Front cover of Nature magazine, 18th Jan 2007
Front cover Nature Astronomy magazine, 21st Feb 2024

(see also ADS, arXiv, or google)

  1. Sam Lange, Aris Amvrosiadis, James Nightingale, Qiuhan He, Carlos Frenk, Andrew Robertson, Shaun Cole, Richard Massey, Xiaoyue Cao, Ran Li & Kaihao Wang 2024
    Galaxy mass modelling from multi-wavelength JWST strong lens analysis: dark matter substructure, angular mass complexity, or both?
    A&A submitted

  2. Marko Shuntov, O. Ilbert, S. Toft, R. Arango-Toro, H. Akins, C. Casey, M. Franco, S. Harish, J. Kartaltepe, A. Koekemoer, H. J. McCracken, L. Paquereau, C. Laigle, M. Bethermin, Y. Dubois, N. Drakos, A. Faisst, G. Gozaliasl, S. Gillman, C. Hayward, M. Hirschmann, M. Huertas-Company, C. Jespersen, S. Jin, V. Kokorev, E. Lambrides, D. Le Borgne, D. Liu, G. Magdis, Richard Massey, C. McPartland, W. Mercier, J. McCleary, J. McKinney, P. Oesch, J. Rhodes, R. Rich, B. Robertson, D. Sanders, M. Trebitsch, L. Tresse, F. Valentino, A. Vijayan, J. Weaver, A. Weibel & S. Wilkins 2024
    COSMOS-Web: stellar mass assembly in relation to dark matter halos across 0.2<z<12 of cosmic history
    A&A submitted

  3. Francesca Lepori et al. 2024
    Euclid: Relativistic effects in the dipole of the 2-point correlation function
    A&A submitted

  4. Euclid Collaboration: Mohamed Elkhashab et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. The impact of relativistic redshift-space distortions on two-point clustering statistics from the Euclid wide spectroscopic survey
    A&A submitted

  5. Takumi Tanaka, John Silverman, Yurina Nakazato, Masafusa Onoue, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Seiji Fujimoto, Xuheng Ding, Andreas Faisst, Francesco Valentino, Shuowen Jin, Christopher Hayward, Vasily Kokorev, Daniel Ceverino, Boris Kalita, Caitlin Casey, Zhaoxuan Liu, Aidan Kaminsky, Qinyue Fei, Irham T. Andika, Erini Lambrides, Hollis Akins, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Anton Koekemoer, Henry McCracken, Jason Rhodes, Brant Robertson, Maximilien Franco, Daizhong Liu, Nima Chartab, Steven Gillman, Ghassem Gozaliasl, Michaela Hirschmann, Marc Huertas-Company, Richard Massey, Namrata Roy, Zahra Sattari, Marko Shuntov, Joseph Sterling, Sune Toft, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Naoki Yoshida & Jorge Zavala 2024
    Crimson behemoth: a massive clumpy structure hosting a dusty AGN at z=4.91
    A&A submitted

  6. Euclid Collaboration: Luca Paganin et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: 6x2 pt analysis of Euclid's spectroscopic and photometric data sets
    PASJ submitted

  7. Euclid Collaboration: Benjamin Csizi et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Deep learning true galaxy morphologies for weak lensing shear bias calibration
    A&A submitted

  8. Euclid Collaboration: Kazuya Koyama et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond ΛCDM. 4. Constratints on f(R) models from the photometric primary probes
    A&A submitted

  9. Euclid Collaboration: Gábor Rácz et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond ΛCDM. 2. Results from non-standard simulations
    A&A submitted

  10. Euclid Collaboration: Julian Adamek 2024
    Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond ΛCDM. 1. Numerical methods and validation
    A&A submitted

  11. Euclid Collaboration: Lorenzo Ingoglia 2024
    Euclid preparation: Determining the weak lensing mass accuracy and precision for galaxy clusters
    A&A submitted

  12. Euclid Collaboration: Tiago Castro et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. L. Calibration of the linear halo bias in Λ(ν)CDM cosmologies
    A&A submitted

  13. Euclid Collaboration: Laura Bisigello 2024
    Euclid preparation. XLIX. Selecting active galactic nuclei using observed colours
    A&A submitted

  14. Euclid Collaboration: Nicolas Tessore et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Angular power spectra from discrete observations
    A&A submitted

  15. Javier Acevedo Barroso et al. 2024
    Euclid: the Early Release Observations lens search experiment
    A&A submitted

  16. Euclid Collaboration: Lukas Zalesky et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Data release 1 multiwavelength catalogues for Euclid Deep Field North and Euclid Deep Field Fornax
    A&A submitted

  17. Euclid Collaboration: Conor McPartland et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. The Cosmic Dawn Survey of the Euclid deep and auxiliary fields
    A&A submitted

  18. Ajay Gill, Steven Benton, Christopher Damaren, Spencer Everett, Aurelien Fraisse, John Hartley, David Harvey, Bradley Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, Johanna Nagy, C. Barth Netterfield, Emaad Paracha, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Andrew Robertson, Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed Shaaban, Ellen Sirks, Georgios Vassilakis & André Vitorelli 2024
    SuperBIT superpressure flight instrument overview and performance: near-diffraction-limited astronomical imaging from the stratosphere
    AJ 168, 85

    See NASA's blog about the SuperBIT mission, SuperBIT's APOD, its launch press release, and coverage at Daily Mail, New Zealand Herald, National Geographic, ...

  19. Euclid Collaboration: Hans Böhringer et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Exploring the properties of proto-clusters in the Simulated Euclid Wide Survey
    A&A submitted

  20. Tom Sandnes, Vince Eke, Jacob Kegerreis, Richard Massey, Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla, Matthieu Schaller & Luís Teodoro 2024
    REMIX SPH -- improving mixing in smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations using a generalised, material-independent approach
    Computational Physics submitted

  21. Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, James Nightingale, Qiuhan He, Andrew Robertson, Samuel Lange, Carlos Frenk, Shaun Cole, Richard Massey & Adriano Poci 2024
    Lopsidedness in early-type galaxies: the role of the m=1 multipole in isophote fitting and strong lens modelling
    MNRAS submitted

  22. Laila Linke et al. 2024
    Euclid and KiDS-1000: quantifying the impact of source-lens clustering on cosmic shear analyses
    A&A submitted

  23. Euclid Collaboration: Andrea Enia et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Forecasting the recovery of galaxy physical properties and their relations with template-fitting and machine-learning methods
    A&A submitted

  24. Euclid Collaboration: Julien Lesgourgues et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to non-standard particle dark matter models
    A&A submitted

  25. Euclid Collaboration: Matthew Selwood et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Observational expectations for redshift z<7 active galactic nuclei in the Euclid Wide and Deep surveys
    A&A submitted

  26. Euclid Collaboration: Karina Voggel et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Detecting globular clusters in the Euclid survey
    A&A submitted

  27. Euclid Collaboration: Francisco Castander et al. 2024
    Euclid. V. The Flagship galaxy mock catalogue: a comprehensive simulation for the Euclid mission
    A&A submitted

  28. Euclid Collaboration: Felix Hormuth et al. 2024
    Euclid. IV. The NISP calibration unit
    A&A submitted

  29. Euclid Collaboration: Knud Jahnke et al. 2024
    Euclid. III. The NISP instrument
    A&A submitted

  30. Euclid Collaboration: Mark Cropper et al. 2024
    Euclid. II. The VIS instrument
    A&A submitted

  31. Euclid Collaboration: Yannick Mellier et al. 2024
    Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission
    A&A submitted

    See press release and coverage at Scientific American, New Scientist, The Guardian, ...

  32. John Weaver et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — NISP-only sources and the search for luminous z=6-8 galaxies
    A&A submitted

  33. Hakim Atek et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — A preview of the Euclid era through a galaxy cluster magnifying lens
    A&A submitted

  34. Matthias Kluge et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — The intracluster light and intracluster globular clusters of the Perseus cluster
    A&A submitted

  35. Francine Marleau et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — Dwarf galaxies in the Perseus galaxy cluster
    A&A submitted

  36. Jean-Charles Cuillandre et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — Overview of the Perseus cluster and analysis of its luminosity and stellar mass functions
    A&A submitted

  37. Teymoor Saifollahi et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — Globular clusters in the Fornax galaxy cluster, from dwarf galaxies to the intracluster field
    A&A submitted

  38. Leslie Hunt et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — Deep anatomy of nearby galaxies
    A&A submitted

  39. Davide Massari et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — Unveiling the morphology of two Milky Way globular clusters out to their periphery
    A&A submitted

  40. Eduardo Martin et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — A glance at free-floating new-born planets in the sigma Orionis cluster
    A&A submitted

  41. Jean-Charles Cuillandre et al. 2024
    Euclid: Early Release Observations — Programme overview and pipeline for compact- and diffuse-emission photometry
    A&A submitted

    See press release

  42. Andreas Faisst, M. Brinch, C. Casey, N. Chartab, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, N. E. Drakos, S. Gillman, G. Gonzaliasl, C. Hayward, O. Ilbert, P. Jablonka, J. Kartaltepe, A. Koekemoer, V. Kokorev, E. Lambrides, D. Liu, C. Maraston, C. L. Martin, A. Renzini, B. Robertson, D. B. Sanders, Z. Sattari, N. Scoville, C. Urry, A. Vijayan, J. Weaver, H. Akins, N. Allen, R. Arango-Toro, O. Cooper, M. Franco, F. Gentile, S. Harish, M. Hirschmann, A. A. Khostovan, C. Laigle, R. Larson, M. Lee, Z. Liu, A. Long, G. Magdis, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, J. McKinney, L. Paquereau, J. Rhodes, R. Rich, M. Shuntov, J. Silverman, M. Talia, S. Toft & J. Zavala 2024
    COSMOS-Web: the role of galaxy interactions and disk instabilities in producing starbursts at z<4
    ApJ submitted

  43. Euclid Collaboration: Maria Archidiacono et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to neutrino parameters
    A&A submitted

  44. Ellen Sirks, David Harvey, Richard Massey, Kyle Oman, Andrew Robertson, Carlos Frenk, Spencer Everett, Ajay Gill, David Lagattuta & Jacqueline McCleary 2024
    Hydrodynamical simulations of merging galaxy clusters: giant dark matter particle colliders, powered by gravity
    MNRAS 530, 3160

  45. Euclid Collaboration: Giuseppe Congedo et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. LensMC, weak lensing cosmic shear measurement with forward modelling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling
    A&A submitted

  46. Euclid Collaboration: Fabien Dournac et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. Improving cosmological constraints using a new multi-tracer method with the spectroscopic and photometric samples
    A&A 690, 30

  47. Euclid Collaboration: Mauro Sereno et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. XLII. A unified catalogue-level reanalysis of weak lensing by galaxy clusters in five imaging surveys
    A&A 689, 252

  48. Lukas Furtak, Adi Zitrin, Johan Richard, Dominique Eckert, Jack Sayers, Harald Ebeling, Seiji Fujimoto, Nicolas Laporte, David Lagattuta, Marceau Limousin, Guillaume Mahler, Ashish Meena, Felipe Andrade-Santos, Brenda Frye, Anton Koekemoer, Kotaro Kohno, Daniel Espada, Harry Lu, Richard Massey & Anna Niemiec 2024
    A complex node of the cosmic web associated with the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0600.1-2008
    MNRAS 533, 2242

  49. Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Samuel Lange, James Nightingale, Qiuhan He, Carlos Frenk, Kyle Oman, Ian Smail, Mark Swinbank, Francesca Fragkoudi, Dimitri Gadotti, Shaun Cole, Edoardo Borsato, Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Xiaoyue Cao & Ran Li 2024
    The onset of bar formation in a massive galaxy at z~3.8
    MNRAS submitted

  50. Qiuhan He, James Nightingale, Aris Amvrosiadis, Andrew Robertson, Shaun Cole, Carlos Frenk, Richard Massey, Ran Li, Xiaoyue Cao, Samuel Lange & Joao Paulo Franca 2024
    Unveiling lens light complexity with a novel Multi-Gaussian Expansion approach for strong gravitational lensing
    MNRAS 532, 2441

  51. Euclid Collaboration: Marina Cagliari et al. 2024
    Euclid: Testing photometric selection of emission-line galaxy targets
    A&A 689, 166

  52. Euclid Collaboration: Ben Aussel et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XLIII. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with Machine Learning
    A&A 689, 274

  53. Euclid Collaboration: Theosamuele Signor et al. 2024
    Euclid: Identifying the reddest high-redshift galaxies in the Euclid Deep Fields with gradient-boosted trees
    A&A 685, 127

  54. Euclid Collaboration: Lucie Scharré et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XLV. Optical emission-line predictions of intermediate-z galaxy populations in GAEA for the Euclid Deep and Wide Surveys
    A&A 689, 276

  55. Euclid Collaboration: Alexander Kashlinsky et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XLVI. The near-IR background dipole experiment with Euclid
    A&A 689, 294

  56. David Harvey & Richard Massey 2024
    Weak gravitational lensing measurements of Abell 2744 using JWST and shear measurement algorithm pyRRG-JWST
    MNRAS 529, 802

  57. Edward Berman, Jacqueline McCleary, Anton Koekemoer, Maximilien Franco, Nicole E. Drakos, Daizhong Liu, James Nightingale, Marko Shuntov, Diana Scognamiglio, Richard Massey, Guillaume Mahler, Henry Joy McCracken, Brant Robertson, Andreas Faisst Caitlin Casey, Jeyhan Kartaltepe 2024
    Efficient PSF modeling with ShOpt.jl: a PSF benchmarking study with JWST NIRCam imaging
    AJ 168, 174

  58. Euclid Collaboration: Henning Jansen et al. 2024
    Euclid: Improving the efficiency of weak lensing shear bias calibration. Pixel noise cancellation and the response method on trial
    A&A 683, 240

  59. Euclid Collaboration: Santiago Serrano et al. 2024
    Euclid: XLVIII. The pre-launch Science Ground Segment simulation framework
    A&A 690, 130

  60. Euclid Collaboration: Andrea Pezzotta et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XLI. TBD. Galaxy power spectrum modelling in real space
    A&A 687, 216

  61. Euclid Collaboration: Giorgio Lesci et al. 2024
    Euclid Preparation XXXVII. Galaxy colour selections with Euclid and ground photometry for cluster weak-lensing analyses
    A&A 684, 139

  62. Euclid Collaboration: Benjamin Bose et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XLIV. Modelling spectroscopic clustering on mildly nonlinear scales in beyond-ΛCDM models
    A&A 689, 275

  63. Euclid Collaboration: Elisabeta Lusso et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. XXXVIII. Spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei with NISP
    A&A 685, 109

  64. Ellen Sirks, Richard Massey, Ajay Gill, Jason Anderson, Steven Benton, Anthony Brown, Paul Clark, Joshua English, Spencer Everett, Aurelien Fraisse, Hugo Franco, John Hartley, David Harvey, Bradley Holder, Andrew Hunter, Eric Huff, Andrew Hynous, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, Nikky Joyce, Duncan Kennedy, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Stephen Lishman, Thuy Vy Luu, Jacqueline McCleary, Johanna Nagy, Barth Netterfield, Emaad Paracha, Robert Purcaru, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Andrew Robertson, Javier Romualdez, Sarah Roth, Robert Salter, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed Shaaban, Roger Smith, Russell Smith, Sut Ieng Tam & Georgios Vassilakis 2023
    Data downloaded via parachute from a NASA super-pressure balloon
    Aerospace 10, 960, press release and coverage at Newsweek, IEEE Spectrum, Interesting Engineering, ...

