, Smith K, Wood-Vasey W, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2015 Selection of Burst-like Transients and Stochastic Variables Using Multi-band Image Differencing in the PAN-STARRS1 Medium-deep Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 802, 27 (on-line)
- Venemans B, Banados E, Decarli R, Farina E, Walter F, Chambers K, Fan X, Rix H, Schlafly E, McMahon R, Simcoe R, Stern D, Burgett W, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Waters C, AlSayyad Y, Banerji M, Chen S, Gonzalez-Solares E, Greiner J, Mazzucchelli C, McGreer I, Miller D, Reed S, Sullivan P, 2015 The Identification of Z-dropouts in Pan-STARRS1: Three Quasars at 6.5< z< 6.7 The Astrophysical Journal, 801, L11 (on-line)
- Schlafly E, Green G, Finkbeiner D, Rix H, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Kaiser N, Martin N, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Three-dimensional Dust Mapping Reveals that Orion Forms Part of a Large Ring of Dust The Astrophysical Journal, 799, 116 (on-line)
- Sanders N, Soderberg A, Gezari S, Betancourt M, Chornock R, Berger E, Foley R, Challis P, Drout M, Kirshner R, Lunnan R, Marion G, Margutti R, McKinnon R, Milisavljevic D, Narayan G, Rest A, Kankare E, Mattila S, Smartt S, Huber M, Burgett W, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 Toward Characterization of the Type IIP Supernova Progenitor Population: A Statistical Sample of Light Curves from Pan-STARRS1 The Astrophysical Journal, 799, 208 (on-line)
- Zheng Z, Thilker D, Heckman T, Meurer G, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2015 The Structure and Stellar Content of the Outer Disks of Galaxies: A New View from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 800, 120 (on-line)
- Rest A, Scolnic D, Foley R, Huber M, Chornock R, Narayan G, Tonry J, Berger E, Soderberg A, Stubbs C, Riess A, Kirshner R, Smartt S, Schlafly E, Rodney S, Botticella M, Brout D, Challis P, Czekala I, Drout M, Hudson M, Kotak R, Leibler C, Lunnan R, Marion G, McCrum M, Milisavljevic D, Pastorello A, Sanders N, Smith K, Stafford E, Thilker D, Valenti S, Wood-Vasey W, Zheng Z, Burgett W, Chambers K, Denneau L, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Cosmological Constraints from Measurements of Type Ia Supernovae Discovered during the First 1.5 yr of the Pan-STARRS1 Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 795, 44 (on-line)
- Scolnic D, Rest A, Riess A, Huber M, Foley R, Brout D, Chornock R, Narayan G, Tonry J, Berger E, Soderberg A, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Rodney S, Smartt S, Schlafly E, Botticella M, Challis P, Czekala I, Drout M, Hudson M, Kotak R, Leibler C, Lunnan R, Marion G, McCrum M, Milisavljevic D, Pastorello A, Sanders N, Smith K, Stafford E, Thilker D, Valenti S, Wood-Vasey W, Zheng Z, Burgett W, Chambers K, Denneau L, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Systematic Uncertainties Associated with the Cosmological Analysis of the First Pan-STARRS1 Type Ia Supernova Sample The Astrophysical Journal, 795, 45 (on-line)
- Drout M, Chornock R, Soderberg A, Sanders N, McKinnon R, Rest A, Foley R, Milisavljevic D, Margutti R, Berger E, Calkins M, Fong W, Gezari S, Huber M, Kankare E, Kirshner R, Leibler C, Lunnan R, Mattila S, Marion G, Narayan G, Riess A, Roth K, Scolnic D, Smartt S, Tonry J, Burgett W, Chambers K, Hodapp K, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Waters C, 2014 Rapidly Evolving and Luminous Transients from Pan-STARRS1 The Astrophysical Journal, 794, 23 (on-line)
- Deacon N, Liu M, Magnier E, Aller K, Best W, Dupuy T, Bowler B, Mann A, Redstone J, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Morgan J, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2014 Wide Cool and Ultracool Companions to Nearby Stars from Pan-STARRS 1 The Astrophysical Journal, 792, 119 (on-line)
- Bernard E, Ferguson A, Schlafly E, Abbas M, Bell E, Deacon N, Martin N, Rix H, Sesar B, Slater C, Penarrubia J, Wyse R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Serendipitous discovery of a thin stellar stream near the Galactic bulge in the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443, L84 (on-line)
- Bernard E, Ferguson A, Schlafly E, Platais I, Bell E, Martin N, Rix H, Slater C, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Galactic globular and open cluster fiducial sequences in the Pan-STARRS1 photometric system Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442, 2999 (on-line)
