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Restoring catalogue access

It is possible to configure the set of catalogues and sky surveys which GAIA can access, though the details are not germane here. However, if the Digitized Sky at ESO survey or USNO at ESO catalogue do not appear in the lists of Image Servers and Catalogs respectively then the most likely reason is that the default list of catalogues and surveys has been substituted with one which does not include them. The simplest way to restore access is to revert to using the default list. GAIA configuration files are kept in subdirectory .skycat of your top level directory. To restore the default catalogues and surveys you should delete (or rename) file:


and then restart GAIA.

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The GAIA Cookbook
Starlink Cookbook 17
A.C. Davenhall & P.W. Draper
31st December 2001

Copyright © 2001 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils