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The Galaxy Number-Counts Page

This page details the Durham Cosmology Group galaxy number-counts research work. Click on the icons below for full-size postscript plots of the latest compilation of published galaxy count data.

Latest compilation graphs of published counts (latest update: U-band, B-band, H-band & K-band, January 2010):







Tabulated data

The data which went into the above plots can be found here, in text format suitable for plotting with SM (all the magnitudes are in the Vega system): For comparing with recent stuff e.g. Pan-STARRS, I have created some counts in SDSS bands. These files only have post-2000 data in them, and are all in the AB system.

For U,B,R & I the counts are in Log10 [Ngal per 0.5mag per sq.deg.]. For H and K the data are given per magnitude unless otherwise noted (although just to confuse you the graphs are all per 0.5 mag). Error bars (where given) are listed as delta-log above and delta-log below the actual data point. The numbers in [] brackets should indicate the line numbers within the file that the data spans (for ease of SM plotting!). Occasionally two columns of counts are given, in which case one is probably corrected for incompleteness etc (should indicate this in the header line).


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Last updated February 2019