- Slater C, Bell E, Schlafly E, Morganson E, Martin N, Rix H, Penarrubia J, Bernard E, Ferguson A, Martinez-Delgado D, Wyse R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 The Complex Structure of Stars in the Outer Galactic Disk as Revealed by Pan-STARRS1 The Astrophysical Journal, 791, 9 (on-line)
- Banados E, Venemans B, Morganson E, Decarli R, Walter F, Chambers K, Rix H, Farina E, Fan X, Jiang L, McGreer I, De Rosa G, Simcoe R, Weiss A, Price P, Morgan J, Burgett W, Greiner J, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Discovery of Eight z ~ 6 Quasars from Pan-STARRS1 The Astronomical Journal, 148, 14 (on-line)
- Koposov S, Irwin M, Belokurov V, Gonzalez-Solares E, Yoldas A, Lewis J, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2014 Discovery of a cold stellar stream in the ATLAS DR1 data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442, L85 (on-line)
- Banados E, Venemans B, Morganson E, Decarli R, Walter F, Chambers K, Rix H, Farina E, Fan X, Jiang L, McGreer I, De Rosa G, Simcoe R, Weiss A, Price P, Morgan J, Burgett W, Greiner J, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 The discovery of eight z ~ 6 quasars from Pan-STARRS1 Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies, 304, 19 (on-line)
- Schlafly E, Green G, Finkbeiner D, Juric M, Rix H, Martin N, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Stubbs C, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 A Map of Dust Reddening to 4.5 kpc from Pan-STARRS1 The Astrophysical Journal, 789, 15 (on-line)
- Belokurov V, Irwin M, Koposov S, Evans N, Gonzalez-Solares E, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2014 ATLAS lifts the Cup: discovery of a new Milky Way satellite in Crater Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441, 2124 (on-line)
- Lin H, Chen Y, Lacerda P, Ip W, Holman M, Protopapas P, Chen W, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Huber M, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, 2014 Pan-STARRS 1 Observations of the Unusual Active Centaur P/2011 S1(Gibbs) The Astronomical Journal, 147, 114 (on-line)
- Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Kotak R, Nicholl M, Polshaw J, Inserra C, Chen T, Terreran G, Gall E, Fraser M, McCrum M, Valenti S, Foley R, Lawrence A, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Tonry J, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Metcalfe N, Draper P, Rest A, 2014 Supernova 2014bc in M106 = Psn J12185771+4718113 Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3876, 1 (on-line)
- Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Kotak R, Nicholl M, Polshaw J, Inserra C, Chen T, Terreran G, Gall E, Fraser M, McCrum M, Valenti S, Foley R, Lawrence A, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Tonry J, Sweeney W, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Metcalfe N, Rest P, 2014 Probable supernova discovered in NGC 4258 (Messier 106) by Pan-STARRS1. The Astronomer's Telegram, 6156, 1 (on-line)
- Kovacs A, Szapudi I, Granett B, Frei Z, Silk J, Burgett W, Cole S, Draper P, Farrow D, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2014 Supervoid Origin of the Cold Spot in the Cosmic Microwave Background Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology, 306, 269 (on-line)
- Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Kotak R, Nicholl M, Polshaw J, Inserra C, Chen T, Terreran G, Gall E, Fraser M, McCrum M, Valenti S, Foley R, Lawrence A, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Tonry J, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Metcalfe N, Draper P, Rest A, 2014 Supernova 2014bc in M106 = Psn J12185771+4718113 Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3877, 2 (on-line)
- Schlafly E, Green G, Finkbeiner D, Rix H, Bell E, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Martin N, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, 2014 A Large Catalog of Accurate Distances to Molecular Clouds from PS1 Photometry The Astrophysical Journal, 786, 29 (on-line)
- Laevens B, Martin N, Sesar B, Bernard E, Rix H, Slater C, Bell E, Ferguson A, Schlafly E, Burgett W, Chambers K, Denneau L, Draper P, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 A New Distant Milky Way Globular Cluster in the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey The Astrophysical Journal, 786, L3 (on-line)
