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Using GAIA from the C-shell

To display an image in GAIA use the following command (assuming that you are already initialized to use Starlink software):

% gaia image_name
Alternatively you can use the File menu to load an image.

If you want to display an image in an existing GAIA then use the invocation:

% gaiadisp image_name
You can also write to a specific window using the clone number:
% gaiadisp image_name 2
This displays into the window with title GAIA::SkyCat (2). If this window doesn't exist it will be created.

A list of images can be displayed in GAIA using the command:

% gaiadisp image_name1 image_name2 image_name3 ...
These will be displayed in separate clones. Finally percentile or data cuts can be applied using the -p option or -l and -h options:
% gaiadisp -p 98 image_name1 image_name2 image_name3 ...
% gaiadisp -l 100 -h 200 image_name1 image_name2 image_name3 ...
(works for the single image case too).

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GAIA -- Graphical Astronomy and Image Analysis Tool
Starlink User Note 214
Peter W. Draper,
Norman Gray,
David S. Berry &
Mark Taylor
23rd April 2012

Copyright © 2012 Science and Technology Facilities Council