The software package is currently being dramatically improved and updated.
This is a (very) old version, potentially with bugs.

  Shapelets web page     Shapelets IDL code     Installation     Help pages     Simulated images  
Mac OS

The first six instructions are simply to install the general shapelet routines. If you have already done that, you will only need to follow instructions numbers seven and eight.

Mac OS:

  • Download the image simulation routines:
  • Download the additional file shapelets_shims.tar.gz, which contains the image simulation source code, and unpack the files into your shapelets directory, as above.

  • Read the detailed instructions for the image simulation routines:
  • Specific instructions to create a simulated image are available, along with a description of the input parameters. This should guide you through the creating of your first image. My suggested "to do" list is also available, in case you have have time on your hands after that!

    Last modified on 02nd May 2008 by Richard Massey.

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