- Benitez S, Polshaw J, Maguire K, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Kotak R, Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Fraser M, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 6107, 1 (on-line)
- Blagorodnova N, Walton N, Fraser M, Dennefeld M, Taubenberger S, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5961, 1 (on-line)
- Fraser M, Campbell H, Blagorodnova N, Walton N, Anderson J, Botticella M, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Wyrzykowski L, Scalzo R, Yuan F, Childress M, Tucker B, Schmidt B, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5938, 1 (on-line)
- Campbell H, Blagorodnova N, Fraser M, Walton N, Anderson J, Botticella M, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Wyrzykowski L, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5937, 1 (on-line)
- Wang P, Chen W, Lin C, Pandey A, Huang C, Panwar N, Lee C, Tsai M, Tang C, Goldman B, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Grav T, Heasley J, Hodapp K, Huber M, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Luppino G, Lupton R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Monet D, Morgan J, Onaka P, Price P, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Characterization of the Praesepe Star Cluster by Photometry and Proper Motions with 2MASS, PPMXL, and Pan-STARRS The Astrophysical Journal, 784, 57 (on-line)
- Walton N, Blagorodnova N, Fraser M, Dennefeld M, Taubenberger S, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5957, 1 (on-line)
- Fraser M, Blagorodnova N, Walton N, Dennefeld M, Taubenberger S, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5968, 1 (on-line)
- Walton N, Fraser M, Blagorodnova N, Taubenberger S, Dennefeld M, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5970, 1 (on-line)
- Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Kotak R, Nicholl M, Polshaw J, Inserra C, Chen T, Terreran G, Gall E, Fraser M, McCrum M, Valenti S, Foley R, Lawrence A, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Tonry J, Sweeney W, Waters C, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Metcalfe N, Draper P, Rest A, Walton N, Blagorodnova N, De Cia A, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, 2014 Supernova 2014V in NGC 3905 Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3817, 1 (on-line)
- Deacon N, Hoard D, Magnier E, Jadhav Y, Huber M, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Waters C, 2014 Pre-outburst observations of Nova Del 2013 from Pan-STARRS 1 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 563, A129 (on-line)
- Green G, Schlafly E, Finkbeiner D, Juric M, Rix H, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Martin N, Metcalfe N, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 Measuring Distances and Reddenings for a Billion Stars: Toward a 3D Dust Map from Pan-STARRS 1 The Astrophysical Journal, 783, 114 (on-line)
- Walton N, Blagorodnova N, Campbell H, Fraser M, De Cia A, Elias-Rosa N, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Kotak R, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Wyrzykowski L, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Kotak R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5915, 1 (on-line)
- Taddia F, Ergon M, Leloudas G, Sollerman J, Inserra C, Scalzo R, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Fraser M, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Manulis I, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Wright D, Kotak R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5842, 1 (on-line)
- Lin L, Jian H, Foucaud S, Norberg P, Bower R, Cole S, Arnalte-Mur P, Chen C, Coupon J, Hsieh B, Heinis S, Phleps S, Chen W, Lee C, Burgett W, Chambers K, Denneau L, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Huber M, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2014 The Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey: The Role of Galaxy Group Environment in the Star Formation Rate versus Stellar Mass Relation and Quiescent Fraction out to z ~ 0.8 The Astrophysical Journal, 782, 33 (on-line)
- Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Kotak R, Nicholl M, Polshaw J, Inserra C, Chen T, Terreran G, Gall E, Fraser M, McCrum M, Valenti S, Foley R, Lawrence A, Gezari S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Tonry J, Sweeney W, Stubbs C, Kirshner R, Metcalfe N, Rest P, 2014 Pan-STARRS1 3Pi transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5850, 1 (on-line)
