
Comprehensive information about teaching in the Department of
Physics at Durham University is available on the departmental web
pages. My personal contributions to this include:
Lecture courses
- L1 Foundations of Physics: Phases of Matter (2006/7 - 2009/10)
- L1 Introduction to Astronomy: Astrobiology (2007/8 - 2011/12)
- L1 Foundations of Physics: Thermodynamics (2010/11 - 2013/14)
- L3 Planets & Cosmology: Planetary Systems (2012/13 - 2019/20)
- L4 Advanced Astrophysics: Radiative Processes in Astrophysics (2020/21 - )
Full information on all undergraduate lecture courses - including handouts, problems etc - is made available to undergraduates via the Durham University Online (DUO) system.
Two lectures on observations of black hole X-ray binaries (2008-2016):
One lecture on stellar end points (2017-2019):
Other teaching
- L1 Tutorials (2008/9, 2010/11, 2012/13, 2014/15 - 2016/17)
- L2 Tutorials (2006/7 - 2010/11)
- L2 Labs (2007/8 - 2009/10)
- L2 Physics in Society tutor (2017/18 - 2019/20)
- L2 Physics in Society module leader (2019/20)
- L3 General Problems course organiser (2009/10 - 2016/17)
- L4 Project moderator (2012/13 - 2015/16)
Research supervision/examination
- L4 Projects (2006/7 -): total 40 students to date
- PhD supervision (2006/7 -): 6 completed, 1 in progress
- Examiner for Masters & PhD examinations
Departmental responsibilities
- Health & Safety Committee (2007/8 -2013/14)
- L3 paper committee (2007/8 - 2009/10)
- Departmental teaching review (2008 - 2011)
- Chair of L3 General Problems paper committee (2009/10 - 2016/17)
- Admissions selector (2009/10 - 2010/11)
- L4 Course Director (2014/15 - 2016/17)
- Director of Education (2017/18 - 2020/21)
This page written and maintained by Tim Roberts.
Last updated 08/09/21