  65. Euclid Collaboration: G Jelic-Cizmek et al. 2024
    Euclid Preparation XL. Impact of magnification on spectroscopic galaxy clustering
    A&A 685, 167

  66. Euclid Collaboration: Tiago Castro et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation XXXIX. The effect of baryons on the Halo Mass Function
    A&A 685, 109

  67. Euclid Collaboration: Davide Sciotti et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. TBD. Forecast impact of super-sample covariance on 3x2pt analysis with Euclid
    A&A submitted

  68. Euclid Collaboration: Stéphane Paltani et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation. XXXI. The effect of the variations in photometric passbands on photometric-redshift accuracy
    A&A 681, 66

  69. Mikko Pöntinen et al. 2023
    Euclid: Identification of asteroid streaks in simulated images using deep learning
    A&A 679, 135

  70. Mario Ballardini et al. 2024
    Euclid: The search for primordial features
    A&A 683, 220

  71. Wilfried Mercier, Marko Shuntov, Raphael Gavazzi, James Nightingale, R. Arango, O. Ilbert, A. Amvrosiadis, L. Ciesla, C. Casey, S. Jin, A. L. Faisst, I. Andika, N. Drakos, A. Enia, M. Franco, S. Gillman, G. Gozaliasl, C. Hayward, M. Huertas-Company, J. Kartaltepe, A. Koekemoer, C. Laigle, D. Le Borgne, G. Magdis, G. Mahler, C. Maraston, C. Martin, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, T. Moutard, L. Paquereau, J. Rhodes, B. Robertson, D. Sanders, M. Trebitsch, L. Tresse & A. Vijayan 2023
    The COSMOS-Web ring: in-depth characterization of an Einstein ring lensing system at z~2
    A&A 687, 61

  72. Luís Teodoro, Jacob Kegerreis, Paul Estrada, Matija Ćuk, Vincent Eke, Jeffrey Cuzzi, Richard Massey & Thomas Sandnes 2023
    A recent impact origin of Saturn's rings and mid-sized moons
    ApJ 955 137, NASA press release and coverage at New York Times, ITV, ...

  73. Euclid Collaboration: Konstantinos Tanidis et al. 2023
    Euclid: Euclid preparation. XXXIV. The effect of linear redshift-space distortions in photometric galaxy clustering and its cross-correlation with cosmic shear
    A&A 683, 17

  74. Maximilien Franco, Hollis Akins, Caitlin Casey, Steven Finkelstein, Marko Shuntov, Katherine Chworowsky, Andreas Faisst, Seiji Fujimoto, Olivier Ilbert, Anton Koekemoer, Daizhong Liu, Christopher Lovell, Claudia Maraston, Henry McCracken, Jed McKinney, Brant Robertson, Micaela Bagley, Jaclyn Champagne, Olivia Cooper, Xuheng Ding, Nicole Drakos, Andrea Enia, Steven Gillman, Christopher Hayward, Michaela Hirschmann, Vasily Kokorev, Clotilde Laigle, Arianna Long, Ghassem Gozaliasl, Santosh Harish, Shuowen Jin, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Georgios Magdis, Guillaume Mahler, Crystal Martin, Michael Rich, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Richard Massey, Bahram Mobasher, Louise Paquereau, Alvio Renzini, Jason Rhodes, Kartik Sheth, John Silverman, Martin Sparre, Margherita Talia, Francesco Valentino, Aswin Vijayan, Stephen Wilkins, Lilan Yang & Jorge Zavala 2024
    Unveiling the distant Universe: characterizing z>9 galaxies in the first epoch of COSMOS-Web
    ApJ 973, 23

  75. Euclid Collaboration: Laura Leuzzi et al. 2024
    Euclid Preparation XXXIII. Characterization of convolutional neural networks for the identification of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing events
    A&A 681, 68

  76. Jacqueline McCleary, Spencer Everett, Mohamed Shaaban, Ajay Gill, Georgios Vassilakis, Eric Huff, Richard Massey, Steven J. Benton, Anthony Brown, Paul Clark, Bradley Holder, Aurelien Fraisse, Mathilde Jauzac, William C. Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu, Johanna M. Nagy, Barth Netterfield, Emaad Paracha, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Jürgen Schmoll, Ellen Sirks & Sut Ieng Tam 2023
    Lensing in the Blue II: Estimating the Sensitivity of Stratospheric Balloons to Weak Gravitational Lensing
    AJ 166, 134

  77. Noemi Frusciante et al. 2023
    Euclid: Constraining linearly scale-independent modifications of gravity with the spectroscopic and photometric primary probes
    A&A 690, 133

  78. Santiago Casas et al. 2023
    Euclid: Constraints on f(R) cosmologies from the spectroscopic and photometric primary probes
    A&A submitted

  79. Euclid Collaboration: Mischa Schirmer et al. 2023
    Euclid preparation. XXIX. Water ice in spacecraft part I: The physics of ice formation and contamination
    A&A 675, 142

  80. Euclid Collaboration: Kerry Paterson et al. 2023
    Euclid preparation. XXVII. A UV-NIR spectral atlas of compact planetary nebulae for wavelength calibration
    A&A 674, 172

  81. James Nightingale, Russell Smith, Qiuhan He, Conor O'Riordan, Jacob Kegerreis, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Alastair Edge, Amy Etherington, Richard Hayes, Ash Kelly, John Lucey & Richard Massey 2023
    Abell 1201: Detection of an ultramassive black hole in a strong gravitational lens
    MNRAS 521, 3298 and press release and BBC coverage

  82. David Lagattuta, Johan Richard, Harald Ebeling, Quentin Basto, Catherine Cerny, Alastair Edge, Mathilde Jauzac, Guillaume Mahler & Richard Massey 2023
    RXJ0437+00: Constraining dark matter with exotic gravitational lenses
    MNRAS 522, 1091

  83. Santiago Casas et al. 2023
    Euclid: Validation of the MontePython forecasting tools
    A&A 682, 90

  84. Euclid Collaboration: Louis Gabarra et al. 2023
    Euclid preparation. XXXI. Performance assessment of the NISP Red-Grism through spectroscopic simulations for the Wide and Deep surveys
    A&A 676, 34

  85. Sladana Radinovic et al. 2023
    Euclid: Cosmology forecasts from the void-galaxy cross-correlation function with reconstruction
    A&A 677, 78

  86. Euclid Collaboration: Anurag Deshpande et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XXVIII. Modelling of the weak lensing angular power spectrum
    A&A 684, 138

  87. James Nightingale, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Richard Hayes, Qiuhan He, Amy Etherington, XiaoYue Cao, Shaun Cole, Jonathan Frawley, Carlos Frenk, Sam Lange, Ran Li, Richard Massey, Mattia Negrello & Andrew Robertson 2023
    PyAutoGalaxy: open-source multiwavelength galaxy structure & morphology
    JOSS 8, 4475

  88. Euclid Collaboration: Carlo Giocoli et al. 2023
    Euclid preparation: XXX. Evaluating the weak lensing cluster mass biases using the Three Hundred Project hydrodynamical simulations
    A&A 681, 67

  89. Euclid Collaboration: Virginia Ajani et al. 2023
    Euclid Preparation XXIX: Forecasts for ten different higher-order weak lensing statistics
    A&A 675, 120

  90. Amy Etherington, James Nightingale, Richard Massey, Sut-Ieng Tam, XiaoYue Cao, Anna Niemiec, Qiuhan He, Andrew Robertson, Ran Li, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Shaun Cole, Jose Diego, Carlos Frenk, Brenda Frye, David Harvey, Mathilde Jauzac, Anton Koekemoer, David Lagattuta, Marceau Limousin, Guillaume Mahler, Ellen Sirks & Charles Steinhardt 2024
    Strong gravitational lensing's 'external shear' is not shear
    MNRAS 531, 3684

  91. Euclid Collaboration: Alessandra Fumagalli et al. 2024
    Euclid preparation: XXXV. Covariance model validation for the two-point correlation function of galaxy clusters
    A&A 683, 253

  92. Julian Adamek et al. 2022
    Euclid: Modelling massive neutrinos in cosmology — a code comparison
    JCAP 6, 35

  93. Caitlin Casey, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Nicole Drakos, Maximilien Franco, Olivier Ilbert, Caitlin Rose, Isabella Cox, James W. Nightingale, Brant Robertson, John Silverman, Anton M. Koekemoer, Richard Massey, Henry Joy McCracken, Jason Rhodes, et al 2023
    COSMOS-Web: an overview of the JWST Cosmic Origins survey
    ApJ 954, 31

  94. Mohamed Shaaban, Ajay Gill, Jacqueline McCleary, Richard Massey, Steven Benton, Anthony Brown, Christopher Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien Fraisse, Spencer Everett, Mathew Galloway, Michael Henderson, Bradley Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu Johanna Nagy, C. Barth Netterfield, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Andrew Robertson, Jürgen Schmoll, Ellen Sirks & Suresh Sivanandam 2022
    Weak lensing in the blue: a counter-intuitive strategy for stratospheric observations
    AJ 164, 245

  95. Jacob Kegerreis, Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla, Vincent Eke, Richard Massey, Thomas Sandnes & Luis Teodoro 2022
    Immediate origin of the Moon as a post-impact satellite
    ApJL 937, 40, press release and coverage

  96. James Nightingale, Richard Massey, Jacob Kegerreis & Richard Hayes 2022
    PyAutoCTI: open-source Charge Transfer Inefficiency Calibration
    JOSS 9, 4904

  97. Andrew Humphrey et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation XXII: Selection of quiescent galaxies from mock photometry using machine learning
    A&A 671, 99

  98. Hubert Bretonnière et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation XXVI: The Euclid Morphology Challenge — towards structural parameters for billions of galaxies
    A&A 671, 102

  99. Emiliano Merlin et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation XXV: The Euclid Morphology Challenge — towards model-fitting photometry for billions of galaxies
    A&A 671, 101

  100. James Nightingale, Qiuhan He, Xiaoyue Cao, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Amy Etherington, Carlos Frenk, Richard Hayes, Andrew Robertson, Shaun Cole, Samuel Lange, Ran Li & Richard Massey 2023
    Scanning for dark matter subhalos in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of 54 strong lenses
    MNRAS 527, 10480

  101. Laura Cabayol et al. 2022
    The PAU Survey & Euclid: Improving broad-band photometric redshifts with multi-task learning
    A&A 671, 153

  102. Krishna Naidoo et al. 2022
    Euclid: calibrating photometric redshifts with spectroscopic cross-correlations
    A&A 670, 149

  103. David Camarena et al. 2022
    Euclid: testing the Copernican principle with next-generation surveys
    A&A 671, 68

  104. Amy Etherington, James Nightingale, Richard Massey, Andrew Robertson, XiaoYue Cao, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Shaun Cole, Carlos Frenk, Qiuhan He, David Lagattuta, Samuel Lange & Ran Li 2022
    Beyond the bulge-halo conspiracy? Density profiles of Early-type galaxies from extended-source strong lensing
    MNRAS 521, 6005

  105. Euclid Collaboration: Laura Bisigello et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation XXIII: Derivation of galaxy physical properties with deep machine learning using mock fluxes and H-band images
    MNRAS 520, 3529

  106. Marco Bonici et al. 2023
    Euclid: Forecasts from the void-lensing cross-correlation
    A&A 670, 47

  107. Sofia Contarini et al. 2022
    Euclid: Cosmological forecasts from the void size function
    A&A 667, 162

  108. Euclid Collaboration 2022
    Euclid preparation: XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for z>6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey
    A&A 666, 200

  109. Euclid Collaboration 2022
    Euclid: Searching for pair-instability supernovae with the Deep Survey
    A&A 666, 157

  110. Elina Keihanen et al. 2022
    Euclid: Fast two-point correlation function covariance through linear construction
    A&A 666, 129

  111. Dominique Eckert, Stefano Ettori, Aandrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Etienne Pointecouteau, David Harvey, Ian McCarthy 2022
    Constraints on dark matter self-interaction from the internal density profiles of X-COP galaxy clusters
    A&A 666, 41

  112. Euclid Collaboration 2022
    Euclid preparation: XX. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey: LBT observations and data release
    A&A 664, 196

  113. Dan Ryczanowski, Graham Smith, Matteo Bianconi, Sean McGee, Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Mathilde Jauzac 2023
    Enabling discovery of gravitationally lensed explosive transients: a new method to build an all-sky watch-list of groups and clusters of galaxies
    MNRAS 520, 2547

  114. Matteo Bianconi, Graham Smith, Matt Nicholl, Dan Ryczanowski, Johan Richard, Mathilde Jauzac, Richard Massey, Andrew Robertson, Keren Sharon, Evan Ridley 2023
    On the gravitational lensing interpretation of three gravitational wave detections in the mass gap by LIGO and Virgo
    MNRAS 521, 3421

  115. Graham Smith, Andrew Robertson, Guillaume Mahler, Matt Nicholl, Dan Ryczanowski, Matteo Bianconi, Keren Sharon, Richard Massey, Johan Richard, Mathilde Jauzac 2023
    Discovering gravitationally lensed gravitational waves: predicted rates, candidate selection, and localization with the Vera Rubin Observatory
    MNRAS 520, 702

  116. Qiuhan He, James Nightingale, Richard Massey, Andrew Robertson, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Shaun Cole, Carlos Frenk, Ran Li, Nicola Amorisco, R. Benton Metcalf, Xiaoyue Cao & Amy Etherington 2023
    Testing strong lensing subhalo detection with a cosmological simulation
    MNRAS 518, 220

  117. Amy Etherington, James Nightingale, Richard Massey, XiaoYue Cao, Andrew Robertson, Nicola Amorisco, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Shaun Cole, Carlos Frenk, Qiuhan He, Ran Li, Sut-Ieng Tam & Richard Massey & 2022
    Automated galaxy-galaxy strong lens modelling: no lens left behind
    MNRAS 517, 3275

  118. Euclid Collaboration 2022
    Euclid preparation: XVIII. The NISP photometric system
    A&A 662, 92

  119. David Lagattuta, Johan Richard, Franz Erik Bauer, Catherine Cerny, Adelaide Claeyssens, Lucia Guaita, Mathilde Jauzac, Alexandre Jeanneau, Anton Koekemoer, Guillaume Mahler, Gonzalo Prieto Lyon, Matteo Bianconi, Thomas Connor, Renyue Cen, Alastair Edge, Andreas Faisst, Marceau Limousin, Richard Massey, Mauro Sereno, Keren Sharon & John Weaver 2022
    Pilot-WINGS: An extended MUSE view of the structure of Abell 370
    MNRAS 514, 497

  120. Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla, Josh Borrow, Vince Eke, Jacob Kegerreis, Richard Massey, Thomas Sandnes & Luis Teodoro 2022
    Dealing with density discontinuities in planetary SPH simulations
    MNRAS 512, 4660