- Fraser M, Campbell H, Blagorodnova N, Walton N, De Cia A, Elias-Rosa N, Manulis I, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Kotak R, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Draper C, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Wyrzykowski L, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5908, 1 (on-line)
- Blagorodnova N, Campbell H, Fraser M, Walton N, Anderson J, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Inserra C, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Sullivan M, Taubenberger S, Valenti S, Yaron O, Gal-Yam A, Knapic C, Smareglia R, Molinaro M, Manulis I, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Wright D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, Wyrzykowski L, 2014 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5934, 1 (on-line)
- McCrum M, Smartt S, Kotak R, Rest A, Jerkstrand A, Inserra C, Rodney S, Chen T, Howell D, Huber M, Pastorello A, Tonry J, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Chornock R, Berger E, Smith K, Botticella M, Foley R, Fraser M, Milisavljevic D, Nicholl M, Riess A, Stubbs C, Valenti S, Wood-Vasey W, Wright D, Young D, Drout M, Czekala I, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Flewelling H, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Price P, Sweeney W, Wainscoat R, 2014 The superluminous supernova PS1-11ap: bridging the gap between low and high redshift Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437, 656 (on-line)
- Farrow D, Cole S, Metcalfe N, Draper P, Norberg P, Foucaud S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Price P, Tonry J, Waters C, 2014 Pan-STARRS1: Galaxy clustering in the Small Area Survey 2 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 437, 748 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Belokurov V, Chehade B, Croom S, Findlay J, Gonzalez-Solares E, Irwin M, Koposov S, Mann R, Metcalfe N, Murphy D, Norberg P, Read M, Sutorius E, Worseck G, 2013 VST ATLAS First Science Results The Messenger, 154, 38 (on-line)
- Martin N, Schlafly E, Slater C, Bernard E, Rix H, Bell E, Ferguson A, Finkbeiner D, Laevens B, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2013 Perseus I: A Distant Satellite Dwarf Galaxy of Andromeda The Astrophysical Journal, 779, L10 (on-line)
- Berger E, Leibler C, Chornock R, Rest A, Foley R, Soderberg A, Price P, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Huber M, Magnier E, Metcalfe N, Stubbs C, Tonry J, 2013 A Search for Fast Optical Transients in the Pan-STARRS1 Medium-Deep Survey: M-Dwarf Flares, Asteroids, Limits on Extragalactic Rates, and Implications for LSST The Astrophysical Journal, 779, 18 (on-line)
- Bersier D, Dennefeld M, Smartt S, Smith K, Benetti S, Pastorello A, Valenti S, Taubenberger S, Young D, Inserra C, Sullivan M, Fraser M, Gal-Yam A, Yaron O, Manulis I, Scalzo R, Knapic C, Molinaro M, Smareglia R, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Burgett W, Chambers K, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Draper P, Metcalfe N, Rest A, 2013 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5596, 1 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Farrow D, Cole S, Draper P, Norberg P, Burgett W, Chambers K, Denneau L, Flewelling H, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Price P, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, 2013 The Pan-STARRS1 Small Area Survey 2 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435, 1825 (on-line)
- Liu M, Magnier E, Deacon N, Allers K, Dupuy T, Kotson M, Aller K, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Hodapp K, Jedicke R, Kaiser N, Kudritzki R, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, 2013 The Extremely Red, Young L Dwarf PSO J318.5338-22.8603: A Free-floating Planetary-mass Analog to Directly Imaged Young Gas-giant Planets The Astrophysical Journal, 777, L20 (on-line)
- Elias-Rosa N, Spiro S, Turatto M, Benetti S, Cappellaro E, Fraser M, Maguire K, Pastorello A, Valenti S, Taubenberger S, Smartt S, Smith K, Young D, Inserra C, Sullivan M, Gal-Yam A, Yaron O, Manulis I, Baltay C, Ellman N, Hadjiyska E, McKinnon R, Rabinowitz D, Walker E, Feindt U, Kowalski M, Nugent P, Wright D, Kotak R, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier E, Morgan J, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Waters C, Metcalfe N, Rest A, 2013 PESSTO spectroscopic classification of optical transients The Astronomer's Telegram, 5521, 1 (on-line)
