Foundations 2A: Quantum mechanics

Recommended text book is Quantum mechanics by B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain. The course syllabus is set by the contents of chapers 3,4,6,7 and 8. The material in the lecture course will expand on these chapters, giving more introduction to the abstract mathematical techniques required. Hence the book is NOT a substitute for attending the lectures. Rather, the lectures give an framework from which to understand the book (especially as the book is one you will use at L3 as well). I actually be using Eisberg & Resnick, Quantum Physics quite a lot - but I don't recommend you buy it as its very expensive...

After each lecture I will link material to this page - so keep checking to see what is here (and hit reload to make sure you are getting the most up to date version!). These lecture notes are NOT a substitute for attending the lectures.

Lecture 1:
A quick review of L1
video clip: up to minute 3:25
Lecture 2:
Normalisation of &Psi and expectation values
Lecture 3:
Lecture 4:
Time independent Schroedinger equation
finite/infinite comparison finite/infinite animation
Lecture 5:
General solution of the Schroedinger equation
superposition animation
Lecture 6:
Linear harmonic oscillator
Lecture 7:
review of 1D
Lecture 8:
Schroedinger equation in 3D-x,y,z
Lecture 9:
Square well in 3D
Lecture 10:
Schroedinger equation in 3D r,&theta,&phi
Lecture 11:
Orbital angular momentum: L
Lecture 12:
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for L
Lecture 13:
Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics
Lecture 14:
Rigid rotator
Lecture 15:
Generalised angular momentum
Lecture 16:
Hydrogen atom 1
Lecture 17:
Hydrogen atom 2
Lecture 18:
Non-degenerate perturbation theory 1
Lecture 19:
Non-degenerate perturbation theory 2
Lecture 20:
Non-degenerate perturbation theory 3
Lecture 21:
Degenerate perturbation theory 1
Lecture 22:
Degenerate perturbation theory 2
Lecture 23:
Variational method
Lecture 24:
Variation method for excited states
Lecture 25:
Revision (3rd term)