This website contains movies made on a 6 week Ogden internship at the Durham University physics department.
The movies of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDF-S)
were created with Sub-mm data from the
ALMA interferometer and Optical data from MUSYC collaboration imaging.
A straight flythrough of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South in the sub-mm wavelength using data taken from the ALMA interferometer. The redshift values or "z" values are printed in the bottom left of the movie showing the location of the camera. This movie completely represents the data from ALMA.
A flythrough of the Extended Chandra Deep Field South in the sub-mm and optical wavelengths using data taken from the ALMA interferometer and data by the MUSYC collaboration taken on the CTIO telescope. The movie crossfades between the two data sets and the one that is currently being shown has its source in the bottom left.