  121. Xiaoyue Cao, Ran Li, James Nightingale, Richard Massey, Andrew Robertson, Carlos Frenk, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Nicola Amorisco, Qiuhan He, Amy Etherington, Shaun Cole & Kai Zhu 2022
    Systematic errors induced by the elliptical power-law model in galaxy-galaxy strong lens modeling
    RAA 22, 025014

  122. Xiangchong Li, Yin Li & Richard Massey & 2022
    Weak gravitational lensing shear measurement with FPFS: analytical mitigation of noise bias and selection bias
    MNRAS 511, 4850

  123. Andrea Moneti et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation: XVIII. Cosmic Dawn Survey. Spitzer observations of the Euclid deep fields and calibration fields
    A&A 658, 126

  124. Savvas Nesseris et al. 2022
    Euclid: Forecast constraints on consistency tests of the ΛCDM model
    A&A 660, 67

  125. Arthur Loureiro et al. 2022
    KiDS & Euclid: Cosmological implications of a pseudo angular power spectrum analysis of KiDS-1000 cosmic shear tomography
    A&A 665, 56

  126. Francesca Lepori et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation: XIX. Impact of magnification on photometric galaxy clustering
    A&A 662, 93

  127. Qiuhan He, Ran Li, Carlos S. Frenk, James Nightingale, Shaun Cole, Nicola Amorisco, Richard Massey, Andrew Robertson, Amy Etherington, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis & Xiaoyue Cao 2022
    Galaxy-galaxy strong lens perturbations: line-of-sight haloes versus lens subhaloes
    MNRAS 512, 5862

  128. Marina Cagliari et al. 2022
    Euclid: Constraining ensemble photometric redshift distributions with stacked spectroscopy
    A&A 660, 9

  129. Ellen Sirks, Kyle Oman, Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey & Carlos Frenk 2022
    The effects of self-interacting dark matter on the stripping of galaxies that fall into clusters
    MNRAS 511, 5927

  130. Nicola Amorisco, James Nightingale, Qiuhan He, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Xiaoyue Cao, Shaun Cole, Amy Etherington, Carlos Frenk, Ran Li, Richard Massey & Andrew Robertson 2022
    Halo concentration strengthens dark matter constraints in galaxy-galaxy strong lensing analyses
    MNRAS 510, 2464

  131. Joris Witstok, Renske Smit, Roberto Maiolino, Mirko Curti, Nicolas Laporte, Richard Massey, Johan Richard & Mark Swinbank 2022
    Assessing the sources of reionisation: a spectroscopic case study of a 30x lensed galaxy at z~5 with LyA, CIV, MgII and [NeIII]
    MNRAS 508, 1686

  132. Nico Hamaus et al. 2022
    Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock-Paczynski test with cosmic voids
    A&A 658, 20

  133. Roberto Scaramella et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation: I. The Euclid Wide Survey
    A&A 662, 112

  134. Spencer Stanford et al. 2022
    Euclid Preparation: XIV. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) survey: data release 3
    ApJS 256, 9

  135. Alejandro Borlaff et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation: XVI. Exploring the ultra low-surface brightness Universe with Euclid/VIS
    A&A 657, 92

  136. Stéphane Ilić et al. 2022
    Euclid preparation: XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis
    A&A 657, 91

  137. Euclid Collaboration 2022
    Euclid preparation: XIII. Forecasts for galaxy morphology with the Euclid survey using deep generative models
    A&A 657, 90

  138. Alejandro Jiminéz Muñoz et al. 2022
    Euclid: Estimation of the impact of correlated readout noise for flux measurements with the Euclid NISP instrument
    PASP 133, 4502

  139. Qiuhan He, Andrew Robertson, James Nightingale, Shaun Cole, Carlos Frenk, Richard Massey, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Ran Li, Xiaoyue Cao & Amy Etherington 2022
    A forward-modelling method to infer the dark matter particle mass from strong gravitational lenses
    MNRAS 511, 3046

  140. Matteo Martinelli et al. 2021
    Euclid: constraining dark energy coupled to electromagnetism using astrophysical and laboratory data
    A&A 654, 148

  141. Euclid Collaboration 2021
    Euclid preparation: XII. Optimizing the photometric sample of the Euclid survey for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing analyses
    A&A 655, 44

  142. James Nightingale, Richard Hayes, Ashley Kelly, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Amy Etherington, Qiuhan He, Nan Li, XiaoYue Cao, Jonathan Frawley, Shaun Cole, Andrea Enia, Carlos Frenk, David Harvey, Ran Li, Richard Massey, Mattia Negrello & Andrew Robertson 2021
    PyAutoLens: open-source strong gravitational lensing
    JOSS 6, 58 and Lockdown Live event

  143. Alessandra Fumagalli et al. 2021
    Euclid: Effect of sample covariance on the number counts of galaxy clusters
    A&A 652, 21

  144. Euclid Collaboration 2021
    Euclid preparation: XI. Mean redshift determination from galaxy redshift probabilities for cosmic shear tomography
    A&A 647, 117

  145. Peter Taylor et al. 2021
    Euclid: Forecasts for k-cut 3×2 point statistics
    OJAp 4, 6

  146. Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Vince Eke, Joop Schaye & Tom Theuns 2021
    The surprising accuracy of isothermal Jeans modelling of self-interacting dark matter density profiles
    MNRAS 501, 4610

  147. Matteo Martinelli, I. Tutusaus, M. Archidiacono, S. Camera, V. Cardone, S. Clesse, S. Casas, L. Casarini, D. F. Mota, H. Hoekstra, C. Carbone, S. Illic, T. Kitching, V. Pettorino, A. Pourtsidou, Z. Sakr, D. Sapone, N. Auricchio, A. Balestra, A. Boucaud, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, C. Conselice, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, A. Costille, M. Douspis, F. Dubath, S. Dusini, G. Fabbian, P. Fosalba, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, F. Grupp, L. Guzzo, W. Holmes, F. Hormuth, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, A. Kiessling, M. Kilbinger, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, S. Ligori, P.B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, K. Markovic, Richard Massey, M. Meneghetti, G. Meylan, B. Morin, L. Moscardini, S. Niemi, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, K. Pedersen, S. Pires, G. Polenta, M. Poncet, L. Popa, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, E. Rossetti, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, C. Sirignano, G. Sirri, J.-L. Starck, F. Sureau, A.N. Taylor, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, E.A. Valentijn, L. Valenziano, T. Vassallo, Y. Wang, N. Welikala, A. Zacchei & J. Zoubian 2021
    Euclid: impact of nonlinear prescriptions on cosmological parameter estimation from weak lensing cosmic shear
    A&A 649, 100

  148. Euclid Collaboration 2021
    Euclid preparation: IX. EuclidEmulator2 power spectrum emulation with massive neutrinos and self-consistent dark energy perturbations
    MNRAS 505, 2840

  149. Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla, Vince Eke, Jacob Kegerreis, Richard Massey & Luís Teodoro 2021
    The effect of pre-impact spin on the Moon-forming collision
    MNRAS 500, 2861 and press release

  150. David Harvey, Andrew Robertson, Sut-Ieng Tam, Mathilde Jauzac, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes & Ian McCarthy 2021
    Reconciling galaxy cluster shapes, measured by theorists vs observers
    MNRAS 500, 2627

  151. Mikko Pöntinen, M. Granvik, A. Nucita, L. Conversi, B. Altieri, N. Auricchio, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, M. Brescia, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, B. Carry, M. Castellano, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Corcione, M. Cropper, S. Dusini, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, B. Garilli, F. Grupp, F. Hormuth, H. Israel, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, T. Kitching, R. Kohley, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, R. Laureijs, P. B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, Richard Massey, M. Meneghetti, G. Meylan, L. Moscardini, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, S. Pires, G. Polenta, F. Raison, M. Roncarelli, E. Rossetti, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, G. Sirri, A.N. Taylor, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, L. Valenziano, Y. Wang, M. Wetzstein & J. Zoubian 2020
    Euclid: Identification of asteroid streaks in simulated images using StreakDet software
    A&A 644, 35

  152. Ajay Gill, Steven J. Benton, Anthony M. Brown, Paul Clark, Christopher J. Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien A. Fraisse, Mathew N. Galloway, John W. Hartley, Bradley Holder, Eric M. Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William C. Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason S.-Y Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy T. Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, James Mullaney, Johanna M. Nagy, C. Barth Netterfield, Susan Redmond, Jason D. Rhodes, L. Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed M. Shaaban, Ellen Sirks, Suresh Sivanandam & Sut-Ieng Tam 2020
    Optical night sky brightness measurements from the stratosphere
    AJ 160, 266

  153. Matteo Martinelli, C. Martins, S. Nesseris, D. Sapone, I. Tutusaus, A. Avgoustidis, S. Camera, C. Carbone, S. Casas, S. Ilic, Z. Sakr, V. Yankelevich, N. Auricchio, A. Balestra, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, F. Dubath, A. Ealet, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, B. Garilli, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, F. Grupp, S. Haugan, W. Holmes, F. Hormuth, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, M. Kilbinger, T. Kitching, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, S. Ligori, P.B. Lilje, I. Lloro, O. Marggraf, K. Markovic, Richard Massey, S. Mei, M. Meneghetti, G. Meylan, L. Moscardini, S. Niemi, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, V. Pettorino, S. Pires, G. Polenta, M. Poncet, L. Popa, L. Pozzetti, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, C. Sirignano, G. Sirri, F. Sureau, A. Taylor, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, L. Valenziano, T. Vassallo, Y. Wang, N. Welikala, J. Weller & A. Zacchei 2020
    Euclid: Forecast constraints on the cosmic distance duality relation with complementary external probes
    A&A 644, 80

  154. Euclid Collaboration 2020
    Euclid preparation: X. The Euclid photometric-redshift challenge
    A&A 644, 31

  155. Jacob Kegerreis, Vince Eke, David Catling, Richard Massey, Luís Teodoro & Kevin Zahnle 2020
    Atmospheric erosion by giant impacts onto terrestrial planets: a scaling law for any speed, angle, mass, and density
    ApJL 901, 31 and press release

  156. Euclid Collaboration 2020
    Euclid preparation: VIII. The complete calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation Survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release
    A&A 642, 192

  157. Bryan Gillis, Tim Schrabback, Ole Marggraf, Rachel Mandelbaum, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes & Andy Taylor 2020
    Validation of PSF models for HST and other space-based observations
    MNRAS 496, 5017

  158. Sut-Ieng Tam, Mathilde Jauzac, Richard Massey, David Harvey, Dominique Eckert, Harald Ebeling, Richard Ellis, Vittorio Ghirardini, Baptiste Klein, Jean-Paul Kneib, David Lagattuta, Priya Natarajan, Andrew Robertson & Graham Smith 2020
    The distribution of dark matter and gas spanning six megaparsecs around the post-merger galaxy cluster MS0451-03
    MNRAS 496, 4032

  159. Sut-Ieng Tam, Richard Massey, Mathilde Jauzac & Andrew Robertson 2020
    Mapping dark matter and finding filaments: calibration of lensing analysis techniques on simulated data
    MNRAS 496, 3973

  160. Dan Ryczanowski, Graham Smith, Matteo Bianconi, Richard Massey, Andrew Robertson & Mathilde Jauzac 2020
    On building a cluster watchlist for identifying strongly lensed supernovae, gravitational waves and kilonovae
    MNRAS 495, 1666

  161. Isaac Tutusaus, M. Martinelli, V. Cardone, S. Camera, S. Yahia-Cherif, S. Casas, A. Blanchard, M. Kilbinger, F. Lacasa, Z. Sakr, S. Ilic, M. Kunz, C. Carbone, F.J. Castander, F. Dournac, P. Fosalba, T. Kitching, K. Markovic, A. Mangilli, V. Pettorino, D. Sapone, V. Yankelevich, N. Auricchio, R. Bender, D. Bonino, A. Boucaud, M. Brescia, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, A. Costille, M. Cropper, F. Dubath, S. Dusini, G. Fabbian, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, B. Garilli, F. Grupp, L. Guzzo, H. Hoekstra, F. Hormuth, H. Israel, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, B. Kubik, R. Laureijs, S. Ligori, P. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, Richard Massey, S. Mei, E. Merlin, G. Meylan, L. Moscardini, P. Ntelis, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, W.J. Percival, S. Pires, M. Poncet, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, E. Rossetti, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, C. Sirignano, G. Sirri, J. Starck, F. Sureau, A. Taylor, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, L. Valenziano, Y. Wang, N. Welikala, J. Weller, A. Zacchei & J. Zoubian 2020
    Euclid: The importance of galaxy clustering and weak lensing cross-correlations within the photometric Euclid survey
    MNRAS in press

  162. Ellen Sirks, Paul Clark, Richard Massey, S. Benton, A. Brown, C. J. Damaren, T. Eifler, A. Fraisse, C. Frenk, M. Funk, M. Galloway, A. Gill, J. Hartley, B. Holder, E. M. Huff, M. Jauzac, W. Jones, D. Lagattuta, J. Leung, L. Li, T. Luu, J. McCleary, J. Nagy, C. Netterfield, S. Redmond, J. Rhodes, L. Romualdez, J. Schmoll, M. Shaaban & S.-I. Tam 2020
    Download by parachute: retrieval of assets from High Altitude Balloons
    JInst 15, 5014

  163. Andrew Robertson, Graham Smith, Richard Massey, Vince Eke, Mathilde Jauzac, Matteo Bianconi & Dan Ryczanowski 2020
    What does strong gravitational lensing? The mass and redshift distribution of high-magnification lenses
    MNRAS 495, 3727

  164. Jacob Kegerreis, Vince Eke, Richard Massey & Luís Teodoro 2020
    Atmospheric erosion by giant impacts onto terrestrial planets
    ApJ 897, 161 and press release

  165. Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey & Vince Eke 2020
    Understanding the large inferred Einstein radii of observed low-mass galaxy clusters
    MNRAS 494, 4706

  166. Laura Bisigello, U. Kuchner, C.J. Conselice, S. Andreon, M. Bolzonella, P. Duc, B. Garilli, A. Humphrey, C. Maraston, M. Moresco, L. Pozzetti, C. Tortora, G. Zamorani, N. Auricchio, J. Brinchmann, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, F.J. Castander, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, M.S. Cropper, S. Dusini, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, P. Franzetti, M. Fumana, F. Hormuth, H. Israel, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, T. Kitching, R. Kohley, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, O. Le Fèvre, S. Ligori, P.B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, Richard Massey, D.C. Masters, S. Mei, Y. Mellier, G. Meylan, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, V. Pettorino, S. Pires, G. Polenta, M. Poncet, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, E. Rossetti, R. Saglia, M. Sauvage, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, F. Sureau, A.N. Taylor, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, L. Valenziano, Y. Wang, M. Wetzstein & J. Zoubian 2020
    Euclid: The selection of quiescent and star-forming galaxies using observed colours
    MNRAS 494, 2337

