Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy

Schmidt Sky Surveys Films

NOTE: these materials are now on permanent loan to the Kielder Observatory in Northumberland. Please contact them directly if you need access (admin@kielderobservatory.org).

We have the complete set of sky survey film copies from the ROE, Edinburgh. These comprise the following:

Name            Coverage         Filter     No. films

ESO B        Dec -90 to -20        B           606     
SERC J       Dec -90 to -20        Bj          606     
ESO R        Dec -90 to -20        R           606   
SERC I/SR    Dec <= 0 & |b| < 10   R & I       163x2     
SERC EJ      Dec -15 to 0          Bj          288      
POSS-II      Dec >= 0              Bj          894    
POSS-II      Dec >= 0              R           894    
POSS-II      Dec >= 0              I           894  

We have the complete set of paper prints (plus overlays):

POSS I       Dec >= -30            103aO       936
POSS I       Dec >= -30            103aF       936

Contact Details

Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy,
Ogden Centre for Fundament Physics - West,
Department of Physics,
Durham University,
South Road,
Durham DH1 3LE
Tel: 44 (0)191 3343635