Hi Josh, Thanks very much for your offer of spending some time on our programme. Here's a brief overview of the prospective fields, ANY OF WHICH WOULD BE USEFUL. Obviously only a small fraction of the list below will be able to be completed. The exposure coordinates quoted refer to the centre of the ESI 2x3.5 field of view. All the imaging should be done in the R filter. All of the fields should be imaged with East pointing along the 3.5' side, although if this can't be guaranteed it doesn't matter too much. IT ISN'T WORTH DOING THIS PROJECT IN SEEING > 0.8''. Please could you obtain several R skyflats and bias frames. Please take care focussing the telescope before a run of our fields; we'd like to minimise the anisotropy of the PSF. Use CCD in default mode - dual-amplifier readout, fast readout mode, low gain. I've listed the fields, plus estimates of what times in the night would be suitable to take each field in. I've explicitly listed each separate dither of a field. A SET OF THREE DITHERS ALONE IS USEFUL, ie if you only have time for half of a listed field, ie the first three or last three dithers, that's fine. Exposure times: 200sec in first dither; 200sec in second; 200sec in third. Move to next three dithers (which are 4.5 arcmin away East-West) and do 200sec on each of these dithers. If you find you have lots of time to kill, and have done the suggested fields for this time of night, please return to the dithers and expose for longer; this will help us to see if going deeper really makes much difference to our expected signal. Please take a couple of photometric standard stars. I've listed a few starfields/globular clusters edges. THESE WOULD BE PARTICULARLY USEFUL TO US. Clearly, a few seconds on these fields will be ample. At the end of the night, please take some skyflats and bias frames. Thanks very much indeed!