  167. Charles Steinhardt, Mathilde Jauzac Ana Acebron, Hakim Atek, Peter Capak, Iary Davidzon, Dominique Eckert, David Harvey, Anton Koekemoer, Claudia Lagos, Guillaume Mahler, Mireia Montes, Anna Niemiec, Mario Nonino, Pascal Oesch, Johan Richard, Steven Rodney, Matthieu Schaller, Keren Sharon, Louis-Gregory Strolger, Joseph Allingham, Adam Amara, Yannick Bahé, Celine Boehm, Sownak Bose, Rychard Bouwens, Larry Bradley, Gabriel Brammer, Tom Broadhurst, Rodrigo Canas, Renyue Cen, Benjamin Clement, Douglas Clowe, Dan Coe, Thomas Connor, Behnam Darvish, Jose Diego, Harald Ebeling, Alastair Edge, Eiichi Egami, Stefano Ettori, Andreas Faisst, Brenda Frye, Lukas Furtak, Gomez-Guijarro, Remolina Gonzalez, Anthony Gonzalez, Or Graur, Daniel Gruen, David Harvey, Hagan Hensley, Beryl Hovis-Afflerbach, Pascale Jablonka, Saurabh Jha, Eric Jullo, Jean-Paul Kneib, Vasily Kokorev, David Lagattuta, Marceau Limousin, Anja von der Linden, Nora Linzer, Adrian Lopez, Georgios Magdis, Richard Massey, Daniel Masters, Matteo Maturi, Curtis McCully, Sean McGee, Massimo Meneghetti, Bahram Mobasher, Leonidas Moustakas, Eric Murphy, Priyamvada Natarajan, Mark Neyrinck, Kyle O'Connor, Masamune Oguri, Amanda Pagul, Jason Rhodes, Michael Rich, Andrew Robertson, Mauro Sereno, Huanyuan Shan, Graham Smith, Albert Sneppen, Gordon Squires, Sut-Ieng Tam, Celine Tchernin, Sune Toft, Keiichi Umetsu, John Weaver, R. van Weeren, Liliya Williams, Tom Wilson, Lin Yan & Adi Zitrin 2020
    The BUFFALO HST Survey
    ApJ 247, 64

  168. Javier Romualdez, Steven Benton, Anthony Brown, Paul Clark, Christopher Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien Fraisse, Mathew Galloway, Ajay Gill, John Hartley, Bradley Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, James Mullaney, Johanna Nagy, C. Barth Netterfield, Susan Redmond, Jason D. Rhodes, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed Shaaban, Ellen Sirks & Sut-Ieng Tam 2019
    Robust diffraction-limited NIR-to-NUV wide-field imaging from stratospheric balloon-borne platforms — SuperBIT science telescope commissioning flight & performance
    Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 4501

  169. Alain Blanchard and the Euclid Collaboration 2020
    Euclid preparation: VII. Forecast validation for Euclid cosmological probes
    A&A 624, 191

  170. Paniez Paykari and the Euclid Collaboration 2020
    Euclid preparation: VI. Verifying the Performance of Cosmic Shear Experiments
    A&A 635, 139

  171. Sandrine Pires, V. Vandenbussche, V. Kansal, R. Bender, D. Bonino, A. Boucaud, J. Brinchmann, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, R. Clédassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, F. Dubath, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, F. Grupp, F. Hormuth, S. Kermiche, R. Kohley, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, S. Ligori, P.B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, Richard Massey, G. Meylan, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, M. Poncet, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo & Y. Wang 2020
    Euclid: Reconstruction of Weak Lensing mass maps for non-Gaussianity studies
    A&A 638, 141

  172. David Harvey, Sut-Ieng Tam, Mathilde Jauzac, Richard Massey & Jason Rhodes 2019
    The shape of relaxed galaxy clusters and the public release of a HST shape measurement code, pyRRG
    MNRAS submitted

  173. Anthony Brown, Richard Massey, Thomas Lacroix, Louis Strigari, Azadeh Fattahi & Céline Bœhm 2019
    The glow of annihilating dark matter in Omega Centauri
    Nature submitted

  174. Anurag Deshpande, T.D. Kitching, V.F. Cardone, P.L. Taylor, S. Casas, S. Camera, C. Carbone, M. Kilbinger, V. Pettorino, Z. Sakr, D. Sapone, I. Tutusaus, N. Auricchio, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, M. Brescia, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, F. Dubath, S. Dusini, G. Fabbian, M. Fumana, B. Garilli, F. Grupp, H. Hoekstra, F. Hormuth, H. Israel, K. Jahnke, S. Kermiche, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, S. Ligori, P. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, Richard Massey, S. Mei, M. Meneghetti, G. Meylan, L. Moscardini, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, S. Pires, G. Polenta, M. Poncet, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, A. Secroun, S. Serrano, G. Sirri, J.L. Starck, F. Sureau, A.N. Taylor, I. Tereno, R. Toledo-Moreo, L. Valenziano, Y. Wang & J. Zoubian 2020
    Euclid: On the reduced shear approximation and magnification bias for Stage IV cosmic shear experiments
    A&A 636, 95

  175. Morgan Schmitz, J.-L. Starck, F. Ngole Mboula, N. Auricchio, J. Brinchmann, R. Vito Capobianco, R. Clédassou, L. Conversi, L. Corcione, N. Fourmanoit, M. Frailis, B. Garilli, F. Hormuth, D. Hu, H. Israel, S. Kermiche, T. Kitching, B. Kubik, M. Kunz, S. Ligori, P. B. Lilje, I. Lloro, O. Mansutti, O. Marggraf, Richard Massey, F. Pasian, V. Pettorino, F. Raison, J. Rhodes, M. Roncarelli, R. Saglia, P. Schneider, S. Serrano, A. Taylor, R. Toledo-Moreo, L. Valenziano, C. Vuerli & J. Zoubianet 2020
    Euclid: Non-parametric point spread function field recovery through interpolation on a Graph Laplacian
    A&A 636, 78

  176. Rhys Barnett and the Euclid Collaboration 2019
    Euclid preparation: V. Predicted yield of redshift 7<z<9 quasars from the wide survey
    A&A 631, 85

  177. James Monteiro De Barros, J. Hodson, J. Glasbey, Richard Massey, O. Rintoul-Hoad, M. Chetan, A. Desai, L. Almond, D. Gourevitch, D. Strauss, H. Smith, A. Hayes, K. Cardona, A. Lopez-Aguiar, A. Johnson, C. Swallow, S. Burtenshaw, C. Nessim, R. Weng, B. Purgin, A. Gronchi, M. Fiore, D. Callegaro, C. Raut, M. Fairweather, S. Bagaria, M. Novak, D. Gyorki, F. Reid, J. Mullinax, R. Gonzalez, F. Van Coevorden, W. Van Houdt, R. Haas, H. Van Boven, B. Heeres & S. Ford 2019
    Intercontinental collaborative experience with abdominal, retroperitoneal and pelvic schwannomas
    British Journal of Surgery 107, 452

  178. James Nightingale, Richard Massey, David Harvey, Andrew Cooper, Amy Etherington, Sut-Ieng Tam & Richard Hayes 2019
    Galaxy structure with strong gravitational lensing: decomposing the internal mass distribution of massive elliptical galaxies
    MNRAS 489, 2049

  179. Andrew Robertson, David Harvey, Richard Massey, Vince Eke, Ian McCarthy, Mathilde Jauzac, Baojiu Li & Joop Schaye 2019
    Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: cosmological simulations with SIDM and baryons
    MNRAS 488, 3646

  180. David Harvey, Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey & Ian McCarthy 2019
    Observable tests of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters: BCG wobbles in a constant density core
    MNRAS 488, 1572

  181. Chaz Shapiro, Roger Smith, Eric Huff, Andrés Plazas-Malagon, Jason Rhodes, Jason Fucik, Tim Goodsall, Richard Massey, Barney Rowe & Suresh Seshadri 2019
    Precision Projector Laboratory: detector characterization with an astronomical emulation testbed
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes Instruments and Systems 5(4), 041503

  182. Jacob Kegerreis, V. Eke, P. Gonnet, D. Korycansky, Richard Massey, M. Schaller & L. Teodoro 2019
    High-resolution simulations of Giant Impacts: efficient spherical initial conditions and next-generation performance with SWIFT
    MNRAS 487, 5029

  183. Joel Bergé, Richard Massey, Quentin Baghi & Pierre Touboul 2019
    Exponential shapelets: basis functions for data analysis of isolated features
    MNRAS 486, 544

  184. Paul Clark, Marc Funk, Benjamin Funk, Tobias Funk, Richard Meadows, Anthony Brown, Lun Li, Richard Massey & Barth Netterfield 2019
    An open source toolkit for the tracking, termination and recovery of high altitude balloon flights and payloads
    Journal of Instrumentation 14, P04003

  185. Graham Smith, M. Bianconi, M. Jauzac, J. Richard, A. Robertson, C. Berry, Richard Massey, K. Sharon, W. Farr & J. Veitch 2019
    Deep and rapid observations of strong-lensing galaxy clusters within the sky localisation of GW170814
    MNRAS 485, 5180

  186. Mathilde Jauzac, Guillaume Mahler, Alastair Edge, Keren Sharon, Steven Gillman, Harald Ebeling, David Harvey, Johan Richard, Michele Fumagalli, Mark Swinbank, Steven Hamer, Jean-Paul Kneib, Richard Massey & Philippe Salome 2018
    The core of the massive cluster merger MACS J0417.5-1154 as seen by VLT/MUSE
    MNRAS 483, 3082

  187. Mathilde Jauzac, D. Eckert, M. Schaller, J. Schwinn, Richard Massey, Y. Bahé, C. Baugh, D. Barnes, C. Dalla Vecchia, H. Ebeling, D. Harvey, E. Jullo, S. Kay, J.-P. Kneib, M. Limousin, E. Medezinski, P. Natarajan, M. Nonino, A. Robertson, S. I. Tam & K. Umetsu 2018
    Growing a cosmic beast: observations and simulations of MACS J0717.5+3745
    MNRAS 481, 2901

  188. Jason Ramsdale, Matthew Balme, Colman Gallagher, Susan Conway, Isaac Smith, Ernst Hauber, Csilla Orgel, Antoine Sejourne, Francois Costard, Vince Eke, Stephan van Gasselt, Andreas Johnsson, Akos Kereszturi, Anna Losiak, Richard Massey, Thomas Platz, Dennis Reiss, Zuzanna Swirad, Luis Teodoro & Jack Wilson 2018
    Gridmapping the northern plains of Mars: geomorphological, radar and Water-Equivalent Hydrogen results from Arcadia Plantia
    JGR Planets 124, 504

  189. Csilla Orgel, Ernst Hauber, Stephan van Gasselt, Dennis Reiss, Andreas Johnsson, Jason Ramsdale, Isaac Smith, Zuzanna Swirad, Antoine Sejourne, Jack Wilson, Matthew Balme, Susan Conway, Francois Costard, Vince Eke, Colman Gallagher, Akos Kereszturi, Anna Losiak, Richard Massey, Thomas Platz, James Skinner & Luis Teodoro 2018
    Gridmapping the northern plains of Mars: a new overview of recent water- and ice-related landforms in Acidalia Planitia
    JGR Planets 124, 454

  190. Jack Wilson, David Lawrence, Patrick Peplowski, Joshua Cahill, Vince Eke, Richard Massey & Luís Teodoro 2018
    Image reconstruction techniques in neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy: improving Lunar Prospector data
    JGR Planets 123, 1804

  191. Jacob Kegerreis, L. Teodoro, V. Eke, Richard Massey, D. Catling, C. Fryer, D. Korycansky, M. Warren & K. Zahnle 2018
    Consequences of giant impacts on early Uranus for rotation, internal structure, debris, and atmospheric erosion
    ApJ 861, 52 with press release from NASA, and coverage including Sky News, The Independent, Daily Mail, USA Today

  192. ChengYu Xi, James Taylor, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Anton Koekemoer & Mara Salvato 2018
    Quantifying the abundance of faint, low-redshift satellite galaxies in the COSMOS survey
    MNRAS 478, 5336

  193. James Nightingale, Simon Dye & Richard Massey 2018
    Autolens: automated modeling of a strong lens's light, mass and source
    MNRAS 478, 4738

  194. Mathilde Jauzac, David Harvey & Richard Massey 2018
    The shape of galaxy dark matter halos in massive galaxy clusters: insights from strong gravitational lensing
    MNRAS 477, 4046

  195. Alastair Basden, Anthony M Brown, Paula Chadwick, Paul Clark & Richard Massey 2018
    Artificial guide stars for adaptive optics using unmanned aerial vehicles
    MNRAS 477, 2209

  196. Richard Massey, David Harvey, Jori Liesenborgs, Johan Richard, Stuart Stach, Mark Swinbank, Peter Taylor, Liliya Williams, Douglas Clowe, Frederic Courbin, Alastair Edge, Holger Israel, Mathilde Jauzac, Remy Joseph, Eric Jullo, Thomas Kitching, Adrienne Leonard, Julian Merten, Daisuke Nagai, James Nightingale, Andrew Robertson, L. Javier Romualdez, Prasenjit Saha, Renske Smit, Sut-Ieng Tam & Eric Tittley 2018
    Dark matter dynamics in Abell 3827: new data consistent with standard Cold Dark Matter
    MNRAS 477, 669 with press release from RAS/EAS, coverage on BBC1 Breakfast TV (more), BBC R4 Today, and newspapers including The Times, The Independent, Daily Mail

  197. Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Vince Eke, Sean Tulin, Hai-Bo Yu, Yannick Bahé, David Barnes, Claudio Dalla Vecchia & Scott Kay 2018
    The diverse density profiles of galaxy clusters with Self-Interacting Dark Matter plus baryons
    MNRAS Lett. 476, 20

  198. Graham P. Smith, Mathilde Jauzac, John Veitch, Richard Massey, Johan Richard & Will Farr 2018
    What if the gravitational waves detected in 2015 were strongly lensed by massive galaxy clusters?
    MNRAS 475, 3823

  199. Tim Schrabback, D. Applegate, J. P. Dietrich, H. Hoekstra, S. Bocquet, A. Gonzalez, A. von der Linden, M. McDonald, C. Morrison, S. Raihan, S. Allen, M. Bayliss, B. Benson, L. Bleem, I. Chiu, S. Desai, R. Foley, T. de Haan, W. High, S. Hilbert, A. Mantz, Richard Massey, J. Mohr, C. Reichardt, A. Saro, P. Simon, C. Stern, C. Stubbs & A. Zenteno 2018
    Cluster mass calibration at high redshift: HST weak lensing analysis of 13 distant galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich survey
    MNRAS 474, 2635

  200. Jack Wilson, Vince Eke, Richard Massey, Rick Elphic, Bill Feldman, Sylvestre Maurice & Luís Teodoro 2018
    Equatorial locations of water on Mars: improved resolution maps based on Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer data
    Icarus 299, 148 then reported in e.g. Science, New Scientist

  201. Jacob Kegerreis, Vince Eke, Richard Massey, Simon Beaumont, Rick Elphic & Luís Teodoro 2018
    Evidence for a rapid turnover of argon in the lunar exosphere
    JGR Planets 122, 2163

  202. Jason Rhodes et al. 2017
    Scientific Synergy Between LSST and Euclid
    ApJ 233, 21

  203. Peter Taylor, Richard Massey, Mathilde Jauzac, Frédéric Courbin, David Harvey, Rémy Joseph & Andrew Robertson 2017
    A test for skewed distributions of dark matter and a detection in galaxy cluster Abell 3827
    MNRAS 468, 5004