- Foley R, Conlon M, Kasen D, Smartt S, Smith K, Wright D, Young D, Kotak R, Valenti S, Burgett W, Chambers K, Draper P, Huber M, Kudritzki R, Magnier G, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Tonry J, Sweeney W, Waters C, Stubbs C, Rest A, 2013 Spectroscopic Classifications of Supernovae with Keck The Astronomer's Telegram, 5458, 1 (on-line)
- Nicholl M, Smartt S, Jerkstrand A, Inserra C, McCrum M, Kotak R, Fraser M, Wright D, Chen T, Smith K, Young D, Sim S, Valenti S, Howell D, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Tonry J, Huber M, Rest A, Pastorello A, Tomasella L, Cappellaro E, Benetti S, Mattila S, Kankare E, Kangas T, Leloudas G, Sollerman J, Taddia F, Berger E, Chornock R, Narayan G, Stubbs C, Foley R, Lunnan R, Soderberg A, Sanders N, Milisavljevic D, Margutti R, Kirshner R, Elias-Rosa N, Morales-Garoffolo A, Taubenberger S, Botticella M, Gezari S, Urata Y, Rodney S, Riess A, Scolnic D, Wood-Vasey W, Burgett W, Chambers K, Flewelling H, Magnier E, Kaiser N, Metcalfe N, Morgan J, Price P, Sweeney W, Waters C, 2013 Slowly fading super-luminous supernovae that are not pair-instability explosions Nature, 502, 346 (on-line)
- Inserra C, Smartt S, Jerkstrand A, Valenti S, Fraser M, Wright D, Smith K, Chen T, Kotak R, Pastorello A, Nicholl M, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Benetti S, Botticella M, Burgett W, Chambers K, Ergon M, Flewelling H, Fynbo J, Geier S, Hodapp K, Howell D, Huber M, Kaiser N, Leloudas G, Magill L, Magnier E, McCrum M, Metcalfe N, Price P, Rest A, Sollerman J, Sweeney W, Taddia F, Taubenberger S, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waters C, Young D, 2013 Super-luminous Type Ic Supernovae: Catching a Magnetar by the Tail The Astrophysical Journal, 770, 128 (on-line)
- Bielby R, Hill M, Shanks T, Crighton N, Infante L, Bornancini C, Francke H, Heraudeau P, Lambas D, Metcalfe N, Minniti D, Padilla N, Theuns T, Tummuangpak P, Weilbacher P, 2013 The VLT LBG Redshift Survey - III. The clustering and dynamics of Lyman-break galaxies at z ∼ 3 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, 425 (on-line)
- Heywood I, Bielby R, Hill M, Metcalfe N, Rawlings S, Shanks T, Smirnov O, 2013 Sub-millimetre source identifications and the microjansky source population at 8.4 GHz in the William Herschel Deep Field Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428, 935 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Metcalfe N, 2012 VST ATLAS: Science Goals and Status Science from the Next Generation Imaging and Spectroscopic Surveys, 38 (on-line)
- Bielby R, Hill M, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2012 Submillimetre observations of X-ray active galactic nuclei in the William Herschel Deep Field Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 1315 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Hill M, Ball E, Nikoloudakis N, Metcalfe N, 2011 Extending Pure Luminosity Evolution Models to Herschel Wavelengths Galaxy Formation, P32 (on-line)
- Smartt S, Valenti S, Magill L, Smith K, Kankare E, Mattila S, Kotak R, Fraser M, Ward M, Hutton S, Metcalfe N, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Tonry J, Magnier E, Chambers K, Kaiser N, Morgan J, Burgett W, Heasley J, Sweeney W, Waters C, Flewelling H, Price P, Wood-Vasey M, 2011 Five transients in the Pan-STARRS1 Faint Galaxy Supernova Survey The Astronomer's Telegram, 3351, 1 (on-line)
- Pastorello A, Smartt S, Botticella M, Maguire K, Fraser M, Smith K, Kotak R, Magill L, Valenti S, Young D, Gezari S, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Howell D, Rest A, Metcalfe N, Mattila S, Kankare E, Huang K, Urata Y, Burgett W, Chambers K, Dombeck T, Flewelling H, Grav T, Heasley J, Hodapp K, Kaiser N, Luppino G, Lupton R, Magnier E, Monet D, Morgan J, Onaka P, Price P, Rhoads P, Siegmund W, Stubbs C, Sweeney W, Tonry J, Wainscoat R, Waterson M, Waters C, Wynn-Williams C, 2010 Ultra-bright Optical Transients are Linked with Type Ic Supernovae The Astrophysical Journal, 724, L16 (on-line)
