
Two views of the Southern Pinwheel galaxy, M83. Left: VLT optical image (Credit: ESO). Right: Chandra X-ray image (Credit: NASA)
My research interests lie in the X-ray astrophysics
of nearby galaxies. Galaxies are gravitationally-bound systems of
many billions of stars, sat alongside interstellar gas and dust and a
mysterious "dark matter" component. However, in X-rays their emission
is generally dominated by a small number of individual objects with
exotic properties - usually black holes or neutron stars, illuminated
in X-rays by matter falling into their deep gravitational potential
wells - and a hot interstellar gas component energised by supernova
explosions. As a simple illustration of this contrast, the picture to
the right shows images of the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (M83) in both
the optical and X-ray regimes.
As a result of this unique view, the study of X-ray
emission from galaxies is of great importance to many fields,
addressing issues such as the life-cycle of matter, the end points of
stellar evolution and the physics of extreme environments. An
understanding of the high energy phenomena revealed by X-ray studies
can therefore add crucial elements to our picture of the Universe, and
its evolution over cosmic time.
Research interests
Major current activities
- The nature of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs). My
current main area of interest is in the nature of the brightest point
X-ray sources found outside the nuclei of nearby galaxies - the ULXs.
Their extreme luminosities exceed the theoretical `Eddington' limit
for accretion onto the ~ 5 - 15 solar mass stellar-mass black holes
that we see in our own Galaxy. Explanations for their nature
initially focussed on two main solutions to this issue: larger
intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs; ~ 100 - 10000 times solar
mass) that accrete below this limit, or stellar-mass black holes that
somehow exceed it. However, in recent years the detection of pulsations
from a handful of ULXs has revealed that neutron stars are present in these
objects, and perhaps many more. My research focusses on analysing the data
from ULXs, taken from the current fleet of international X-ray
observatories (XMM-Newton, Chandra, Swift, NuSTAR), and using
it to distinguish between these scenarios. Our current results
suggest most ULXs are consistent with stellar remnants (black holes or
neutrons stars) in a new, super-Eddington accretion regime, although there
may be a minority population of IMBHs also present.
- The multi-wavelength counterparts of ULXs. ULXs also have
various associated phenomena that are evident when their locations are
observed outside the X-ray regime. Most notably these include
point-like counterparts, observed in visible, UV and IR light, that
are either the companion star that the compact object feeds from, or light
emitted by the disc of material falling onto the black hole. However,
larger structures are also visible around some ULXs that are likely to
have been excited and inflated by processes emanating in the ULX (the
radiation field of the ULX and/or a jet/outflow of material from the
system). Such objects can be hundreds of light years in extent, and
are visible in both optical line emission and radio continuum. In
some ULXs we are also now detecting radio emission that might be
associated with a jet close to the black hole itself, that may allow
us to constrain the black hole mass.
Other interests
- The X-ray emission of normal late-type galaxies.
- The
X-ray phenomenology of starburst galaxies.
- The presence and
properties of LLAGN in nearby galactic nuclei.
- 0.25-keV
shadowing experiments and the soft extragalactic X-ray
Some research CV details
- 124 refereed journal articles (17 as first author)
- 5444 citations in the literature, H-index of 42
- Recent grants held: STFC Standard Grant holder (Super-Eddington accretion and Ultraluminous X-ray sources); STFC consolidated grant case (Super-Eddington accretion onto black holes); Royal Society international exchange scheme (Resolving the nature of ultraluminous X-ray sources with Chandra)
- PI on 1.23 Ms of observing time on XMM-Newton and Chandra
- PI on optical/UV follow-up programmes using HST, Gemini, VLT and WHT
- Galaxies TAC member for both XMM-Newton and Chandra (twice apiece), accreting binaries TAC member for XMM-Newton and Chandra (also twice each), accreting binaries TAC chair for Chandra (twice)
- Panel member and subsequently chair for Liverpool Telescope TAC
- Referee for all the major astronomical journals
- Science team member for the XEUS/IXO/Athena, NHXM and XIPE missions
- "Burst advocate" for Swift GRB mission
(Figures correct for 8th September 2021)
This page written and maintained by Tim Roberts.
Last updated 08/09/21