  204. Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey & Vince Eke 2017
    Cosmic particle colliders: simulations of self-interacting dark matter with angularly-dependent scattering
    MNRAS 467, 4719 and accompanying movies of the Bullet Cluster

  205. Renske Smit, Mark Swinbank, Richard Massey, Johan Richard, Ian Smail & Jean-Paul Kneib 2017
    A gravitationally-boosted MUSE survey for emission-line galaxies at z>5 behind the massive cluster RCS 0224
    MNRAS 467, 3306 and Nature News & Views

  206. Johannes Schwinn, Mathilde Jauzac, Carlton Baugh, Matthias Bartelmann, Dominique Eckert, David Harvey, Priya Natarajan & Richard Massey 2017
    Abell 2744: too much substructure for ΛCDM?
    MNRAS 467, 2913

  207. Holger Israel, Tom Kitching, Richard Massey & Mark Cropper 2017
    Problems using ratios of galaxy shape moments on requirements for weak lensing surveys
    A&A 598, 46

  208. Michael Borden, Derek Lewis, Hared Ochoa, Laura Jones-Wilson, Sara Susca, Michael Porter, Richard Massey, Paul Clark & Barth Netterfield 2017
    Thermal, structural, and optical analysis of a balloon-based imaging system
    PASP 129, 035001

  209. Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey & Vince Eke 2017
    What does the Bullet Cluster tell us about self-interacting dark matter?
    MNRAS 465, 569

  210. David Harvey, Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey & Jean-Paul Kneib 2017
    Looking for dark matter trails in colliding galaxy clusters
    MNRAS 464, 3991

  211. Javier Romualdez, Paul Clark, Chris Damaren, Mathew Galloway, John Hartley, Lun Li, Richard Massey & Barth Netterfield 2016
    Precise pointing and stabilization performance of the Balloon-borne Imaging Testbed (BIT): 2015 test flight
    J. Aerospace Eng. 0954410016641451

  212. Lun Li, Chris Damaren, Javier Romualdez, Barth Netterfield, John Hartley, Mathew Galloway, Richard Massey & Paul Clark 2016
    Combined method for the modal system identification of the Balloon-borne Imaging Testbed
    J. Aerospace Eng. 29, 04016051

  213. Mathilde Jauzac, D. Eckert, J. Schwinn, D. Harvey, C. Baugh, A. Robertson, S. Bose, Richard Massey, M. Owers, H. Ebeling, H. Shan, E. Jullo, J.-P. Kneib, J. Richard, H. Atek, B. Clément, E. Egami, H. Israel, K. Knowles, M. Limousin, P. Natarajan, M. Rexroth, P. Taylor & C. Tchernin 2016
    The extraordinary amount of substructure in the Hubble Frontier Fields cluster Abell 2744
    MNRAS 463, 3876

  214. Wenli Mo, Anthony Gonzalez, James Jee, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Mark Brodwin, Peter Eisenhardt, Daniel Marrone, Spencer Stanford & Gregory Zeimann 2016
    IDCS J1426.5+3508: weak lensing analysis of a massive galaxy cluster at z=1.75
    ApJL 818, 25

  215. Mathilde Jauzac, J. Richard, M. Limousin, K. Knowles, G. Mahler, G. P. Smith, J.-P. Kneib, E. Jullo, P. Natarajan, H. Ebeling, H. Atek, B. Clément, D. Eckert, E. Egami, Richard Massey & M. Rexroth 2016
    Hubble Frontier Fields: predictions for the return of SN Refsdal with the MUSE and GMOS spectrographs
    MNRAS 457, 2029

  216. Elinor Medezinski, Keiichi Umetsu, Nobuhiro Okabe, Mario Nonino, Sandor Molnar, Richard Massey, Renato Dupke & Julian Merten 2016
    Frontier Fields: Subaru weak-lensing analysis of the merging galaxy cluster A2744
    ApJ 817, 24

  217. Tom Kitching, Andy Taylor, Mark Cropper, Henk Hoekstra, Ross Hood, Richard Massey & Sami Niemi 2016
    On scale-dependent cosmic shear systematic effects
    MNRAS 455, 3319

  218. Dominique Eckert, Mathilde Jauzac, HuanYuan Shan, Jean-Paul Kneib, Thomas Erben, Holger Israel, Eric Jullo, Matthias Klein, Richard Massey, Johan Richard & Celine Tchernin 2015
    Warm-hot baryons comprise 5-10 per cent of filaments in the cosmic web
    Nature 528, 105 with press release from ESA

  219. Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Vince Eke & Richard Bower 2015
    Self-interacting dark matter scattering rates through cosmic time
    MNRAS 453, 2267

  220. Holger Israel, Richard Massey, Thibaut Prod'homme, Mark Cropper, Oliver Cordes, Jason Gow, Ralf Kohley, Ole Marggraf, Sami Niemi, Jason Rhodes, Alex Short & Peter Verhoeve 2015
    How well can Charge Transfer Inefficiency be corrected? A parameter sensitivity study
    MNRAS 453, 561 and erratum

  221. Matthieu Schaller, Andrew Robertson, Richard Massey, Richard Bower & Vince Eke 2015
    The offsets between galaxies and their dark matter in ΛCDM
    MNRAS Lett. 453, 58

  222. Mathilde Jauzac, Johan Richard, Eric Jullo, Benjamin Clément, Marceau Limousin, Jean-Paul Kneib, Priyamvada Natarajan, Harald Ebeling, Hakim Atek, Richard Massey, Dominique Eckert, Eiichi Egami & Markus Rexroth 2015
    Hubble Frontier fields: a high-precision strong-lensing mass model of the massive galaxy cluster Abell 2744 using 180 multiple images
    MNRAS 452, 1437

  223. Richard Massey, Liliya Williams, Renske Smit, Mark Swinbank, Thomas Kitching, David Harvey, Mathilde Jauzac, Holger Israel, Douglas Clowe, Alastair Edge, Matt Hilton, Eric Jullo, Adrienne Leonard, Jori Liesenborgs, Julian Merten, Irshad Mohammed, Daisuke Nagai, Johan Richard, Andrew Robertson, Prasenjit Saha, Rebecca Santana, John Stott and Eric Tittley 2015
    The behaviour of dark matter associated with 4 bright cluster galaxies in the 10 kpc core of Abell 3827
    MNRAS 449, 3393 with press release from ESO, coverage by BBC, The Independent, and video from Al Jazeera TV

  224. David Harvey, Richard Massey, Tom Kitching, Andy Taylor & Eric Tittley 2015
    The nongravitational interactions of dark matter in colliding galaxy clusters
    Science 347, 1462 with press releases from ESA, NASA, coverage by BBC, The Independent, and video from a Hubble Hangout

  225. Jack Wilson, Vince Eke, Richard Massey, Rick Elphic, Brad Jolliff, David Lawrence, Ed Llewellin, Jim McElwaine & Luís Teodoro 2015
    Evidence for explosive silicic volcanism on the Moon from the extended distribution of thorium near the Compton-Belkovich Volcanic Complex
    JGR Planets 120, 92 and press coverage

  226. Holger Israel, Gerrit Schellenberger, Jukka Nevalainen, Richard Massey & Thomas Reiprich 2015
    Reconciling Planck cluster counts and cosmology: Chandra/XMM instrumental calibration and hydrostatic mass bias
    MNRAS 448, 814

  227. Paul Giles, B. Maughan, T. Hamana, S. Miyazaki, M. Birkinshaw, R. Ellis & Richard Massey 2015
    The X-ray properties of weak lensing selected galaxy clusters
    MNRAS 447, 3044

  228. Julian Merten et al. 2015
    CLASH: the concentration-mass relation of galaxy clusters
    ApJ 806, 4

  229. Mathilde Jauzac, E. Jullo, D. Eckert, H. Ebeling, J. Richard, M. Limousin, H. Atek, J.-P. Kneib, B. Clément, E. Egami, D. Harvey, K. Knowles, K. Knowles, Richard Massey, P. Natarajan & M. Rexroth 2015
    Hubble Frontier Fields: the geometry and dynamics of the massive galaxy cluster merger MACSJ0416.1-2403
    MNRAS 446, 4132

  230. Alexie Leauthaud, A. Benson, F. Civano, A. Coil, K. Bundy, Richard Massey, M. Schramm, A. Schulze, P. Capak, M. Elvis, A. Kulier & J. Rhodes 2015
    The dark matter halos of moderate luminosity X-ray AGN as determined from weak gravitational lensing and host stellar masses
    MNRAS 446, 1874

  231. Tom Kitching, J. Rhodes, C. Heymans, Richard Massey, Q. Liu, M. Cobzarenco, B. Cragin, A. Hassaïne, D. Kirkby, E. Jin Lok, D. Margala, J. Moser, M. O'Leary, A. Pires & S. Yurgenson 2015
    Image analysis for cosmology: shape measurement challenge review & results from the Mapping Dark Matter challenge
    Astronomy & Computing 10, 9

  232. Mathilde Jauzac, B. Clément, M. Limousin, E. Jullo, J. Richard, J.-P. Kneib, H. Atek, P. Natarajan, K. Knowles, H. Ebeling, D. Eckert, E. Egami, Richard Massey & M. Rexroth 2014
    Hubble Frontier Fields: a high precision strong lensing analysis of the cluster MACSJ0416.1-2403 using ~200 multiple images
    MNRAS 443, 1549 and press release

  233. Paul Clark, Richard Massey, Herrick Chang, Mathew Galloway, Holger Israel, Laura Jones, Lun Li, Milan Mandic, Tim Morris, Barth Netterfield, John Peacock, Ray Sharples & Sara Susca 2014
    Characterization of a commercial, front-illuminated interline transfer CCD camera for use as a guide camera on a balloon-borne telescope
    J. Astron. Instr. 03, 1440003

  234. David Harvey, Eric Tittley, Richard Massey, Tom Kitching, Andy Taylor, Simon Pike, Scott Kay, Erwin Lau & Daisuke Nagai 2014
    On the cross-section of Dark Matter using substructure infall into galaxy clusters
    MNRAS 441, 404

  235. Richard Massey, Tim Schrabback, Oliver Cordes, Ole Marggraf, Holger Israel, Lance Miller, David Hall, Mark Cropper, Thibaut Prod'homme & Sami-Matias Niemi 2014
    An improved model of Charge Transfer Inefficiency and correction algorithm for the Hubble Space Telescope
    MNRAS 439, 887

  236. Holger Israel, Thomas Reiprich, Thomas Erben, Richard Massey, Craig Sarazin, Peter Schneider & Alexey Vikhlinin 2014
    The 400d Galaxy Cluster Survey weak lensing programme III: evidence for consistent weak lensing and X-ray masses at z~0.5
    A&A 564, 129

  237. Lidia Tasca, L. Tresse, O. Le Fèvre, O. Ilbert, S. Lilly, G. Zamorani, C. López-Sanjuan, L. Ho, S. Bardelli, O. Cucciati, D. Farrah, C. Liu, Richard Massey, A. Renzini, Y. Taniguchi, E. Zucca et al. 2014
    The zCOSMOS Redshift Survey: evolution of the light in bulges and discs since z~0.8
    A&A 564, 12

  238. Rachel Mandelbaum et al. 2014
    The third Gravitational Lensing Accuracy Testing (GREAT3) challenge handbook
    ApJS 212, 5

  239. Jeremy Tinker, Alexie Leauthaud, Kevin Bundy, Matthew George, Peter Behroozi, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes & Risa Wechsler 2013
    Evolution of the stellar-to-dark matter relation: separating star-forming and passive galaxies from z=1 to 0
    ApJ 778, 93

  240. Kimmo Kettula, Alexis Finoguenov, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Henk Hoekstra, James Taylor, Patricia Spinelli, Masayuki Tanaka, Olivier Ilbert, Peter Capak, Henry McCracken & Anton Koekemoer 2013
    Weak lensing calibrated M-T scaling relation of galaxy groups in the COSMOS field
    ApJ 778, 74

  241. Barnaby Rowe, David Bacon, Richard Massey, Catherine Heymans, Boris Häußler, Andy Taylor, Jason Rhodes & Yannick Mellier 2013
    Flexion measurement in simulations of Hubble Space Telescope data
    MNRAS 435, 822

  242. David Harvey, Richard Massey, Tom Kitching, Andy Taylor, Eric Jullo, Jean-Paul Kneib & Phil Marshall 2013
    Dark matter astrometry: accuracy of sub-halo positions for the measurement of self-interaction cross sections
    MNRAS 433, 1517

  243. Nick Scoville, S. Arnouts, H. Aussel, A. Benson, A. Bongiorno, K. Bundy, M. Calvo, P. Capak, M. Carollo, F. Civano, J. Dunlop, M. Elvis, A. Faisst, A. Finoguenov, H. Fu, M. Giavalisco, Q. Guo, O. Ilbert, A. Iovino, M. Kajisawa, J. Kartaltepe, A. Leauthaud, O. Le Fevre, E. LeFloch, S. Lilly, C. Liu, S. Manohar, Richard Massey, D. Masters, H. McCracken, B. Mobasher, Y. Peng, A. Renzini, J. Rhodes, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, B. Sarvestani, C. Scarlata, E. Schinnerer, K. Sheth, P. Shopbell, V. Smolcic, Y. Taniguchi, J. Taylor, S. White & L. Yan 2013
    Evolution of galaxies and their environments at z=0.1 to 3 in COSMOS
    ApJS 206, 3

  244. Mark Cropper, Henk Hoekstra, Thomas Kitching, Richard Massey, Jerome Amiaux, Lance Miller, Yannick Mellier, Jason Rhodes, Barnaby Rowe, Sandrine Pires, Curtis Saxton & Roberto Scaramella 2013
    Defining a weak lensing experiment in space
    MNRAS 431, 3103

  245. Richard Massey, Henk Hoekstra, Tom Kitching, Jason Rhodes, Mark Cropper, Jerome Amiaux, David Harvey, Yannick Mellier, Massimo Meneghetti, Lance Miller, Stephane Paulin-Henriksson, Sandrine Pires, Roberto Scaramella & Tim Schrabback 2013
    Origins of weak lensing systematics, and requirements on future instrumentation (or knowledge of instrumentation)
    MNRAS 429, 661

  246. Tom Kitching, Barney Rowe, Mandeep Gill, Catherine Heymans, Richard Massey, Dugan Witherick, J. Bergé, G. Bernstein, E. Bertin, F. Courbin, K. Georgatzis, M. Gentile, D. Gruen, M. Jarvis, M. Kilbinger, G. Li, G. Meylan & A. Suksmono 2013
    Image Analysis for Cosmology: results from the GREAT10 Star Challenge
    ApJS 205, 12

  247. Bruce Sibthorpe, Rob Ivison, Richard Massey, Isaac Roseboom, Paul van der Welf, Brenda Matthews & Jane Greaves 2013
    Extragalactic number counts at 100μm, free from cosmic variance
    MNRAS Lett. 428, 6

  248. Douglas Clowe, Maxim Markevitch, Maruša Bradač, Anthony Gonzalez, Richard Massey & Dennis Zaritsky 2013
    On dark peaks and missing mass: a weak lensing mass reconstruction of the merging cluster system Abell 520
    ApJ 758, 128

  249. Luca Amendola et al. 2013
    Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid satellite
    Living Reviews in Relativity 16, 6