- Valenti S, Smartt S, Young D, Smith K, Metcalfe N, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Tonry J, Price P, Magnier E, Chambers K, Kaiser N, Morgan J, Burgett W, Heasley J, Sweeney W, Waters C, Flewelling H, 2010 Discovery of a new supernova and two AGN outburst in the Pan-STARRS1 3Pi faint galaxy supernova survey The Astronomer's Telegram, 2773, 1 (on-line)
- Pastorello A, Smartt S, Young D, Kankare E, Smith K, Botticella M, Mattila S, Kotak R, Valenti S, Metcalfe N, Sweeney W, Price P, Magnier E, Tonry J, Bresolin F, Kudritzki R, Chambers K, Stubbs C, Rest A, Narayan G, Riess A, Huber M, Wood-Vasey W, 2010 Detection of PTF10cwr/CSS100313 on PS1 sky survey images and host galaxy identification The Astronomer's Telegram, 2504, 1 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2007 Cosmic Frontiers Cosmic Frontiers, 379, (on-line)
- Frith W, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2006 New H-band galaxy number counts: a large local hole in the galaxy distribution Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371, 1601 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Weilbacher P, McCracken H, Fong R, Thompson D, 2006 Galaxy number counts - VI. An H-band survey of the Herschel Deep Field Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 370, 1257 (on-line)
- Holliman N, Baugh C, Frenk C, Jenkins A, Froner B, Hassaine D, Helly J, Metcalfe N, Okamoto T, 2006 Cosmic cookery: making a stereoscopic 3D animated movie Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII, 6055, 34 (on-line)
- Busswell G, Shanks T, Frith W, Outram P, Metcalfe N, Fong R, 2004 The local hole in the galaxy distribution: new optical evidence Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 354, 991 (on-line)
- Hook I, Jorgensen I, Allington-Smith J, Davies R, Metcalfe N, Murowinski R, Crampton D, 2004 The Gemini-North Multi-Object Spectrograph: Performance in Imaging, Long-Slit, and Multi-Object Spectroscopic Modes Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 116, 425 (on-line)
- Frith W, Busswell G, Fong R, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2003 The local hole in the galaxy distribution: evidence from 2MASS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 345, 1049 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Outram P, Metcalfe N, Boyle B, Croom S, 2002 A UV Survey for z~3 Galaxies NOAO Proposal, 106 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong D, McCracken H, Campos A, Gardner J, Thompson D, 2002 Do Galaxies Form at High Redshift? A New Era in Cosmology, 283, 361 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 2002 A New Era in Cosmology A New Era in Cosmology, 283, (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Campos A, McCracken H, Fong R, 2001 Galaxy number counts - V. Ultradeep counts: the Herschel and Hubble Deep Fields Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 323, 795 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong D, McCracken H, Campos A, Thompson D, 2001 Evidence for Galaxy Formation at High Redshift The Extragalactic Infrared Background and its Cosmological Implications, 204, 347 (on-line)
- McCracken H, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, Campos A, 2000 Galaxy clustering in the Herschel Deep Field Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 318, 913 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong R, 2000 Ultra-Deep Imaging at the William Herschel Telescope The Newsletter of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, 3, 3 (on-line)
- Gorosabel J, Castro-Tirado A, Benitez N, Zapatero-Osorio M, Campos A, Trapero J, Sanchez E, Metcalfe N, 2000 Photometric study of the improved GRB 970815 error box Gamma-ray Bursts, 5th Huntsville Symposium, 526, 334 (on-line)
- McCracken H, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Campos A, Gardner J, Fong R, 2000 Galaxy number counts - IV. Surveying the Herschel Deep Field in the near-infrared Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 311, 707 (on-line)
- McCracken H, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong R, Campos A, Gardner J, 2000 Galaxy Clustering in the Herschel Deep Field Clustering at High Redshift, 200, 68 (on-line)
- Fong R, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1999 Bright R-band Galaxy Counts NOAO Proposal, 166 (on-line)
