Tom Shanks (Chair)
Carlton Baugh
Shaun Cole
Carlos Frenk
Wojtek Hellwing
Richard Massey
Tamsyn McNaught-Roberts
Nigel Metcalfe
Peder Norberg
Matthieu Schaller
Yan-Chuan Cai

Ripples in the Cosmos

A conference at Durham University
22-26 July 2013


Final Programme with downloadable talks (where available):

    (R) - review speaker, (T) - targeted speaker

Monday  22nd July : 


09.00 Welcome: MJ Ward, Head of Physics Department

CMB primary and secondary backgrounds + polarisation

Chair: P Coles (Sussex)

    09.05 J Dunkley (Oxford): (R) The Cosmic Microwave Background (pdf)
    09.35 GP Efstathiou (IoA): (T) Cosmology from Planck (pptx) 
    10.05 D Scott (UBC): Other Things from Planck
    10.25 I Szapudi (IfA, Hawaii): Phase Coherence of WMAP and Planck (pdf)
    10.45 Coffee
    11.10 DJ Schwarz (Bielefield): (T) Anomalies? (pdf)
    11.40 T Shanks (Durham): Testing WMAP and Planck beams via radio sources (pdf)
    12.00 W Watson (Sussex): Simulating the ISW with the Jubilee simulation
    12.20 Y Cai (ICC):  Imprints of superstructures on the CMB (pdf)
    12.40 Poster Talks (1 min per poster)
    13.00 Lunch - Grey College (13:15)

Dark matter candidates and constraints - direct + indirect + LHC

Chair: S Pascoli (IPPP)

    14:30 J Ellis (CERN): (R) Casting Light on Dark Matter? (ppt)
    15:00 CS Frenk (ICC): (T) The Milky Way and the identity of the dark matter (pdf)
    15.30 C Boehm (IPPP): Impact of Planck Data on DM searches (pdf)
    15.50 M Lovell (ICC): Galaxy Formation with WDM (pptx)
    16:10 Tea
    16.40 C McCabe (IPPP): The Unbearable Lightness of Being: CDMS v XENON (pdf)
    17:00 M Tarbutt (Imperial): Measurement of the electron's electric dipole moment (pptx)
    17.20 T Davis (UQ): Cosmological particle physics (pptx)
    17.40 M Medvedev (Kansas): Cosmological Simulations with 2 component CDM (pdf)
    18:00 Session ends
Tuesday  23rd July : 

Large scale structure in galaxies + clusters + primordial non-Gaussianity

Chair: DJ Eisenstein (Harvard)

    09.00 M Arnaud (CEA): (R) The SZE view of galaxy clusters and cosmology (pdf)
    09.30 J Mohr (Munich): SPT galaxy cluster cosmological constraints (pdf)
    09.50 K Romer (Sussex): XMM clusters through DECAM eyes (pdf)
    10.10 M Neyrinck (Johns Hopkins): Tracking the flow of cosmic information (pdf)
    10:30 J Yoo (Zurich): Wide-angle effects in Galaxy Surveys (pdf)

    10.50 Coffee 

    11.20 D Huterer (Michigan): (R) The Quest for Primordial non-Gaussianity (pdf)
    11.50 T Giannantonio (LMU): Non-Gaussianity from galaxy clustering and ISW (pdf)
    12.10 F Castander (Barcelona): MICE simulations - a tool for cosmological surveys (pdf)
    12.30 M Crocce (Barcelona): Z-space distortion from combined photometric samples (pdf)

    12.50 Conference photo (outside Physics); Lunch - Grey College (13:15)

Large scale structure in dark matter - lensing

Chair: S Bridle (Jodrell)

    14.00 H Hoekstra (Leiden): (R) Weak lensing by large-scale structure (pdf)
    14.30 T Collett (IoA): Constraining DE with double source plane strong lenses (pdf)
    14.50 C Heymans (Edinburgh): Testing the laws of gravity with CFHT-Lens (pdf)
    15.10 T Kitching (UCL): Cosmology using 3-D Cosmic Shear (pdf)
    15.30 F Courbin (EPFL): Strong lensing +qso time delays for precision cosmology (pdf) 
    15.50 A Choi (Edinburgh): Cosmic shear in RCS2 (pdf)

    16.10 Tea - (Cathedral tour leaves immediately from registration desk)

    16.40 M Bradac (UC Davis): (T) Studying Dark Matter with Cosmic Supercolliders (pdf)
    17.10 D Harvey (Edinburgh): Measuring the cross-section of DM in clusters (keynote)
    17.30 RJ Massey (ICC): EUCLID
    17.50 End of session

Cathedral tour - be there by 16:30
Evening - Lindisfarne Gospels Exhibition - on Palace Green (between the Castle and Cathedral); 
          8 ~ 8:15pm entry, please try to be on time or you might have to wait to get in.         
          Make your own way there.
Wednesday  24th July :