  250. Mathilde Jauzac, Eric Jullo, Jean-Paul Kneib, Harald Ebeling, Alexie Leauthaud, Marceau Limousin, Cheng-Jiun Ma, Richard Massey & Johan Richard 2012
    A weak-lensing mass reconstruction of the large-scale filament feeding the massive galaxy cluster MACSJ0717.5+3745
    MNRAS 426, 3369 and press release

  251. Matthew George, Alexie Leauthaud, Kevin Bundy, Alexis Finoguenov, Chung-Pei Ma, Eli Rykoff, Jeremy Tinker, Risa Wechsler, Richard Massey & Simona Mei 2012
    Galaxies in X-ray groups II: a weak lensing study of halo centering
    ApJ 757, 2

  252. Jason Rhodes, Benjamin Dobke, Jeffrey Booth, Richard Massey, Kurt Liewer, Roger Smith, Adam Amara, Jack Aldrich, Joel Bergé, Naidu Bezawada, Paul Brugarolas, Paul Clark, Cornelis ubbeldam, Richard Ellis, Carlos Frenk, Angus Gallie, Alan Heavens, David Henry, Eric Jullo, Tom Kitching, James Lanzi, Simon Lilly, David Lunney, Satoshi Miyazaki, David Morris, Christopher Paine, John Peacock, Sergio Pellegrino, Roger Pittock, Peter Pool, Alexandre Refregier, Michael Seiffert, Ray Sharples, Alexandra Smith, David Stuchlik, Andy Taylor, Harry Teplitz, Ali Vanderveld & James Wu 2012
    Space-quality data from balloon-borne telescopes: the High Altitude Lensing Observatory (HALO)
    Astropart. Phys. 38, 31

  253. Jeremy Tinker, Matthew George, Alexie Leauthaud, Kevin Bundy, Alexis Finoguenov, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes & Risa Wechsler 2012
    The correlated formation histories of massive galaxies and their dark matter halos
    ApJL 755, 5

  254. Adam Amara, S. Lilly, K. Kovac, J. Rhodes, Richard Massey, G. Zamorani et al. 2012
    The COSMOS density field: a reconstruction using both weak lensing and galaxy distributions
    MNRAS 424, 553

  255. Tom Kitching, S. Balan, S. Bridle, N. Cantale, F. Courbin, M. Gentile, M. Gill, S. Harmeling, C. Heymans, M. Hirsch, T. Kacprzak, D. Kirkby, D. Margala, Richard Massey, P. Melchior, G. Nurbaeva, K. Patton, J. Rhodes, B. Rowe, A. Taylor, M. Tewes, M. Viola, D. Witherick, L. Voigt, J. Young & J. Zuntz, 2012
    Image Analysis for Cosmology: results from the GREAT10 Galaxy Challenge
    MNRAS 423, 3163

  256. Eric Jullo, Jason Rhodes, Alina Kiessling, James Taylor, Richard Massey, Joel Bergé, Carlo Schimd, Jean-Paul Kneib & Nick Scoville 2012
    COSMOS: stochastic bias from measurements of weak lensing and galaxy clustering
    ApJ 750, 37

  257. James Taylor, Richard Massey, Alexie Leauthaud, Matthew George, Jason Rhodes, Peter Capak, Richard Ellis, Alexis Finoguenov, Olivier Ilbert, Eric Jullo, Jean-Paul Kneib, Nick Scoville & Masayuki Tanaka 2012
    Measuring the geometry of the universe from weak gravitational lensing behind galaxy groups in the HST COSMOS survey
    ApJ 749, 127

  258. HuanYuan Shan, Jean-Paul Kneib, Charling Tao, Zuhui Fan, Mathilde Jauzac, Marceau Limousin, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes & Karun Thanjavur 2012
    Weak lensing measurement of galaxy clusters in the CFHTLS wide survey
    ApJ 748, 56

  259. Lisa Voigt, Sarah Bridle, Adam Amara, Mark Cropper, Tom Kitching, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes & Tim Schrabback 2012
    The impact of galaxy colour gradients on cosmic shear measurement
    MNRAS 421, 1385

  260. Rachel Mandelbaum, Chris Hirata, Alexie Leauthaud, Richard Massey & Jason Rhodes 2012
    Precision simulation of ground-based lensing data using observations from space
    MNRAS 420, 1518

  261. Alexie Leauthaud, Jeremy Tinker, Kevin Bundy, Peter Behroozi, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes Matthew George, Jean-Paul Kneib, Andrew Benson, Risa Wechsler, Michael Busha, Peter Capak, Marina Cortes, Olivier Ilbert, Anton Koekemoer, Oliver Le Fevre, Simon Lilly, Henry J. McCracken, Mara Salvato, Tim Schrabback, Nick Scoville, Tristan Smith & James Taylor 2012
    New constraints on the evolution of the stellar-to-dark matter connection: a combined analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing, clustering, and stellar mass functions from z=0.2 to z=1
    ApJ 744, 159

  262. Fabian Schmidt, Alexie Leauthaud, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Matthew George, Alexis Finoguenov & Anton Koekemoer 2012
    A detection of weak lensing magnification using galaxy sizes and magnitudes
    ApJL 744, 22

  263. Julian Merten, Dan Coe, Renato Dupke, Richard Massey, Adi Zitrin, E. Cypriano, N. Okabe, B. Frye, F. Braglia, Y. Jimenez-Teja, N. Benitez, T. Broadhurst, J. Rhodes, M. Meneghetti, L. Moustakas, L. Sodre Jr., J. Krick & J. Bregman 2011
    Creation of cosmic structure in the complex galaxy cluster merger Abell 2744
    MNRAS 417, 333 and press coverage

  264. Richard Massey, Tom Kitching & Daisuke Nagai 2011
    Cluster Bulleticity
    MNRAS 413, 1709 and Editor's Choice in Science 331, 1493.

  265. Tamara Bogdanović, Christopher Reynolds & Richard Massey 2011
    Using Faraday rotation to probe MHD instabilities in intracluster media
    ApJ 731, 7

  266. Ali Vanderveld, Gary Bernstein, Chris Stoughton, Jason Rhodes, Richard Massey, David Johnston & Ben Dobke 2011
    Lossy compression of weak lensing data
    PASP 123, 996

  267. Tom Kitching, Adam Amara, Mandeep Gill, Stefan Harmeling, Catherine Heymans, Richard Massey, Barnaby Rowe, Tim Schrabback, Lisa Voigt, S. Balan, G. Bernstein, M. Bethge, S. Bridle, F. Courbin, M. Gentile, A. Heavens, M. Hirsch, R. Hosseini, A. Kiessling, D. Kirk, K. Kuijken, R. Mandelbaum, B. Moghaddam, G. Nurbaeva, S. Paulin-Henriksson, A. Rassat, J. Rhodes, B. Schölkopf, J. Shawe-Taylor, M. Shmakova, A. Taylor, M. Velander, L. van Waerbeke, D. Witherick & D. Wittman 2011
    Gravitational Lensing Accuracy Testing 2010 (GREAT10) Challenge Handbook
    Annals of Applied Statistics 5, 2231

  268. Ewan Cameron, C. Carollo, P. Oesch, M. Aller, T. Bschorr, P. Cerulo, H. Aussel, P. Capak, E. Le Floc'h, O. Ilbert, J.-P. Kneib, A. Koekemoer, A. Leauthaud, S. Lilly, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, J. Rhodes, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, N. Scoville, K. Sheth, Y. Taniguchi & D. Thompson 2010
    Bars in early- and late-type disks in COSMOS
    MNRAS 409, 346

  269. Richard Massey 2010
    Charge Transfer Inefficiency in HST since Servicing Mission 4
    MNRAS Lett. 409, 109

  270. Ben Dobke, David Johnston, Richard Massey, Will High, Matt Ferry, Jason Rhodes & Ali Vanderveld 2010
    Astronomical image simulation for telescope and survey development
    PASP 122, 947

  271. Jason Rhodes, Alexie Leauthaud, Chris Stoughton, Richard Massey, Kyle Dawson, William Kolbe & Natalie Roe 2010
    The effects of Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) on galaxy shape measurements
    PASP 122, 439

  272. Sarah Bridle, S. Balan, M. Bethge, M. Gentile, S. Harmeling, C. Heymans, M. Hirsch, R. Hosseini, M. Jarvis, D. Kirk, T. Kitching, K. Kuijken, A. Lewis, S. Paulin-Henriksson, B. Schölkopf, M. Velander, L. Voigt, D. Witherick, A. Amara, G. Bernstein, F. Courbin, M. Gill, A. Heavens, R. Mandelbaum, Richard Massey, B. Moghaddam, A. Rassat, A. Réfrégier, J. Rhodes, T. Schrabback, J. Shawe-Taylor, M. Shmakova, L. van Waerbeke & D. Wittman 2010
    Results of the GREAT08 Challenge: an image analysis competition for cosmological lensing
    MNRAS 405, 2044

  273. Richard Massey, Tom Kitching & Johan Richard 2010
    The dark matter of gravitational lensing
    Rep. Prog. Phys. 73, 086901

  274. Stefania Giodini, V. Smolcic, A. Finoguenov, H. Boehringer, L. Birzan, G. Zamorani, A. Oklopcic, D. Pierini, G. Pratt, E. Schinnerer, Richard Massey, A. Koekemoer, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, J. Kartaltepe & D. Thompson 2010
    Radio galaxy feedback in X-ray selected groups from COSMOS: the effect on the ICM
    ApJ 714, 218

  275. Mark Sargent, C. Carollo, P. Kampczyk, S. Lilly, C. Scarlata, P. Capak, O. Ilbert, A. Koekemoer, J.-P. Kneib, A. Leauthaud, Richard Massey, P. Oesch, J. Rhodes, E. Schinnerer, N. Scoville & Y. Taniguchi 2010
    The opacity of galactic disks at z~0.7
    ApJL 714, 113

  276. Pascal Oesch, C. Carollo, R. Feldmann, O. Hahn, S. Lilly, M. Sargent, C. Scarlata, M. Aller, H. Aussel, M. Bolzonella, T. Bschorr, K. Bundy, P. Capak, O. Ilbert, J.-P. Kneib, A. Koekemoer, K. Kovac, A. Leauthaud, E. Le Floc'h, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, L. Pozzetti, A. Renzini, J. Rhodes, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, N. Scoville, K. Sheth, Y. Taniguchi & D. Thompson 2010
    The build-up of the Hubble sequence in the COSMOS field
    ApJL 714, 47

  277. Richard Massey, Chris Stoughton, Alexie Leauthaud, Jason Rhodes, Anton Koekemoer, Richard Ellis & Edgar Shaghoulian 2010
    Pixel-based correction for Charge Transfer Inefficiency in the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys
    MNRAS 401, 371

  278. Alexie Leauthaud, A. Finoguenov, J. Taylor, Richard Massey, J. Rhodes, O. Ilbert, K. Bundy et al. 2010
    A weak lensing study of X-ray groups in the COSMOS survey: form and evolution of the mass-luminosity relation
    ApJ 709, 97

  279. Rachel McInnes, Felipe Menanteau, Alan Heavens, John Hughes, Raul Jimenez, Richard Massey, Patrick Simon & Andy Taylor 2009
    The first lensing measurements of SZ-discovered clusters
    MNRAS Lett. 399, 84

  280. Stefania Giodini, D. Pierini, A. Finoguenov, G. Pratt, H. Boehringer, A. Leauthaud, L. Guzzo, H. Aussel, M. Bolzonella, P. Capak, M. Elvis, G. Hasinger, O. Ilbert, J. Kartaltepe, A. Koekemoer, S. Lilly, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, J. Rhodes, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, N. Scoville, S. Sasaki, V. Smolcic, Y. Taniguchi & D. Thompson 2009
    Stellar and total baryon mass fractions in groups and clusters since redshift 1
    ApJ 703, 982

  281. Takashi Hamana, Satoshi Miyazaki, Nobunari Kashikawa, Richard Ellis, Richard Massey, Alexandre Réfrégier & James Taylor 2009
    Subaru weak lensing survey II: multi-object spectroscopy and cluster masses
    PASJ 61, 833

  282. Cécile Faure, J.-P. Kneib, S. Hilbert, Richard Massey, G. Covone, A. Finoguenov, A. Leauthaud, J. Taylor, S. Pires & N. Scoville 2009
    On the contribution of large scale structure to strong gravitational lensing
    ApJ 695, 1233

  283. Jared Gabor, C. Impey, K. Jahnke, B. Simmons, J. Trump, A. Koekemoer, M. Brusa, N. Cappelluti, E. Schinnerer, V. Smolcic, M. Salvato, J. Rhodes, B. Mobasher, P. Capak, Richard Massey, A. Leauthaud & N. Scoville 2009
    AGN host galaxy morphologies in COSMOS
    ApJ 691, 705

  284. Sarah Bridle et al. 2009
    The GREAT08 PASCAL challenge
    Annals of Applied Statistics 3, 6

  285. Maruša Bradač, Steve Allen, Tommaso Treu, Harald Ebeling, Richard Massey, Glenn Morris, Anja von der Linden & Douglas Applegate 2008
    Revealing the properties of dark matter in the merging cluster MACSJ0025.4-1222
    ApJ 687, 959 and press coverage

  286. Mansi Kasliwal, Richard Massey, Richard Ellis, Satoshi Miyazaki & Jason Rhodes 2008
    A comparison of weak lensing measurements from ground- and space-based facilities
    ApJ 684, 34

  287. Matt Ferry, Jason Rhodes, Richard Massey & Richard Ellis 2008
    Multicolor image simulations with shapelets
    Astropart. Phys. 30, 65

  288. Cécile Faure, Jean-Paul Kneib, Giovanni Covone, Lidia Tasca, Alexie Leauthaud, Peter Capak, Knud Jahnke, Vernesa Smolcic, Sylvain de la Torre, Richard Ellis, Alexis Finoguenov, Anton Koekemoer, Olivier Le Fèvre, Richard Massey, Yannick Mellier, Alexandre Réfrégier, Jason Rhodes, Nick Scoville, Eva Schinnerer, James Taylor, Ludovic Van Waerbeke & Jakob Walcher 2008
    First catalog of strong lens candidates in the COSMOS field
    ApJS 176, 19

  289. Joel Bergé, Florian Pacaud, Alexandre Réfrégier, Richard Massey, Marguerite Pierre, Adam Amara, Mark Birkinshaw, Stéphane Paulin-Henriksson, Graham Smith & Jon Willis 2008
    Combined analysis of weak lensing and X-ray blind surveys
    MNRAS 385, 695

  290. Richard Massey & David Goldberg 2008
    Weak lensing ellipticities in a strong lensing regime
    ApJL 673, 111

  291. Yasuhiro Shioya et al. 2008
    The Hα luminosity function and star formation rate at z~0.24 in the COSMOS 2 square degree field
    ApJS 175, 128

  292. Julien Lesgourgues, Matteo Viel, Martin Haenhelt & Richard Massey 2007
    A combined analysis of Lyman-α forest, 3D weak lensing and WMAP year three data
    JCAP 11, 8

  293. Will High, Jason Rhodes, Richard Massey & Richard Ellis 2007
    Pixelation effects in weak lensing
    PASP 119, 1295

