Astrophotography with the Nexstar SLT 102

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Images processed with GIMP and/or DSS.

All taken with an 102mm F6.5 Celestron Nexstar refractor and Canon 1000D DSLR at prime focus with a Skywatcher LP filter at ISO1600 (unless stated otherwise). Most are taken with the telescope mounted on the HEQ5 mount, but those marked 'SLT' were taken using the original alt-az mount.

Each object is shown either 4x4 binned ( ~8''/pixel) or 2x2 binned (~4''/pixel), both cropped to 600x400. Occasionally the full frame (3888x2592) is scaled to 600x400.
M59/60 - 2070s, part SLT
2x2 bin, 26+29/3/2012 (from Scotland) + 31/3/2016

M1 - 870s, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M4 and NCG6144 - 1085s, SLT

M8 - 1500s, SLT

M9 - 1200s, SLT

M10 - 1140s, SLT

M10 - 1140s, SLT

M11 - 1140s, SLT

M11 - 1140s, SLT

M12 - 540s, SLT

M12 - 540s, SLT

M14 - 1170s, SLT

M14 - 1170s, SLT

M16 - 2160s, SLT

M17 - 1229s, SLT, ISO400/1600

M17 - 1229s, SLT, ISO400/1600

M18 - 510s, SLT

M20 - 1110s, SLT

M20 - 1110s, SLT

M21 - 570s, SLT

M22 - 450s, SLT

M22+NGC6642 - 450s, SLT

M25 - 630s, SLT

M26 - 1080s, SLT

M26 - 1080s, SLT

M27 - 870s, SLT

M28 - 480s, SLT

M30 - 600s, SLT

M31 - ~1hr (no LP)

M31 - 5640s, SLT

M31 - 3210s

M33 -3000s, ISO1600

M33 -3000s, ISO1600

M35+NGC2158 - 1590sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP) + ISO1600 LP

M37 - 320sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M37 - 320sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M37 - 1560sec, ISO800 (no LP)

M38+NGC1907 - 190sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M38 - 190sec, SLT, ISO800(no LP)

M41 - 2100s, SLT

M42 - 1380sec

M44 - 570s

M45 - 1080sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M45 - 2820sec, ISO800 (no LP)

M46 - 2100s, SLT

M47 - 450s, SLT

M48 - 1230s, SLT

M50 - 690s, SLT

M51 - 8100s, ISO800/1600

M51 - 8100s, ISO800/1600

M51 - 8100s, ISO800/1600

M52 - 1620s, SLT

M52 + NGC7635 - 1620s, SLT

M54 - 570s, SLT

M55 - 540s, SLT

M57 - 235sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M57 - 235sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M59/60 - 2070s, part SLT

M59/60 - 2070s, part SLT

M61 - 750s, SLT

M65/66 - 3690s, SLT, ISO800/1600

M65/66 + NGC3826 - 3690s, SLT, ISO800/1600

M68 - 510s, SLT

M69 - 540s, SLT

M70 - 540s, SLT

M75 - 540s, SLT

M81 - 4140s ISO800(no LP)/1600

M81/2 - 2400sec, ISO800 (no LP)

M82 - 1200sec, SLT, ISO800 (no LP)

M84/6 and friends - 3210s, SLT, ISO800/1600

M87 - 780s, SLT

M88/91 - 840s

M89/90 - 1860s, SLT

M93 - 1590s, SLT

M95(+supernova)/96 - 2970s, SLT

M97 - 3000sec, ISO1600/800 (no LP)

M98 - 840s, SLT

M99 - 2070s, part SLT

M100 - 3090s, part SLT

M101 - 3000sec, ISO800 (no LP)

M101 - 3000sec, ISO800 (no LP)

M104 - 2940s, SLT

M104 - 2940s, SLT

M107 - 600s, SLT

M107 - 600s, SLT

M108 - 3000sec, ISO1600/800 (no LP)

M97+M108 - 3000sec, ISO1600/800 (no LP)

NGC147+NGC185 - 2490s

NGC281 - 3020s

NGC752 - 1260s

NGC869+884 - 1800sec, ISO800 (no LP)

NGC891 - 1800sec (no LP)

NGC891 - 1800sec (no LP)

NGC957 - 1800s

NGC1499 - 1320s

NGC1746 - 540s

NGC2024 - 900sec (no LP)

NGC2244 - 3420sec

NGC2264 - 4184s

NGC2264 + Cone Nebula - 4184s

NGC2359 - 3390s, SLT

NGC2359 - 3390s, SLT

NGC2362 - 630s, SLT

NGC2506 - 750s, SLT

NGC2903 - 1800sec (no LP)

NGC3115 - 1410s, SLT

NGC6633 - 390s, SLT

NGC6939/46 - 3600s

NGC6946 - 3600s

NGC6960 - 1020s, SLT

NGC7009 - 510s, SLT

NGC7293 - 1830s, SLT

NGC7293 - 1830s, SLT

Stephans Quintet - 2950s

NGC 7331 - 2950s

NGC7380 - 3540s

NGC7635 + M52 - 3600s

IC405 - 3485s

Comet Hergenrother - 1200s, SLT

Comet Lovejoy 2014 - 900s

Comet Cataline C/2013 US10 - 3090s

Comet Cataline C/2013 US10 - 1560s

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