Galaxy formation challenges and bias

Chair: K Kuijken (Leiden)

    09.00 SM Cole (ICC): (R) Challenges to Lambda-CDM (pdf)
    09.30 P Kroupa (Bonn): (T) Satellite galaxies: beyond the standard model of cosmology (pdf)
    10.00 A Ferguson (Edinburgh): Substructure in the M31 Satellite System (pdf) 
    10.20 M Schaller (Durham): Impact of baryons on the internal structure of haloes (pdf)

    10.40 Coffee

    11.10 RG Bower (ICC): The Cosmic Star Formation recession
    11.30 J Loveday (Sussex)  GAMA: Evolution of the mass-size relation (pdf) 
    11.50 N Padilla (Catolica): Effects of stochasticity of AM acquisition in galaxy evolution (pdf) 
    12.10 Poster Talks (1 min per poster)

    12.30 Lunch - Calman Centre (PLEASE NOTE!)
Dark energy evolution - the SNIa Hubble diagram

Chair: J Dunkley (Oxford)

    13.40 BP Schmidt (Stromlo): (R) SN Ia and Cosmology (pdf)
    14.10 M Sullivan (Southampton): (T) Supernova cosmology and physics from large surveys (pdf)
    14.40 RC Nichol (Portsmouth): The DES Supernova Survey (keynote)
    15.00 R Keenan (ASIAA, Taiwan): Evidence for a 300Mpc underdensity in local galaxy distribution (pdf) 

    15.20 Tea

    15.40 E Linder (LBNL): (T) Models of Cosmic Acceleration (pdf)
    16.10 M Moresco (Bologna): Cosmic chronometers: a new approach to expansion history (pdf)
    16.30 M Hudson (Waterloo): Testing LSS and gravity using cosmic flows (pdf)
    16.50 M Pieri (Portsmouth): Probing DE with the LyA forest
    17.10 End of Session

Cathedral tour - be at the Cathedral by 16:00 

Evening - Durham Castle tour 6:30pm.
          Conference dinner in Durham Castle - Reception 7pm, dinner 7:45pm.
Thursday  25th July :  
Dark energy evolution - baryon acoustic oscillations

Chair: BP Schmidt (Stromlo)

    09.00 DJ Eisenstein (Harvard): (R) Measuring the Cosmic Distance Scale with SDSS-III (pdf)
    09.30 C Blake (Swinburne): (T) Cosmology with the WiggleZ Survey and beyond (pdf)
    10.00 F Beutler (LBNL): BAO and the Local Hubble Constant (pdf)
    10.20 E Kazin (Swinburne): Reconstructed  BAO measurements of WiggleZ and BOSS (pdf)
    10.40 WJ Sutherland(QM): Moderate z BAO surveys : proving acceleration and N_eff (ppt)

    11.00 Coffee

    11.30 WJ Percival (Portsmouth): (T)  From current to future BAO measurements (pdf)
    12.00 NP Ross (LBNL): QSO-Lyman-alpha forest cross-clustering (keynote)
    12.20 M Viel (INAF/OATS): Matter power spectrum on small scales (pdf)
    12.40 RB Metcalf (Bologna): Gravitational lensing with 21cm intensity mapping (pdf)

    13.00 Lunch - Grey College (13:15)
Tests of Einstein and modified gravity - gravitational growth

Chair: M Arnaud (CEA Saclay)

    14.15 U Seljak (Zurich): (R) Gravitational growth (pdf) 
    14.45 L Guzzo (Milan): (R) Probing the Growth of Structure with Z-Space Distortions (pdf)
    15.15 F Marin (Swinburne): Constraining cosmic growth with the WiggleZ 3-point functions (pdf)
    15.35 A Sanchez (MPIE): Cosmological implications of the BOSS-CMASS clustering wedges (pdf)
    15.55 J Whitbourn (Durham): The Local Hole detected in 6dFGS, SDSS and 2MASS (pdf)

    16.15 Tea

    16.45 B Li (ICC): (T) Modified gravity and large-scale structures
    17.15 W Hellwing (ICC): The modified gravity smoking gun
    17.35 End of Session
Evening - boat trip with buffet on the River Tyne. Coach pickup at 6pm from the Physics 
          department car park. Return leaves Newcastle at 11:15pm.
Friday   26th July  :

Co-spatial cosmology surveys

Chair: N Metcalfe (Durham)
    09.00 JA Peacock (Edinburgh): (R) Multiple tracers of cosmological structure
    09.30 N Kaiser (IfA, Hawaii): Gravitational redshifts in clusters (pdf)
    09.50 C Duncan (Edinburgh): On the complementarity of cosmic shear with clustering using magnification bias (pdf)
    10.10 E-M. Mueller (Cornell): Constraining modified gravity with z-space distortions (pdf)
    10.30 F Prada (Granada): Large-scale halo clustering and bias from the new suite of BigMultiDark Planck simulations (pdf)