- Castro-Tirado A, Gorosabel J, Davies J, Leggett S, Greiner J, Birkle K, Thompson D, Hagen H, Trapero J, Sanchez E, Campos A, Metcalfe N, Bejar V, Cairos L, Corradi R, Guerrero M, Gutierrez C, Iglesias J, Kemp S, Licandro J, Mora A, Oscoz A, Sabalisk N, Vilchez J, Villaver E, Zapatero-Osorio M, Guziy S, Shlyapnikov A, Pedersen H, 1999 Optical/ir Follow-Up Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by RXTE Astrophysical Letters and Communications, 39, 241 (on-line)
- Davies R, Allington-Smith J, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1998 Integral Field and Multi-Object Spectroscopy with the NGST LIA Colloq. 34: The Next Generation Space Telescope: Science Drivers and Technological Challenges, 429, 141 (on-line)
- Young C, Metcalfe N, Zhu J, Wu H, Chen J, 1998 The \vec[t] system; a new system for estimating the total magnitudes of galaxies Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 130, 173 (on-line)
- Groot P, Galama T, van Paradijs J, Kouveliotou C, Vanderspek R, Castro-Tirado A, Rhoads J, Lehnert M, Hoekstra H, Metcalfe N, 1998 A search for optical afterglow from GRB970828 Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium, 428, 557 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Ratcliffe A, Shanks T, Fong R, 1998 UBVRI photometry of the Durham-AAT redshift survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 294, 147 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, McCracken H, Campos A, Gardner J, 1998 Galaxy Counts; Sizes; Colours and Redshifts in the Hubble Deep Field The Young Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at Intermediate and High Redshift, 146, 102 (on-line)
- Groot P, Galama T, van Paradijs J, Kouveliotou C, Wijers R, Bloom J, Tanvir N, Vanderspek R, Greiner J, Castro-Tirado A, Gorosabel J, von Hippel T, Lehnert M, Kuijken K, Hoekstra H, Metcalfe N, Howk C, Conselice C, Telting J, Rutten R, Rhoads J, Cole A, Pisano D, Naber R, Schwarz R, 1998 A Search for Optical Afterglow from GRB 970828 The Astrophysical Journal, 493, L27 (on-line)
- Castro-Tirado A, Gorosabel J, Greiner J, Campos A, Metcalfe N, Sanchez E, Hagen H, Trapero J, 1997 GRB 970815 International Astronomical Union Circular, 6744, 2 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Campos A, Fong R, Gardner J, 1997 Galaxy Counts, Colours and Redshifts in the Hubble and Herschel Deep Fields The Hubble Space Telescope and the High Redshift Universe, 75 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Campos A, Fong R, Gardner J, 1996 Galaxy formation at high redshifts Nature, 383, 236 (on-line)
- Roche N, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, 1996 The clustering of blue and red galaxies at B~25.5 mag Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 280, 397 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong R, Gardner J, Roche N, 1996 Faint Galaxy Number Counts New Light on Galaxy Evolution, 171, 225 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Fong R, Shanks T, 1995 CCD galaxy photometry and the calibration of photographic surveys Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 274, 769 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong R, Roche N, 1995 Galaxy number counts - III. Deep CCD observations to B=27.5 mag Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 273, 257 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Godwin J, Peach J, 1994 Multicolour photometry of the Shapley 8 cluster of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 267, 431 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, 1994 Absolute coordinates computed from pixel positions for galaxies in Godwin, Metcalfe and Peach 1983MNRAS.202.113 .(from NED). Private Communication, 1, 1 (on-line)
- Fong R, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1994 Photometric Calibration and Large-Scale Clustering in the Universe Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging, 161, 295 (on-line)
- Roche N, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, 1994 Galaxy Clustering to B = 27(super m) Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging, 161, 635 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Roche N, Fong R, 1994 Galaxy Number-Counts to B =28(super m) Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging, 161, 645 (on-line)
- Roche N, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, 1993 The Angular Correlation Function of Galaxies with B=25MAG Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 263, 360 (on-line)
