- Maria Emilia De Rossi The Tully-Fisher Relation in HydrodynamicalSimulations of Structure Formation
- L. Bignone Properties of long-gamma ray burst progenitors in cosmological simulations.
- Susana Pedrosa Disk formation in cosmological simulations
- Tomas Tecce Environmental effects on semianalytic galaxies: tidal and ram pressure stripping in clusters
- Alvaro Orsi The Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies Traced by their Nebular emission
- Enrique Gaztanaga The PAU Survey at the WHT
- Adam Christopherson Vorticity in the Early Universe
- Ana Chies Revealing galaxy evolution through their globular cluster systems
- Maria Artale High mass X-ray binaries in a cosmological frame
- Sergio Contreras How robustly can we model galaxy clustering?
- Alvaro Orsi The Evolution of Lyman-alpha emitters in a hierarchcial Universe
- Jorge Cuadra Massive black hole binary mergers within sub-pc scale gas discs
- Nelson Padilla The Evolution of Early-type galaxies selected by their spatial clustering
- Sergio Contreras Comparsion of the HOD predicted by different semi-analytical models
- Salvador Salazar Clustering Tomography: Measuring distances through the angular correlation functions of galaixes in thin redshift slices
- Gian Luigi Granato On the size evolution of early type galaxies
- Patricia TisseraChemical evolution in hierarchical clustering scenarios
- Susana PedrosaAngular momentum conservation in LCDM simulations
- L. PellizzaChemical properties of long gamma-ray bursts progenitors in cosmological simulations
- Cinthia RagoneEffects of baryonic mass loss on galactic dark matter haloes
- Noelia Jimenez Laying outside the law: the case of the brightest galaxies in the Universe
- Volker Springel Simulations of Cosmic Structure Formation