Views of the Mock Catalogues

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An all sky projection of the survey regions and a polar projection of the SDSS

Other sky projections of the surveys.

Examples of redshift space slices from a mock 2df and SDSS surveys.

More redshift-space slices

There are several more pages showing redshift space slices like the ones above for the different cosmological models and different assumptions regarding biasing and evolution. There is also a full set of contiguous slice covering the whole of the 2dF SGP region .

Standard Bias Model and Selection Function

Each of the following collections of slice diagrams assume our standard biasing prescription (Model 1) and the standard selection function.
Open COBE normalized models Flat COBE normalized models
Open cluster normalized models Flat cluster normalized models
All the Omega=1 models


For the 2 realizations of the cluster normalized Omega=1 model and two other cosmological models, the following sets of wedge diagrams show the effects of varying the bias prescription, the selection function and applying the MAP to add long wavelength power to the simulations.
Omega=1 A Omega=1 B
Open Omega=0.4 Flat Omega=0.3 Lambda=0.7