    10.50 Coffee

    11.25 S Bridle (Jodrell): (T) The Dark Energy Survey
    11.55 H Murayama (Berkeley/Kavli IPMU):  SuMIRE/PFS (pdf)
    12.15 G Hutsi (MPIA): Clustering of AGN in eROSITA all-sky survey (pdf)
    12.35 F Simpson (Edinburgh): The Clipped Power Spectrum (pptx)

    12.55 Lunch - Calman Centre (PLEASE NOTE!) 

Future cosmology projects

Chair: RC Nichol (Portsmouth)

    13.50 K Kuijken (Leiden): (T) Future (and current) cosmology surveys at ESO
    14.20 P Norberg (ICC) - standing in for D Schlegel: DESI: The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey (pdf)
    14.50 P Coles (Sussex): (T) Concluding remarks leading to Panel discussion

    15.50 End of Conference

Speakers are allowed 1 minute to describe their poster ( * - no talk required)
Poster boards will be numbered - numbers are given below. Please ensure you place your poster on the correct board.

* These schedules may be subject to change *

Monday poster talks session (posters in left-hand room on top floor):

CMB primary and secondary backgrounds + polarisation
1. A Kovacs (Eotvos): Cross-correlation of WISE Galaxies with WMAP and Planck
2. A Kovacs (Eotvos): Phase Coherence of WMAP and Planck

Dark matter candidates and constraints - direct + indirect + LHC
3. F Capela (Brussels): Constraints on primordial BH as DM candidates
4. J Davis (IPPP): Finding DM in Direct Detection Data

Large scale structure in galaxies+clusters+primordial non-Gaussianity
5. M Bilicki* (UCT): Cosmology with the largest all-sky surveys
6. C-H Chuang (IFT-UAM/CSIC): Single probe cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering
7. RG Clowes* (Lancs): Huge LQG - the largest structure in the universe 
8. S Cusworth (Jodrell): Impact of baryons on the galaxy cluster mass function
9. B Falck (Portsmouth): Indra suite of Simulations and the ORIGAMI Evolution of Structure
10. T Kazimierczak (Torun): Topological ripples - Poincare Dodecahedra
11. A Mead (Edinburgh): Rescaling halo catalogues 
12. S Murray (UWA): The Halo Mass Function and Future Galaxy Surveys
13. M Scrimgeour (UWA): Large scale homogeneity in the WiggleZ DE survey
14. A Wiegand (Potsdam): The Minkowski Functionals of the SDSS LRGs

Large scale structure in dark matter - lensing
15. T Sawala (ICC): The abundance of (not just) dark matter haloes
16. L Koens (Edinburgh): Weak lensing and redshift space distortions
17. S Lindsay (Herts): Evolution of Bias in Radio Galaxies
18. H Saghiha (Argelander): Third order galaxy-galaxy lensing in the Millennium
20. J Varga (Budapest): Galaxy orientations and clustering

Wednesday poster talks session (posters in right-hand room on top floor):

Galaxy formation challenges and bias
21. C Jose (IUCAA): Spatial clustering of high redshift galaxies
22. M Magliochetti (IAPS-INAF): Cosmic Dichotomy in hosts of star-forming systems
23. F Marulli(Bologna):Luminosity and stellar mass dependence of clustering at z=0.5-1.1
24. J Yoo (Zurich): Signatures of First Stars in Galaxy Surveys

Dark energy evolution - the SNIa Hubble diagram
25. B Roukema (Torun): The virialisation epoch: physics rather than fitting functions
26. E Ruiz (Michigan): Effects of Type Ia Supernova Systematics on Dark Energy Constraints

Dark energy evolution - baryon acoustic oscillations
27. Y Rasera (Paris Obsy):DE Universe simulation - cosmic variance limited BAO

Tests of Einstein and modified gravity - gravitational growth
28. F Beutler (LBNL): Measuring growth of structure in BOSS-CMASS power spectrum
29. L Christodoulou (Portsmouth): GAMA: Small scale anisotropic galaxy clustering and the pairwise velocity dispersion of galaxies
30. J Clampitt (UPenn): Voids in Modified Gravity: Excursion Set Predictions
31. M Manera (Portsmouth): The LOWZ BOSS galaxy sample and clustering
32. V Gonzalez-Perez (Marseille): The peculiar relative velocity of isolated pairs of model galaxies.
33. C Saulder (ESO, Chile): Observational tests of an inhomogeneous cosmology
34. D Wills (IPPP): The cosmological predictions of Dark D-brane cosmology

Co-spatial cosmology surveys
35. P Arnalta-Mur (ICC): Clustering in Alhambra
36. J Findlay (Durham): VST ATLAS
37. N McCullagh (John Hopkins): Modelling non-linearity and RSD in BAO

Content last updated May 03 2024 13:38 (nigel.metcalfe@durham.ac.uk)