  294. Satoshi Miyazaki, Takashi Hamana, Richard Ellis, Nobunari Kashikawa, Richard Massey, James Taylor & Alexandre Réfrégier 2007
    Subaru weak lensing survey I: cluster candidates and spectroscopic verification
    ApJ 669, 714

  295. Raphael Gavazzi, Tommaso Treu, Jason Rhodes, Leon Koopmans, Adam Bolton, Scott Burles, Richard Massey & Lexi Moustakas 2007
    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey IV: the mass density profile of early-type galaxies out to 100 effective radii
    ApJ 667, 176

  296. Richard Massey, Barnaby Rowe, Alexandre Réfrégier, David Bacon & Joel Bergé 2007
    Weak gravitational shear and flexion with polar shapelets
    MNRAS 380, 229

  297. Adrienne Leonard, David Goldberg, Jason Haaga & Richard Massey 2007
    Gravitational shear, flexion and strong lensing in Abell 1689
    ApJ 666, 51

  298. Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Richard Ellis, Nick Scoville, Alexie Leathaud, Alexis Finoguenov, Peter Capak, David Bacon, Herve Aussel, Jean-Paul Kneib, Anton Koekemoer, Henry McCracken, Bahram Mobasher, Sandrine Pires, Alexandre Réfrégier, Shunji Sasaki, Jean-Luc Starck, Yoshi Taniguchi & James Taylor 2007
    Dark matter maps reveal cosmic scaffolding
    Nature 445, 286 and News & Views and front cover

  299. Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Alexie Leauthaud, Peter Capak, Richard Ellis, Anton Koekemoer, Alexandre Réfrégier, James Taylor, Nick Scoville, Justin Albert, Joel Bergé, Catherine Heymans, Jean-Paul Kneib, Yannick Mellier, Bahram Mobasher, Lidia Tasca & Ludovic Van Waerbeke 2007
    COSMOS: 3D weak lensing and the growth of structure
    ApJS 172, 239

  300. Luigi Guzzo, Paolo Cassata, Alexis Finoguenov, Richard Massey, Nick Scoville et al. 2007
    COSMOS: a large-scale stucture at z=0.73 and the relation of galaxy morphologies to local environment
    ApJS 172, 254

  301. Alexie Leauthaud, Richard Massey, Jean-Paul Kneib, Jason Rhodes, Peter Capak, Richard Ellis, Catherine Heymans, David Johnston, Anton Koekemoer, Olivier Le Fèvre, Yannick Mellier, Alexandre Réfrégier, Annie Robin, Nick Scoville, Lidia Tasca, James Taylor & Ludovic Van Waerbeke 2007
    COSMOS: space-based galaxy selection and shape measurement
    ApJS 172, 219

  302. Henry McCracken, J. Peacock, L. Guzzo, P. Capak, C. Porciani, N. Scoville, H. Aussel, A. Finoguenov, M. Kitzbichler, A. Koekemoer, A. Leauthaud, O. Le Fèvre, Richard Massey, Y. Mellier, B. Mobasher, P. Norberg, J. Rhodes, D. Sanders, S. Sasaki, Y. Taniguchi, D. Thompson, S. White & A. El-Zant 2007
    The angular correlations of galaxies in the COSMOS field
    ApJS 172, 314

  303. Alexis Finoguenov, L. Guzzo, G. Hasinger, N. Scoville, H. Aussel, H. Bohringer, M. Brusa, P. Capak, N. Capelluti, A. Comastri, R. Griffiths, C. Impey, A. Koekemoer, J.-P. Kneib, A. Leauthaud, O. Le Fèvre, S. Lilly, V. Mainieri, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, B. Mobasher, T. Murayama, J. Peacock, I. Sakelliou, E. Schinnerer & J. Silverman 2007
    The XMM-Newton wide-field survey in the COSMOS field: VI. Statistical properties of clusters of galaxies
    ApJS 172, 182

  304. Marcella Brusa, G. Zamorani, A. Comastri, G. Hasinger, N. Cappelluti, F. Civano, A. Finoguenov, V. Mainieri, M. Salvato, C. Vignali, M. Elvis, F. Fiore, R. Gilli, C. Impey, S. Lilly, M. Mignoli, J. Silverman, J. Trump, C. Urry, R. Bender, P. Capak, J. Huchra, J.-P. Kneib, A. Koekemoer, A. Leauthaud, I. Lehmann, Richard Massey, I. Matute, P. McCarthy, H. McCracken, J. Rhodes, N. Scoville, Y. Taniguchi & D. Thompson 2007
    The XMM-Newton wide-field survey in the COSMOS field: III. Optical identification and multiwavelength properties of a large sample of x-ray selected sources
    ApJS 172, 353

  305. Nick Scoville, H. Aussel, A. Benson, A. Blain, D. Calzetti, P. Capak, R. Ellis, A. Finoguenov, M. Giavalisco, L. Guzzo, G. Hasinger, J. Koda, O. Lefevre, Richard Massey, H. McCracken, B. Mobasher, A. Renzini, J. Rhodes, M. Salvato, D. Sanders, S. Sasaki, E. Schinnerer, K. Sheth, P. Shopbell, Y. Taniguchi & D. Thompson 2007
    Large Structures and Galaxy Evolution in COSMOS at z<1.1
    ApJS 172, 150

  306. Claudia Scarlata, C. Carollo, S. Lilly, R. Feldmann, P. Kampcyzk, A. Renzini, A. Cimatti, C. Halliday, E. Daddi, M. Sargent, A. Koekemoer, N. Scoville, J.-P. Kneib, A. Leauthaud, Richard Massey, J. Rhodes, L. Tasca, P. Capak, H. McCracken, B. Mobasher, Y. Taniguchi, D. Thompson, M. Ajiki, H. Aussel, T. Murayama, D. Sanders, S. Sasaki, Y. Shioya & M. Takahashi 2007
    The redshift evolution of early-type galaxies in COSMOS: evidence against dry mergers since redshift ~1
    ApJS 172, 494

  307. Mark Sargent, C. Carollo, S. Lilly, C. Scarlata, R. Feldmann, P. Kampczyk, A. Koekemoer, N. Scoville, J.-P. Kneib, A. Leauthaud, Richard Massey, J. Rhodes, L. Tasca, P. Capak, H. McCracken, C. Porciani, A. Renzini, Y. Taniguchi, D. Thompson & K. Sheth 2007
    The evolution of the number density of large disk galaxies in COSMOS
    ApJS 172, 434

  308. Claudia Scarlata, C. Carollo, S. Lilly, M. Sargent, R. Feldmann, P. Kampczyk, C. Porciani, A. Koekemoer, N. Scoville, J-P. Kneib, A. Leauthaud, Richard Massey, J. Rhodes, L. Tasca, Capak, C. Maier, H. McCracken, B. Mobasher, A. Renzini, Y. Taniguchi, D. Thompson, K. Sheth, M. Ajiki, H. Aussel, T. Murayama, D. Sanders, S. Sasaki, Y. Shioya & M. Takahashi 2007
    COSMOS: morphological classification with ZEST and the evolution since z=1 of the Luminosity Function of early-, disk-, and irregular galaxies
    ApJS 172, 406

  309. Peter Capak and the COSMOS collaboration 2007
    The first release COSMOS optical and near-IR data and catalog
    ApJS 172, 99

  310. Jason Rhodes, Richard Massey, Justin Albert, Nicholas Collins, Richard Ellis, Catherine Heymans, Jonathan Gardner, Jean-Paul Kneib, Anton Koekemoer,Alexie Leauthaud, Yannick Mellier, Alexander Réfrégier, James Taylor & Ludovic Van Waerbeke 2007
    The stability of the HST/ACS Point Spread Function and implications for weak gravitational lensing
    ApJS 172, 203

  311. Anton Koekemoer, H. Aussel, D. Calzetti, P. Capak, M. Giavalisco, J.-P. Kneib, A. Leauthaud, O. LeFevre, H. McCracken, Richard Massey, B. Mobasher, J. Rhodes & N. Scoville 2007
    COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys observations and data processing
    ApJS 172, 196

  312. Nick Scoville and the COSMOS collaboration 2007
    COSMOS: Hubble Space Telescope observations
    ApJS 172, 38

  313. Richard Massey et al. 2007
    The Shear TEsting Programme 2: factors affecting high precision weak lensing analyses
    MNRAS 376, 13

  314. Catherine Heymans et al. 2006
    The Shear TEsting Programme 1: weak lensing analysis of simulated ground-based observations
    MNRAS 368, 1323

  315. Richard Massey & Alexandre Réfrégier 2005
    Polar shapelets
    MNRAS 363, 197

  316. Richard Massey, Alexandre Réfrégier, David Bacon, Richard Ellis & Michael Brown 2005
    An enlarged cosmic shear survey with the William Herschel Telescope
    MNRAS 359, 1277

  317. Alexandre Réfrégier, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Richard Ellis, Justin Albert, David Bacon, Gary Bernstein, Tim McKay & Saul Perlmutter 2004
    Weak lensing from space III: cosmological parameter estimation
    AJ 127, 3102

  318. Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Alexandre Réfrégier, Justin Albert, David Bacon, Gary Bernstein, Richard Ellis, Bhuvnesh Jain, Tim McKay, Saul Perlmutter & Andy Taylor 2004
    Weak lensing from space II: dark matter mapping
    AJ 127, 3089

  319. Jason Rhodes, Alexandre Réfrégier, Richard Massey, Justin Albert, David Bacon, Gary Bernstein, Richard Ellis, Mike Lampton, Alex Kim, Tim McKay, Saul Perlmutter & the SNAP collaboration 2004
    Weak lensing from space I: instrumentation and survey strategy
    Astropart. Phys. 20, 377

  320. Richard Massey, Alexandre Réfrégier, Christopher Conselice & David Bacon 2004
    Image simulation with shapelets
    MNRAS 348, 214

  321. David Bacon, Richard Massey, Richard Ellis & Alexandre Réfrégier 2003
    Joint cosmic shear measurements with the Keck and William Herschel telescopes
    MNRAS 344, 673

  322. Timothy Hawarden, Stuart Ryder, Richard Massey, Gillian Wright & Marianne Takamiya 1999
    A near-IR spectral atlas of IR-selected nearby spirals
    Ap&SS 269, 501

Front cover Nature Astronomy magazine, 21st Feb 2024
Front cover of Astronomy and Geophysics magazine, June 2019
Cover of Anthropology Today, October 2009
Front cover of Astronomy and Geophysics magazine, August 2009

Engineering, popular articles, and other non-refereed material

  1. Richard Massey 2024
    A new generation of telescopes will probe the 'unknown unknowns' that could transform our knowledge of the universe
    The Conversation, 17 October 2024, and Durham University version

  2. Susan Redmond, Ajay Gill, Barth Netterfield, Steven Benton, Christopher Damaren, Spencer Everett, Aurelien Fraisse, John Hartley, David Harvey, Michael Henderson, Bradley Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, Johanna Nagy, Emaad Paracha, Jason Rhodes, Andrew Robertson, Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed Shaaban, Ellen Sirks, Georgios Vassilakis, André Vitorelli & Philippe Voyer, 2024
    To the stratosphere and beyond! Super-pressure balloon flight overview for the Super-pressure Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT)
    Proc. SPIE 13094-167

  3. Philippe Voyer, Steven Benton, Christopher Damaren, Spencer Everett, Aurelien Fraisse, Ajay Gill, John Hartley, David Harvey, Michael Henderson, Bradley Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, Johanna Nagy, Barth Netterfield, Emaad Paracha, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Andrew Robertson, Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed Shaaban, Ellen Sirks, Georgios Vassilakis & André Vitorelli 2024
    From SuperBIT to GigaBIT: informing next-generation balloon-borne telescope design with fine guidance system flight data
    Proc. SPIE 13094-137 and SPIE talk

  4. Emaad Paracha, Steven Benton, Christopher Damaren, Spencer Everett, Aurelien Fraisse, Ajay Gill, John Hartley, David Harvey, Michael Henderson, Bradley Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Thuy Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, Johanna Nagy, Barth Netterfield, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Andrew Robertson, Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamed Shaaban, Ellen Sirks, Georgios Vassilakis, André & Vitorelli Philippe Voyer, 2024
    Overview of communications and observation strategies in the stratosphere for the Super Pressure Balloon-borne Imaging Telescope (SuperBIT)
    Proc. SPIE 13094-95

  5. Jesper Skottfelt, Matt Wander, Mark Cropper, Ben Dryer, David Hall, Richard Hayes, Bradley Kelman, Tom Kitching, Ralf Kohley, David Lagattuta, Zoe Lee-Payne, Patricia Liebing, Richard Massey, Henry Joy McCracken, Reiko Nakajima & James Nightingale 2024
    Tracking radiation damage of Euclid VIS detectors after 1 year in space
    Proc. SPIE 13092-24

  6. Richard Massey & Fionagh Thomson 2024
    How a balloon-borne experiment can do the job of the Hubble space telescope
    The Conversation, 20 March 2024, and Durham University version

  7. Richard Massey, Barth Netterfield & Bill Jones, on behalf of the SuperBIT team 2024
    Forty days and forty-five nights at the edge of space
    Nature Astronomy 8, 264 and front cover

  8. James Nightingale, Amy Etherington & Richard Massey 2024
    The "External" Shears In Strong Lens Models
    Proc. IAU 381, 13

  9. Jacob Kegerreis, Luis Teodoro, Matija Cuk, Vince Eke, Paul Estrada, Richard Massey & Thomas Sandnes 2023
    A recent impact origin of Saturn's rings and mid-sized moons
    LPI 54, 2658

  10. Jacob Kegerreis, Vince Eke, Richard Massey, Sergio Ruiz-Bonilla, Thomas Sandnes & Luis Teodoro 2022
    Visualising an immediate giant-impact origin for the Moon
    Science visualisation showcase 2022

  11. Dan Ryczanowski, Graham Smith, Matt Nicholl, Evan Ridley, Matteo Bianconi, Andrew Robertson, Keren Sharon, Mathilde Jauzac, Richard Massey, Johan Richard & Silvia Toonen 2021
    Observations of lensed supernova candidate AT 2021vkz (ZTF21abqoivk) with the Liverpool Telescope
    Astronote 2021-231

  12. Bill Jones, Barth Netterfield, Richard Massey, Jason Rhodes, Steven Benton, Anthony Brown, Paul Clark, Christopher Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien Fraisse, Mathew Galloway, John Hartley, Brad Holder, Eric Huff, Mathilde Jauzac, David Lagattuta, Jason Leung, Lun Li, Vy Luu, Jacqueline McCleary, Johanna Nagy, Susan Redmond, Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll, Mohamaed Shaaban, & Ellen Sirks 2019
    The enabling capabilities of the super pressure balloon platform: diffraction-limited, wide-field imaging from the stratosphere
    BAAS 51, 171 and White paper #171 to the Astro2020 decadal survey on astronomy and astrophysics

  13. Richard Massey 2019
    The ideal research culture?
    g In Royal Society conference report "Research culture: changing expectations"

  14. Craig Mackay, David Buscher, Nahid Chowdhury, Ric Davies, Sasha Hinkley, Norbert Hubin, Paul Jorden, Richard Massey, Kieran O'Brien, Ian Parry & Jesper Skottfelt 2019
    Towards high-resolution astronomical imaging
    A&G 60, 3, 22-27 and front cover

