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Getting Started

The following two sections describe the absolute basics of how to startup GAIA and how to display images using it.

If you need help beyond this, and are new to GAIA, then you should probably read the `The GAIA CookBook' (SC/17). In addition to the usual introductory text this also contains several recipes for achieving specific tasks (such as measuring instrumental magnitudes and making use of celestial coordinate information, although at the time of writing the astrometric calibration sections are now out of date with the arrival of the new toolboxes based on AUTOASTROM).

The other main source of information about GAIA is the on-line help system. This can be accessed after starting GAIA (just select the Help menus). Many windows also feature `short help'. This is a retangular region at the bottom of a window that may display a one-line description of the window element under the cursor (an approximation of balloon help).

If you need help beyond what is available in these resources, or have any suggestions for improvements, then join the Starlink user support mailing lists at
The GAIA home page is at:
which may be updated from time-to-time. GAIA is available for download as part of JAC Starlink Release at:


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GAIA -- Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
Starlink User Note 214
Peter W. Draper,
Norman Gray,
David S. Berry &
Mark Taylor
23rd April 2012

Copyright © 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council