
Exploiting VST ATLAS
... and its sister surveys

A workshop at Durham University
14-16 April 2014

This workshop is primarily aimed at astronomers who want to use the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) ATLAS for new science projects. ATLAS is a SDSS-depth survey ultimately covering 4500 square degrees of the Southern sky in ugriz, with about 3000 square degrees completed so far. ATLAS links to its sister surveys, KiDS in the optical, and VHS and VIKING in the NIR, and other imaging surveys such as DES and Pan-STARRS will also be discussed. There will also be reviews of complementary surveys in other wavebands (eg e-ROSITA) and spectroscopic follow-up (eg 4MOST).

Confirmed invited speakers:
  M Capaccioli (OAC)
  AC Edge (Durham)               
  M Fumagalli (Durham)
  MJ Irwin (Cambridge)
  R de Jong (Potsdam)
  K Kuijken (Leiden)
  O Lahav (UCL)
  RG Mann (Edinburgh)
  RG McMahon (Cambridge)
  A Merloni (MPE)
  N Metcalfe (Durham)
  RC Nichol  (Portsmouth)
  P Norberg (Durham)
  PL Schechter (MIT)
  T Shanks (Durham)
  G Worseck (MPIA)

The workshop will extend over 3 days 14-16 April 2014, with accommodation available in Durham Castle on nights of 13-15 April and also local hotels. There will be a charge of £35 to cover coffee, tea and lunches. There is also the option to attend the workshop dinner on the evening of Tuesday 15th April (19:30, Lakeside Room, Van Mildert College).

Content last updated May 03 2024 13:38 (