  15. Luís Teodoro, J. Kegerreis, P. Estrada, J. Cuzzi, V. Eke, Richard Massey & M. Cuk 2019
    The Origin of Saturn's Rings Revisited
    LPI 50, 2802

  16. Graham Smith, Matteo Bianconi, Richard Massey & Andrew Robertson 2019
    LIGO/Virgo S190426c: a possible lensed NS-NS merger
    GRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service, No. 24250, #1

  17. Johan Richard et al. 2019
    BlueMUSE: Project Overview and Science Cases
    ESO White Paper

  18. Jacob Kegerreis, L. Teodoro, V. Eke, Richard Massey M. Schaller, D. Catling, C. Fryer, D. Korycansky, M. Warren & K. Zahnle 2018
    How Uranus fell over: consequences of Giant Impacts with high resolution simulations
    AGUFM P31B, 03K

  19. Javier Romualdez, Steven Benton, Anthony Brown, Paul Clark, Christopher Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien Fraisse, Mathew Galloway, John Hartley, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, Lun Li, Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, Barth Netterfield, Susan Redmond, Jason Rhodes, Jürgen Schmoll & Sut-Ieng Tam 2018
    Overview, design, and flight results from SuperBIT: a high-resolution, wide-field, visible-to-near-UV balloon-borne astronomical telescope
    Proc. SPIE 10702, 107020R and presentation

  20. Susan Redmond, Steven Benton, Anthony Brown, Paul Clark, Christopher Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien Fraisse, Mathew Galloway, John Hartley, Mathilde Jauzac, William Jones, Lun Li, Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Jacqueline McCleary, Barth Netterfield, Jason Rhodes, Javier Romualdez, Jürgen Schmoll & Sut-Ieng Tam 2018
    Auto-tuned thermal control on stratospheric balloon experiments
    Proc. SPIE 10700, 107005R

  21. Mark Cropper, S. Pottinger, R. Azzollini, M. Szafraniec, S. Awan, Y. Mellier, M. Berthé, J. Martignac, C. Cara, A.-M. Di Giorgio, A. Sciortino, E. Bozzo, L. Genolet, A. Philippon, M. Hailey, T. Hunt, I. Swindells, A. Holland, J. Gow, N. Murray, D. Hall, J. Skottfelt, J. Amiaux, R. Laureijs, G. Racca, J.-C. Salvignol, A. Short, J. Lorenzo Alvarez, T. Kitching, H. Hoekstra, E. Galli, G. Willis, H. Hu, G.-P. Candini, J. Boucher, A. Al Bahlawan, R. Chaudery, C. de Lacy, A. Pendem, S. Smit, J.-P. Dubois, B. Horeau, M. Carty, J. Fontignie, E. Doumayrou, C. Larcheveque, M. Castelli, R. Cole, S. Niemi, J. Denniston, Richard Massey, R. Kohley, P. Ferrando & L. Conversi 2018
    VIS: the visible imager for Euclid
    Proc. SPIE 10698, 1069828

  22. Richard Massey & Paul Sutherland 2018
    How will we recognise dark matter?
    BBC Sky at Night magazine, June 2018, page 106

  23. Graham Smith, C. Berry, M. Bianconi, W. Farr, M. Jauzac, Richard Massey, J. Richard, A. Robertson, K. Sharon, A. Vecchio & J. Veitch 2018
    Strong-lensing of gravitational waves by galaxy clusters
    Proc. IAU 338, 2018

  24. Jack Wilson, D. Lawrence, P. Peplowski, V. Eke, Richard Massey & L. Teodoro 2018
    Improved resolution Lunar Prospector neutron and gamma-ray data
    LPI 49, 2103

  25. Jacob Kegerreis, V. Eke, Richard Massey, S. Beaumont, R. Elphic & L. Teodoro 2018
    Evidence for a localised source of the argon in the lunar exosphere
    LPI 49, 1893

  26. Jacob Kegerreis, V. Eke, Richard Massey, L. Teodoro, C. Fryer, D. Korycansky, M. Warren & K. Zahnle 2018
    Uranus giant impacts at high resolution
    LPI 49, 1886

  27. Maurizio Pajola, Luís Teodoro, Jack Wilson, Vince Eke & Richard Massey 2018
    Quantifying the Water Equivalent Hydrogen at past, present, and future Mars landing sites
    LPI 49, 1465

  28. James Monteiro de Barros, O. Rintoul-Hoad, M. Chetan, Richard Massey, A. Gronchi & S. Ford 2017
    A multi-centre retrospective study of 408 retroperitoneal, abdominal and pelvic Schwannomas: an interim report on future recommendations for management and surveillance
    Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS) Annual Meeting 2017, Waliea, Hawaii

  29. Celine Boehm, Alberto Krone-Martins et al. (the Theia Collaboration) 2017
    Theia: Faint objects in motion or the new astrometry frontier

  30. Jack Wilson, V. Eke, Richard Massey R. Elphic, W. Feldman, S. Maurice & L. Teodoro 2017
    Equatorial Locations of Water on Mars: Improved Resolution Maps Based on Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer Data
    LPI 48, 2615

  31. Laura Jones-Wilson, Sara Susca, Christina Diaz, Michael Borden, Paul Clark, Herrick Chang, Elizabeth Duffy, Robert Effinger, Derek Lewis, Kurt Liewer, Kevin Lo, Richard Massey, Hared Ochoa, Joseph Perez, Michael Porter, Aadil Rizvi, Carl Seubert & Carson Umsted 2017
    A sub-arcsecond pointing stability fine stage for a high altitude balloon platform
    IEEE Aerospace Conference 2017 7943590

  32. The DESI collaboration 2016
    The DESI Experiment Part II: Instrument Design

  33. The DESI collaboration 2016
    The DESI Experiment Part I: Science,Targeting, and Survey Design

  34. Javier Romualdez, Steven Benton, Paul Clark, Christopher Damaren, Tim Eifler, Aurelien Fraisse, Mathew Galloway, John Hartley, William Jones, Lun Li, Leeav Lipton, Vy Luu, Richard Massey, Barth Netterfield, Ivan Padilla, Jason Rhodes, Jürgen Schmoll 2016
    The design and development of a high-resolution visible-to-near-UV telescope for balloon-borne astronomy: SuperBIT
    Proc. SPIE

  35. Mark Cropper et al. 2016
    VIS: the visible imager for Euclid
    Proc. SPIE 9904

  36. Jack Wilson, V. Eke, Richard Massey R. Elphic, W. Feldman, S. Maurice & L. Teodoro 2016
    Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars are not fed by subsurface water
    LPI 47, 2813

  37. Jack Wilson, V. Eke, Richard Massey R. Elphic, W. Feldman, S. Maurice & L. Teodoro 2016
    Seasonal variation of the Martian polar CO2 caps in GCM predictions and Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer data
    LPI 47, 2908

  38. Jack Wilson, V. Eke, Richard Massey R. Elphic, W. Feldman, S. Maurice & L. Teodoro 2015
    Tests of GCM pressure predictions for water ice stability using Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer data
    EPSC 10, 580

  39. Jack Wilson, V. Eke, Richard Massey R. Elphic, B. Jolliff, D. Lawrence, E. Llewellin, J. McElwaine & L. Teodoro 2015
    Evidence for explosive silicic volcanism on the Moon from the extended distribution of thorium near the Compton-Belkovich volcanic complex
    LPI 46, 2081

  40. Jack Wilson, V. Eke, Richard Massey R. Elphic, W. Feldman, S. Maurice & L. Teodoro 2015
    Improved Resolution maps of hydrogen at Tharsis
    LPI 46, 2036

  41. Richard Massey 2015
    Revealed for the first time: map sheds light on dark matter that binds the universe together
    The Conversation, 16 April 2015

  42. Roberto Scaramella, Y. Mellier, J. Amiaux, C. Burigana, C. Carvalho, J. Cuillandre, A. da Silva, J. Dinis, A. Derosa, E. Maiorano, P. Franzetti, B. Garilli, M. Maris, M. Meneghetti, I. Tereno, S. Wachter, L. Amendola, M. Cropper, V. Cardone, Richard Massey, S. Niemi, H. Hoekstra, T. Kitching, L. Miller, T. Schrabback, E. Semboloni, A. Taylor, M. Viola, T. Maciaszek, A. Ealet, L. Guzzo, K. Jahnke, W. Percival, F. Pasian & M. Sauvage 2015
    Euclid space mission: a cosmological challenge for the next 15 years
    Proc. IAU 306

  43. Richard Massey 2014
    Dark Matter
    Macmillan Reference's Discoveries in Modern Science, 1st ed.

  44. Alex Short et al. 2014
    The Euclid VIS CCD detector design, development and programme status
    Proc. SPIE 9154

  45. Mark Cropper et al. 2014
    VIS: the visible imager for Euclid
    Proc. SPIE 9143

  46. Editors: Jarle Brinchmann, Richard Massey & Stefania Pandolfi 2013
    Euclid Consortium Newsletter
    Issue #3

  47. Editors: Jarle Brinchmann, Richard Massey & Stefania Pandolfi 2012
    Euclid Consortium Newsletter
    Issue #2

  48. Editors: Jarle Brinchmann & Richard Massey 2012
    Euclid Consortium Newsletter
    Issue #1

  49. Mark Cropper et al. 2012
    VIS: the visible imager for Euclid
    Proc. SPIE 8442

  50. René Laureijs et al. 2011
    Definition Study Report (Red Book) for the ESA Cosmic Visions programme

  51. Richard Massey 2010
    Digging into dark matter with weak gravitational lensing
    ASPC 426, 115

  52. Richard Massey 2009
    Dark is the new black
    Nature 461, 740

  53. Richard Ellis, Pedro Ferreira, Richard Massey & Gisa Weszkalnys 2009
    90 years on — the 1919 eclipse expedition at Príncipe
    A&G 50, 12 and front cover

  54. Richard Massey 2009
    Celebrating a landmark experiment
    BBC News Online, 30 May 2009

  55. Alexandre Réfrégier & the Euclid Imaging Consortium 2009
    Including lead authorship of chapter on pixel-level detector effects, and coauthorship of several others
    Euclid Science Book

  56. René Laureijs et al. 2009
    Assessment Study Report (Yellow Book) for the ESA Cosmic Visions programme

  57. Jason Rhodes, Adam Amara, Jeff Booth, Richard Ellis, Richard Key, Kurt Liewer, Richard Massey, Satoshi Miyazaki, Barth Netterfield, Alexandre Réfrégier, Michael Seiffert, Roger Smith, Harry Treplitz & Wesley Traub 2009
    HALO: High Altitude Lensing Observatory
    White Paper to the US Decadal Survey

  58. Richard Massey 2008
    Viewing dark matter with weak lensing from HST
    In "Practical Cosmology", eds. Y. Baryshev, I. Taganov & P. Teerikorpi

  59. Richard Massey, Lars Lindberg Christensen & Felice Frankel 2007
    Dark matter comes to light
    American Scientist 93, 257 (Published by Sigma Xi)
    Also reproduced in
    Visual Strategies
    Yale University Press (2012) ISBN-13: 978-0300176445 (see book review in Nature 487, 430)

  60. Barnaby Rowe, David Bacon, Catherine Heymans, Andy Taylor, Richard Massey, Marco Barden & John Caldwell 2006
    New constraints on dark matter substructure from weak gravitational flexion
    ASPC 379, 338

  61. Joel Bergé, Alxandre Réfrégier & Richard Massey 2006
    Shapelet analysis of weak lensing surveys
    In "Contents and structures of the universe" (Moriond XLI)

  62. Joel Bergé, Alxandre Réfrégier & Richard Massey 2006
    An introduction to shapelets-based weak lensing data analysis

  63. Jason Rhodes, Richard Massey, Justin Albert, James Taylor, Anton Koekemoer & Alexie Leauthaud 2005
    Modelling and correcting the time-dependent ACS PSF
    In "HST calibration workshop", eds. A. Koekemoer, P. Goudfrooij & L. Dressel

  64. The SNAP collaboration 2005
    Probing Dark Energy via Weak Gravitational Lensing with the SuperNova Acceleration Probe (SNAP)
    White paper to the Dark Energy Task Force

  65. The SNAP collaboration 2005
    Supernova Acceleration Probe: Studying Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae
    White paper to the Dark Energy Task Force

  66. The SNAP collaboration 2005
    Seeing the Nature of the Accelerating Physics: It's a SNAP
    White paper to the Dark Energy Task Force

  67. Richard Massey, Alexandre Réfrégier & David Bacon 2004
    Shapelets "multiple multipole" shear measurement methods
    In "Impact of gravitational lensing on cosmology" (IAU conference proceedings)

  68. Satoshi Miyazaki, Takashi Hamana, Alexandre Réfrégier, Richard Massey, Richard Ellis & Nobunari Kashikawa 2004
    Subaru Suprime-Cam weak lensing survey over 33 square degrees
    In "Impact of gravitational lensing on cosmology" (IAU conference proceedings)

  69. The SNAP collaboration 2004
    SuperNova/Acceleration Probe: a satellite experiment to study the nature of the dark energy

  70. Anne Ealet et al. 2004
    An integral field spectrograph for SNAP
    Proc. SPIE 5487, 1587

  71. Michael Scholl et al. 2004
    SNAP telescope
    Proc. SPIE 5487, 1473

  72. Richard Massey, Alexandre Réfrégier & Jason Rhodes 2003
    Probing Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Space-Based Weak Lensing
    Review talk in "Gravitational Lensing: a Unique Tool for Cosmology" (Aussois winter school)

  73. Anne Ealet et al. 2003
    An integral field spectrograph for supernova identification
    Proc. SPIE 4850, 1169

  74. Greg Tarle et al. 2003
    SNAP NIR detectors
    Proc. SPIE 4850, 919

  75. Mike Lampton et al. 2003
    SNAP Focal Plane
    Proc. SPIE 4854, 632

  76. Mike Lampton et al. 2002
    SNAP Telescope
    Proc. SPIE 4849, 215

  77. Alex Kim et al. 2002
    Wide-Field Surveys from the SNAP Mission
    Proc. SPIE 4836, 53

  78. Greg Aldering et al. 2002
    Overview of the SuperNova/Acceleration Probe
    Proc. SPIE 4835, 146

  79. Richard Massey & Alexandre Réfrégier 2002
    Shapelets for shear surveys
    In "Structure evolution and cosmology" (ESO conference proceedings)

  80. Richard Massey, David Bacon, Alexandre Réfrégier & Richard Ellis 2001
    Cosmic Shear with Keck: Systematic Effects
    ASPC 283, 193

  81. Timothy Hawarden, Andrew Adamson, Timothy Chuter, Nicholas Rees, Richard Massey, Charles Cavedoni, Eli Atad-Ettedgui 2000
    Thermal performance and facility seeing at the upgraded 3.8m UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)
    Proc. SPIE 4004, 104


  1. Richard Massey 2004
    Weighing the Universe with Weak Gravitational Lensing or download the introduction only
    Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge University

  2. Richard Massey 2000
    The Topology of Large-Scale Structure
    MSci. thesis, Durham University

Last updated by Richard Massey on 21st October 2024

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