
Regular Seminars/Talks

  • CEA/ICC seminars, Wednesdays (2pm - 3pm), Ogden West Seminar Room (OCW017).
  • CfAI seminars, Wednesdays (1-2pm), Ogden West Seminar Room (OCW017).

Lecture Series

Durham hosts two major lecture series of interest to astronomers:

  • The Grubb Parsons Lecture
    Given annually by a distinguished astronomer from outside the Department, it is named in honour of the contributions made by the Newcastle optical and engineering company Grubb Parsons Ltd to the development of astronomical instrumentation in the UK.
  • The Temple Chevallier Lecture
    The Temple Chevallier lecture series honours the achievements of Temple Chevallier (1794-1873), Durham's first (and only) Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. The bi-annual lectures reflect his interests, encompassing, in turn, topics in astronomy, engineering, mathematics and theology.

Other talks

Contact Details

Department of Physics,
Durham University,
South Road,
Durham DH1 3LE
Tel: 44 (0)191 3343635