- Roche N, Shanks T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, 1993 Galaxy clustering at B ≡ 25m. IAU Working Group on Wide-Field Imaging, Newsletter, 3, 7 (on-line)
- Roche N, Shants T, Metcalfe N, Fong R, West R, 1993 Galaxy Clustering at B ~ 25m IAU Commission on Instruments, 3, 7 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Roche N, Fong R, 1993 Galaxy Number-Counts to B = 28m Texas/PASCOS 1992: Relativistic Astrophysics and Particle Cosmology, 688, 534 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong D, 1991 Ultra-deep INT CCD imaging of the faintest galaxies. GEMINI Newsletter Royal Greenwich Observatory, 34, 12 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1991 CCD photometry of Cepheid sequences in four nearby galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 250, 438 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Fong R, Jones L, 1991 Galaxy number counts - II. CCD observations to B = 25 mag. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 249, 498 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1991 Calibrating Cepheid Sequences in Nearby Galaxies Observational Tests of Cosmological Inflation, 348, 187 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, Tanvir N, Fong R, 1990 Stellar photometry in nearby galaxies. GEMINI Newsletter Royal Greenwich Observatory, 27, 3 (on-line)
- Hale-Sutton D, Fong R, Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1989 An extended galaxy redshift survey. II - Virial constraints on Omega0. III - Constraints on large-scale structure Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 237, 569 (on-line)
- Shanks T, Sutton D, Fong R, Metcalfe N, 1989 An Extended Galaxy Redshift Survey - Part Three - Constraints on Largescale Structure Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 237, 589 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Fong R, Shanks T, Kilkenny D, 1989 An extended galaxy redshift survey - I. The catalogue. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 236, 207 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Shanks T, 1988 Cepheid photometry in M 31, 33, NGC 2403 and M 81. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 100, 1222 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Godwin J, Spenser S, 1987 The Shapley 8 cluster of galaxies - redshifts and dynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 225, 581 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, Fong R, Jones L, Shanks T, 1987 CCD galaxy counts to B = 25m. High Redshift and Primeval Galaxies, 37 (on-line)
- Dawe J, Coyte E, Metcalfe N, 1984 Nitrogen flushing during exposure of large Schmidt telescope plates Astronomical Photography 1984, 59 (on-line)
- Fong R, Godwin J, Metcalfe N, 1984 Astronomers' problems with the calibration of Schmidt plates Astronomical Photography 1984, 207 (on-line)
- Fong R, Godwin J, Metcalfe N, 1984 Astronomers' problems with the calibration of Schmidt plates. Occasional Reports of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, 14, 207 (on-line)
- Dawe J, Coyte E, Metcalfe N, 1984 Nitrogen flushing during exposure of large Schmidt telescope plates. Occasional Reports of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, 14, 59 (on-line)
- Godwin J, Metcalfe N, Peach J, 1983 The Coma Cluster - I. A Catalogue of magnitudes, colours, ellipticiesand position angles for 6724 galaxies in the field of the Coma Cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 202, 113 (on-line)
- Metcalfe N, 1983 Extragalactic astrophysics: Photographic photometry of the clusters of galaxies Abell 1656 and SC1325-311 Ph.D. Thesis, (on-line)
- Dawe J, Metcalfe N, 1982 Uniformity of UKSTU photographic plates. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 4, 466 (on-line)
- Carter D, Metcalfe N, 1980 The morphology of clusters of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 191, 325 (on-line)
Books edited
- Cosmic Frontiers, ASP Conference Series, Vol 379. N. Metcalfe, T.Shanks eds. ISBN: 978-1-58381-320-1. San Franciso: The Astronomical Society of the Pacific,2007
- A New Era in Cosmology, ASP Conference Series, Vol 283. N. Metcalfe, T.Shanks eds. ISBN: 1-58381-126-5. San Franciso: The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2002.
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