Prof. Mark Swinbank

Center for Extragalactic Astronomy,
Department of Physics, South Road, Durham; DH1 3EE
Tel: +44-191-334-3786;

I am an astronomer in the Center for Extragalactic Astronomy (CEA) at the University of Durham. My research interests primarily include the formation and evolution of galaxies, galaxy clusters, large scale structure and galaxies in interaction. I exploit multi-wavelength data to explore the properties of distant galaxies to explore the processes which shaped galaxies in the local Universe. I also use strong gravitational lensing (the deflection of light by massive foreground galaxy clusters) to boost the sizes and brightnesses of images of distant, young galaxies to resolve structures and dynamics on scales which would otherwise be impossible with current technology. My research interests also include obscured star-forming galaxies -- selected at sub-mm and radio wavebands. These galaxies are seen in the sub-mm as the UV/optical starlight from young, massive stars is absorbed by dust and re-radiated in the far-infrared waveband.

Current Programs




Movie Pages...

01. "A sonified flight through the JWST COSMOS field" Videos here

02. "The (Dynamical) Hubble Sequence" Videos

03. ``KMOS and MUSE videos..." here

04. ``How do galaxies rotate? Watch galaxies spin " Videos

05. ``The UDS field as seen by UKIDSS, HST and ALMA" Videos

06. ``The UDF as seen by HST, ALMA and MUSE:" Videos

07. ``The GAMA Universe: The G15 field:" Videos

08. ``An ALMA Survey of Sub-Millimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South:" Videos

09. ``The Relation between Dark Matter and Galaxies:" Videos

10. ``Cosmic Origins: the Hubble Deep Field fly through" Cosmic Origins and the HDF flythrough clips

Recent Science Highlights...

01. ``The properties of the interstellar medium in dusty, star-forming galaxies at z 2-4: The shape of the CO spectral line energy distributions" Taylor et al. 2025 MNRAS in press

02. ``The structure of massive star-forming galaxies from JWST and ALMA: Dusty, high-redshift disc galaxies" Gillman et al. 2024 2024 A&A 691 22

03. ``KAOSS: turbulent, but disc-like kinematics in dust-obscured star-forming galaxies at z 1.3-2.6 " Birkin et al. 2024 MNRAS 531 61

04. ``KURVS: the outer rotation curve shapes and dark matter fractions of z 1.5 star-forming galaxies" Puglisi et al. 2024 2023 MNRAS 524 5814

05. ``Hidden Giants in JWST's PEARLS: An Ultramassive z = 4.26 Submillimeter Galaxy that Is Invisible to HST" Smail et al. 2023 2023 ApJ 958 36

06. ``The Shapes of the Outer Rotation Curves in Galaxies over the last 10 Billion Years" Tiley et al. 2019 MNRAS 485 934
