The conference will take place at the historic
Palazzo d'Avalos, and will be able to accomodate up to 120 participants. The venue will include the usual audio/visual equipment, and we will endevour to provide wi-fi for participants. There will be ample room for posters as well in the neighbouring rooms and corridors. A welcome reception is planned to be held in the beautiful gardens of the Palazzo D'Avalos on Sunday 18 June. Several end-of-day "aperitivi" (pre-dinner drinks & snacks) are planned for the conference week. Also planned is the conference social dinner on Thursday 22 June.

The centre of Vasto close to Palazzo d'Avalos offers limited accomodation options. The seaside area of Vasto Marina provides ample accomodation options on the other hand. For those participants deciding to lodge closer to the beach in Vasto Marina, there will be a dedicated shuttle service (10 min drive) to and from the conference venue every day. More information can be found in the
Travel Info page.