Images are about 25 arcseconds across, and centred on the EVLA co-ordinate. N is to the top and E to the left.
Name | U | B | R | I (HST) | H |
WHDF_EVLA_1 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_2 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_4 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_5 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_6 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_7 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_8 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_9 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_10 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_12 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_14 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_15 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_16 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_17 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_18 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_19 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_20 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_23 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_25 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_27 (I from WHT) | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_29 | |||||
WHDF_EVLA_32 | |||||