Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic Workshop
6th - 7th January 2020
The Durham-Edinburgh eXtragalactic workshop XVI will take place on January 6th and 7th in the Applebey Lecture Theatre (W103) in the Geography Department, located on the Durham University science site.
The workshop will start on Monday at 11:00am (with coffee from 10:30am) and will end around 16:00 on Tuesday.
A buffet lunch will be served in the breakout space on the first floor of the Ogden Centre West both days for all registered participants, thanks to the support of the Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy and the Institute for Computational Cosmology.
Registration will close on Monday the 25th November.
The workshop is free to attend, but there is a cost to attend the workshop dinner. The dinner fees will be collected internally by:
- Lancaster: David Sobral
- Edinburgh: Yan-Chuan Cai
- St Andrews: Vivienne Wild
- Durham: Shufei Rowe
The dinner fee should be paid in cash and no later than the 4th December 2019. Receipt for the payment will be provided when arriving in Durham.
The length of any talk will be decided by the SOC, formed by members from Durham, Edinburgh, Lancaster and St Andrews.
Sorry, but registration is now closed.
Workshop Dinner
This year's workshop dinner will be held at the Cellar Door (see map below). The price per person is £40.