
DECAM eFEDS photometry - eROSITA AGN matches

For the 1 arcsec matched optical counterparts:

11111 objects processed:11111 objects processed:

Random selection for r<22 - match #5055 (eROSITA ID: 8015):

Any magnitudes or rms variations outside the y-axis range are shown by vertical bars at the appropriate axis limit.
The SDSS r magnitude is shown as the black symbol on the LH axis at JD=2458800.
The horizontal line shows the median DECAM r magnitude.
#5055 eFEDS field 4 (eROSITA ID: 8015)
RA: 134.969647 Dec: 3.555135
Mean r mag: 18.03 from 68/71 observations)
RMS mag: 0.057 (star default for this mag.: 0.008)
Brightest mag offset from mean: -0.07
Faintest mag offset from mean: 0.18
SDSS mags: u: 18.65 g: 18.37 r: 18.28 i: 18.21 z: 18.02
eROSITA redshift: 2.161 grade: 5
SDSS cutout